Losing the motivation

You did see the evidence in his comments to your gameplay. If you dont agree with his statements, i guess you can argue with his points. But you didnt.


I notice a pattern with you/others here

you very happy to criticise extensively other peoples gameplay

but when it comes to putting your own skills to the test and showing us that you are remotely worthy of being qualified to give that advice you back out with excuses like “I haven’t played the game in a long time” " don’t have it installed" etc



I’ve already hit masters for DPS (season 27 and maintained Diamond for multiple seasons as well as climbing to/passed 3000 SR on multiple accounts).

I climbed to Diamond on Tank and there’s no reason to continue playing tank as I don’t enjoy the role.

There’s no reason to continue playing competitive Overwatch. I don’t want to be an OWL player and I have no desire to dedicate the time it requires to become a GM DPS player.

What…? You want me to do my placements so the shiny little symbol comes up as validation? We all know you can just camp your SR because there is currently no SR decay.

Why would I go in-game with you if:

A. me playing below my rank is just going to give you wins you haven’t earned

B. you’re not in Comms which means we have fundamental differences on how this game is meant to be played and I won’t queue with a teammate not in comms.

C. I honestly just don’t like you very much.

For all the complaining you do about the match maker, words like “worthy” are kinda funny tbh…


All I’m hearing are excuses. Let me know when you are brave enough to back up your words


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Let me know when you’re man enough to accept some responsibility for your actions. Or should I say, failure of actions…


I’m willing to make a concession on this for you then


actually there is another way of testing who is better but it’s much more inconvenient

We have to make teams for a scrim and see who is the mtd


If you struggle in Plat, you are going to get completely runover in GM.

So now the matchmaker has emotions… interesting


You are already at your true rank. Improve and you will rank up.

Because you do not belong in any rank above Plat, it’s simply as that. Your mechanics and gamesense is nowhere near diamond.

“I deserve to be GM”

Just because you delusionally think that you deserve GM, doesn’t mean you actually do.

No one said anything like that, but sure.


I’ll step up/own up for this one…

But because I don’t sit there and grind ladder doesn’t mean the game sense and understanding of the game (like not shield botting high noon :joy: :joy:) goes away.

The only thing that wanes is mechanics… I have no desire to sit during my free time and aim train for 30 mins to an hour a day just to maintain Masters rank.

Can I do it? Yes… That’s how I got there…

Am I going to keep doing it? No… I have no desire to be higher than 3650 SR. I’ve accomplished my competitive aspirations and I know what it takes to make it and maintain it.

I prefer to move onto other things like playing Valorant casually. Or rock climbing with my IRL’s since lockdown has ended, or working on my car to get it race worthy again…

Overwatch is old news…

Been there done that, GG Go Next…

Easy game easy life…


If you’re not having fun anymore. Feel free to take a break. There is more to life than Overwatch.




I don’t care what your rank is …ladder is meaningless


Says the guy who keeps making posts about:

  • rigged match making
  • I’m unable to climb because “muh tem mets sukk”
  • Lost motivation (aka) mad cuz bad

that’s exactly why the ladder is meaningless…

if there was a proper tournament system in the game i would jump on that…


You can’t even maintain Diamond long enough to join a Diamond scrim team. Beyond that, you would get booted from any team you joined with because nobody want’s a main tank who can’t shot call.


excuse me i was on a open division team and my team loved me



“My rank is bad and I am terrible, so that means ladder is meaningless”


That’s cool… Anyone can join OD. Literally everyone I know who’s been on a scrim team has competed in OD.

Slow clap then stops


yep and we probably would have beaten your team if you were even in one…

