Losing the motivation

Why would anyone climb to 3200 and then throw? I’ve even seen people like Samito use the word thrower in ridiculous ways. Making choices that are different than the ones you would make doesn’t mean they’re throwing.

Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like your opinion man. - The Dude


Yes but there’s always a right choice, and if you’re making a different choice that is the wrong one then… you’re making the wrong choice lol

i have at long last reached the otherworldly dimension where literal deities play…


2.8 K


(after sweating my backside off …)


i feel i have transcended mortality…

:hot_face: :100:

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Lol “making different choices” try sitting in spawn or just running around the map randomly and not engaging with anyone. The argument “they’re high rank they wouldnt throw” is non existent. High rank is full of throwers. In fact, throughout gold- low plat I barely had ANY throwers, only as I climbed did I find more.


If you have no hope how do you think bronze players feel. 1 out of 100 matches might resemble a actual good comp match.

With your Rein “playstyle”? He would have beaten you alone =]


i could probably beat both of you with one hammer swing

:astonished: :japanese_ogre:

got another vod for yas

well you havent tried enough to improve since to get into diamond is literally just play the game


Hey whatever I give up okay you guys win. I already quit this unfair game and don’t plan on returning to this or OW2. No mater how much I try to improve no matter how much I try to get better I am always held back. Gain 50 SR then lose 100, I get 1 good game then 5 bad ones in a row, rinse and repeat. Then you sit there and say “Well its your fault” Okay fine it’s my fault I intentionally throw my games and tell teammates to be toxic and throw in order to be more bad. I honestly really don’t care anymore.

I tried everything I could to get better but it just doesn’t work for me. The game doesn’t want me to level and I submit to its unfairness.

I suck and I will never get good or aspire to your level.

Feel better?

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Season 26-27 is the lowest I’ve been since season 1. Coming back up now but I’m having to grind for SR ranges I used to just chill in. Player base is getting better at the game faster than I am possibly.


Did you try aim training for 30-60 mins a day 7 days a week for 5-6 weeks straight?

After aim training for 30-60 mins a day, playing another 60 mins of arcade only? 8 Player FFA or 4v4 DM? And if those game modes weren’t available, Quick Play try-hard to try and maximize your hero?

Serious questions…?

Because that’s how I climbed from Silver to Platinum on DPS. If you want to be better than the average player then you need to put in more effort than the average player. Very few people do this… And very few people can climb above the average level of performance.

Being Diamond means you’re in the Top 14% of all overwatch players in your region. Being Masters means you’re in the Top 3%, and being GM+ is less than 1% (based on 2019 statistics).

And because of how old Overwatch is, it is realistic to expect the minimum skill/performance to be a gold+ player has gone up in difficulty… Just because you stay stagnant and unproductive, doesn’t mean other people want to.


Castor please don’t listen to this guy

let me give you some real advice

play in a regular team if at all possible and you can criticise each others plays

stick to 6 stack comp/scrims

that’s real Overwatch

More evidence of Rigging:

When the game tries everything to make you lose but nothing works it resorts to the final ploy: dc someone

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CALCULUS responding to your requests since you asked nicely:

Here is my daily routine. I start the day in aim training custom game for about an hour maybe 2 to get warmed up. I then play a few quick QP games to get movements down, practice VC and start my eye hand coordination etc etc.

After I feel comfortable I then queue for comp and yeah sure I’ll get 1 or 2 really good games followed by a mass of leavers, throwers, toxics you name it.

After this is over, win or lose, I go back and VOD all my games to look at what i am doing.

But after my 3rd week of bad luck I’ve given up all hope now for this game.

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(not doubting you assuming there is truth to this) this is what I like to hear. And this is the level of commitment required to succeed (you can’t give up though, KEEP aim training).

I’m not sure if I agree with 2 whole hours of aim training though. That seems a little excessive (unless you’re in plat and climbing to diamond). And what hero/es do you train with?

Since you’re talking aim training, I’m going out on a limb here and guessing you play DPS :sweat_smile: If that’s the case, I heavily recommend spending time in 8 player Free for All in the arcade (the blue card and its various versions: Petra death match, etc), or 4v4 Death Match. Gun Game (hero gauntlet), and 3v3 elimination are “OK” but not as good as 8 Player FFA and 4v4 DM.

This is going to help you MASTER 1v1 engagements through movement, mechanics and clutch factor ( being low health and being forced to take 1v1’s).

When these game modes are not available in the arcade, I recommend playing Quick Play as a super try-hard trying to carry your games. Don’t get tilted though. Focus on positioning (using natural cover) and hero counters to outplay your enemy.

If you can develop competency on your main hero (as well as 2 other heroes, preferably hitscan being at least one of them) as well as being experience on a couple other heroes, you’d be surprised how having even a little bit of competency on a hero can change the flow of the game.

Don’t confuse what I’m saying with, practice ALL heroes… That’s not what I’m saying at all.

Try to get in the habit of quitting comp after 2 bad losses. If you’re getting bad games, why not go back to Arcade or Quick Play and work on positioning and mechanics? Positioning is a life long process. Your positioning can always be better. “MY” positioning can always be better. A T2 contentders player I know says his “BIGGEST” issue is bad positioning (keep in mind, these guys have positioning LIGHT YEARS ahead of you or I).

If positioning is a vague and abstract concept, you can always ask me for help and I can explain. Or if I don’t know, we can find a T500 player who does :smile:

Sometimes an artist is too close to his work. Myself and a couple other people around here are always willing to give you solid and legitimate VOD reviews. We’re always very blunt but thats because our goal is to show you why its wrong :kissing_heart:

There’s also a Former T2 Contenters Coach (Temporal) who shows up and does VOD reviews for people from time to time!!

Bro I feel that… Overwatch is a hard game, there’s a lot of moving pieces and information to manage (one of the reasons they’re removing the 6th player from the game :unamused:).

Personally I honestly don’t play ladder Overwatch anymore. I hit Masters and that was enough for me. I’m not trying to be an OWL player. Valorant is a great game if you wanna join me, I’m always down… :innocent: :kissing_heart:


Plat DPS/Gold tank but lately I have been tanking main Dva. Train with 76, Cree, Reap and Dva. Usually it’s around 1 hour I only go 2 if I feel I am struggling or think I can do better.

In QP I main Dva and I try to carry but I don’t tilt in QP. QP is just a warm up for me for pos, movement, d bombs, focusing on timing my CDs and thinking of strategy etc.

I’d be quitting non stop then. I think heard a streamer say it best one day. I was watching a well known streamer and after his 16th loss in a row he stopped for 10 mins and re-queued in comp won and said “There you go now you see there are winning queues and losing queues!” I seem to get a lot of losing queues.

I don’t think you would be telling me anything I don’t know. I go back and watch every second and every min of what I am doing and analyze it. Maybe it would be good to have another set of eyes or two look at it but I already lost hope for it. Not to mention even if I did really good in a game what threw me off the edge lately is no mater how good I do, POTG, 4 golds, out DPS the DPS, only one to receive a card in a game etc etc everyone spams “tank diff!” and everyone agrees with it. I am so sick an tired of seeing it and hearing it that I just don’t want to waste my time with losers like this. I have much better things to do with my time than go into a game and put forth 110% just to be shut down in every game as a tank diff.

EDIT: The other thing I am sick and tired of seeing is I’ll take let’s say Dva into a game to help peel for my supports etc. Then 3 people on my team will start yelling at me for picking dva into a DF That is diving our supports, or a ball that is just rolling around even though i am being very effective and helping our supports out. On the flip side let’s say I take a Rein to help shield from Widow fire or Pharah fire, well then they’ll say “You dumbass you’re playing Rein into a Widow and Pharah!!! You suck!!” Even though I am not diving the Widow or Pharah I am still shielding or covering our supports and other DPS from this non stop damage. So okay i’ll change into Winston and start diving the Widow or whoever well here we go again they yell at me and say “You’re playing Winston into a Rein and Hog what you have no awareness at all!” I just can’t win no matter what I pick. So then maybe i’ll pick Sig the process just continues on and on and on on no matter what tank I pick I’m always told it’s the wrong tank. Yet another person will pick an OT like Hog and play them into a Reap, Pharah, or Zaraya and never get told about it.

They most likely didnt, he is just delusional thinking everyone cares about him to the point of trolling his smurf games :slight_smile:

Diamond players playing like diamond players isnt throwing just because he said so.


Dayum!! You’re literally RIGHT in striking distance!! Don’t give up bro!! YOU CAN PUSH INTO DIAMOND!! If you can be Plat, you for sure can be Diamond…

Based on this information, I’m definitely gonna say keep up your rigorous aim training regimen!! You CAN do it!! I do think you should add the 8 Player FFA though.

So the one thing I learned (once I finally hit diamond) is, you HAVE to flex… I joined a scrim team, once I hit Diamond, as the hitscan player and I learned EVER SO MUCH.

When I went back to climb my 2 alt accounts to Diamond, from gold and low plat respectively, it was so much easier once I had a deeper hero pool with higher game sense and awareness.

In other words… Don’t wait until Diamond to start flexing. You’d be surprised how crucial your performance (mediocre or not) can be with the “right” hero choice.

Seems like you’ve got the right mindset then. You know QP has an MMR as well… If you start performing better in your QP games, you eventually get matched against higher elo players.

This account only gets matched against Diamond/Masters and GM players in QP. My queue times for "QUICK" play are not quick:roll_eyes: :unamused: :unamused: :roll_eyes:

I mean… My experience is that climbing through/out of Platinum is the WORST rank because everyone is toxic, everyone has an ego, and everyone thinks they’re better than everyone else.

Even KarQ, Arregh, and SVB said that Platinum is the worst rank in the game. When you’re able to get queue’d with Silver/Gold and Platinum players, you’re looking at the LARGEST skill variance in the game.

Diamond games were great to me. I loved being in Diamond. And the few games (40-60) that I played in Masters seemed to be more of the same as high Diamond… Great games but very difficult. People are VERY GOOD at Overwatch up here… (keep in mind the actual skill curve doesn’t become exponential until 4000).

I’m always willing to try and help!! I do like helping players succeed, knowing that Overwatch can be a VERY frustrating experience… :frowning:

Dude I’ve been in games where I literally had to kill 5 people myself (and the Mercy escaped) and I solo-capped point by dropping bob because the rest of my team was caught in grav and died and were coming back from spawn… :unamused: :unamused:

And those mofo’s still were flaming me as if I was the problem for not killing a pocketed Cree/Junk, as a non-pocketed Ashe and our Symm/Genji player literally did nothing all game.

I’ve been there dude… It sucks… #PlatChat amirite?! :joy: :joy:

In Valorant (from knowing how I tilt when the enemy is toxic) I just mute chat because its not going to lead to anything except frustration.

Hence why I don’t play anymore :slight_smile: and even when I did, all the more reason not to smurf. The games are a waste of time when you have to carry dead weight.

In Diamond and Masters, the tanks do A LOT of heavy lifting and you (as DPS) REALLY have to work to keep up, instead of it being the other way around…

Honestly, if the Toxicity really gets to you this much, its time to move on from Overwatch and competitive video gaming. It doesn’t get better in Valorant or CSGO (those are the only other competitive games I’ve tried) and I’ve heard nasty things about League of Legends.

Games are awesome and Overwatch is the best game I’ve ever played, but it’s not worth your mental health bro… If you can’t find joy in the game anymore, its time to find something else… For real…


3 or 4 seasons ago i would’ve agreed with you, but i have seen a decline especially in this season. For whatever reason this season I’ve seen more blatant hackers, toxics, throwers, smurfs etc. I don’t know why I wish it wasn’t this way but it’s just not for me anymore. I used to play another MMO that was great until it was taken over by toxic players and now that game is as good as dead and ruined and run by nothing but toxics. I am started to see the same trend in OW. The game just isn’t controlled fairly anymore and is overrun by the majority of the bad player base.

I was solidly in Diamond at this time… There were definitely quite a few hackers (this was probably season 24/25). Trust me… I’ve gotten my share of “GREEN” thank you for reporting cheating/hacking/disruptive behavior cards. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s gotten worse since I left…

Because you’re a better player now and you;re starting to realize when something isn’t quite right.

Platinum by far has the largest amount of players on alt accounts Diamond/Masters players warming up for their main accounts…

There are also a lot of genuinely skilled players in plat who would be higher rank if they cared about climbing. Or maybe they already climbed and just play their favorite hero for fun. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Platinum is the most toxic rank I ever experienced besides probably Silver… Everyone has an ego in these ranks for LITERALLY NO REASON… :roll_eyes:

There are throwers in every rank. People will throw in Diamond just because they don’t like your gamer tag. Its just not quite as common fortunately…

As do I…

Valorant as well…

A lot of the actual issues with the game can be attributed to the poor attitude of the player base. Which is why you see me shut people down when they start acting stupid here on the forums. Literally all of my negative experience in this game has come from the player base…


I enjoy watching these players who got “Top 500” in an Arcade mode with a population of like 520 players think that they somehow deserve GM in regular comp because that T500 player icon went right to their head