Silver/Gold Tank play vs. DPS Diff?

WQZC88: Rialto
Heroes: Sigma/Zarya
SR Range: 16xx to 17xx

Can someone please provide me with a VOD review?

I honestly thought I played pretty well and yet the enemy team was calling DPS diff. at the end of the game and I’d really like to know what else I could have done here.

Thank you.

after 8 hrs with no reply (Maybe coz the Americans were sleeping), I will be ur shining ray of hope, even though im only plat, I can maybe give some decent advice especially since I was once a hardstuck silver and gold tank player.

My Zarya is bronze level but my sigma played a big part of helping me climb so I can provide some insight into that.

Im not at my computer rn but will get at it as soon as I can

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Former top contenders coach reviewing your game Silver Zarya Runs Over Enemy Team - YouTube


very well made video, no point in me replying then I guess haha

That Ana’s Sleep was absolutely HILARIOUS!!

Also, I refuse to believe this game was DPS diff.

Thanks. I watched it. Started to pick up Sigma, didn’t really know how to play him. This helps.

You’re welcome, and good luck with the improvements.


Hey Temporal, just wanted to thank you for the amazing work on helping players out. Your review on my Masters Ball VOD a few months ago was amazing! Keep up the amazing work =]


Hello, i really like your video, can you actualy look at my game and review it too? If you have time of course. I would like to know if that match was even winnable and what I could do better. It is low bronze btw, 699 SR.


I am playing Mercy. I think I am good but I would like to see your opinion what to do better if there is aynthing.


Oh sorry, I couldn’t get to this one before yesterdays patch wiped out the codes. Happy to take a look in the next day or two if you’ve got a new one though.

Why thank you and I’m glad it was so helpful to you!

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Thank you for providing free VODs to the Forum community!!

There is a lot of “negative” perspective towards the game of Overwatch. A lot of us try to offer guidance and suggestion, but sometimes having an actual game play expert is “just better.”


Oh well then I have these 3, it was loss streak and I honestly have no clue what I could have done differently. The thing is I am actualy climbing, well its more like I am losing less than winning :slight_smile: But I am curious if I could win these somehow, what do you think? I climbed something so it is around 800 SR.


I think these 3 games were pretty much unwinnable so i am looking more for flaws and bad habits in my gameplay to fix than how to win games i posted.

Okay, reviewing your 3rd replay code here Blaster Mechanics Aren't Enough Bronze Mercy - YouTube