Losing the motivation

More VODs. Frequent leavers. Last one on kings row was hardest. LFG makes Platinum so much more bearable.

Platinum games are actually harder than diamond. STRANGE NO? Every game feels like a fight against the system.

I’m especially proud of this particular game which we won even with the leaver partway through. Evading Mei walls left right and centre: A7Y2XC

Also more evidence of documented handicapping when in a competent group:

Note how Havana and Kings Row were super difficult. These were games with the same group where we had already proven competency.

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This thread is full of people that think Diamond is some god-tier. I’m sitting at low plat on my tank role and at least 60% of my games are with Diamonds and I don’t feel out of place. I’ve played hundreds of games at Diamond level in various roles and it’s weird that people think there’s some disconnect between plat and Diamond. There’s really not. People make dumb mistakes at every level.

Low diamond is just people who are good at the game but don’t like tryharding enough for the higher ranks.


There’s a significant difference between 3100 and 3300+

Edit: my perspective of Diamond games being better is, by this point, the games are significantly more balanced.

Because the skill variance of players from 4 different ranks are present.


And this is why MMR is important because you’re getting matched with people closer to your actual level of performance rather than powning n00bz

When I crossed over to 3000, I think 1 out of 100 games would have a platinum player in it. The rest were either Diamond or low masters.


You are 6 stacking with LFG randoms, playing main tank and not using comms. There’s no way you believe what you say stop trolling lmao.


He won’t…. And he shield bots half his games and expects his DPS to carry him.

In the last VOD he posted, he had a Hanzo and a Cree player on BlizzWorld who had EXCELLENT target focus and kept the enemy rien so pressured it “should” have been freelo….

But he literally stands around like he’s on government payroll while his DPS did all the work :joy::joy:

He lost that game btw….


If you are going to criticise me at least tell the truth rather than make things up…

I’ve shared all of the VODs. All of the evidence for algorithmic handicapping evidence is there.


You lost the game on BlizzWorld where you had Hanzo and Cree putting in MORE than their share of work.

With as well as they were playing, you had no reason to play so passively….
Proof that not all Overwatch players are created equal I guess….


Which game are you referring to?

Reread the paragraph….

The truth…. Shall reveal itself….


If you want to test the matchmaker, then solo queue. Play 50 games that way, and then post VODs.

When you go to LFG and play 6-stacks you prevent the matchmaker from doing it’s job. 6-stack LFG is the absolutely worst possible way to try to get a fair match. If you get an opponent team that is also LFG 6-stack, then it is basically a coin flip on whether you have a chance. If it’s a pre-made with people who play together routinely, you will probably always lose.

All you’ve done is post evidence for why to NOT LFG 6-Stack.


Here is proof that calculus is lying: A7Y2XC

Reader, make up your own mind. Do you trust an individual who has been proven to make things up?

Nice try kid… I’m talking about the game you posted 2 days ago in your second set of VODs.

Its actually hilarious watching you grasp at straws… :joy:

Now that we’ve established that you’re deceitful, I have “00.00” issue admitting when I’m wrong…

ht tps://imgur.com/gallery/zenMXdQ


you should have clarified that then


NOmegalul… Not my job to provide clarity when you keep a video log of YOUR gameplay…


And there are multiple games that I had in Blizzard world…


I’m not going to spend my life watching all of your moderately above average gameplay…

Pokimane is much more enjoyable if I’m going to endure watching anyone play games…


But you literally lied

You said “last vod”

reader: note that calculus declined to offer ANY proof of his “expertise”


The burden of proof is on you my guy…

Nobody here is claiming to be an expert.

You just like to put words in peoples mouths.


Show us some of your Reinhardt gameplay please.


Why do you think it is necessary for him to share Reinhardt gameplay to prove that you play badly? He still achieved a higher rank than you with different heroes, that is all that matters.

My rein is probably Plat level with bad shatters, firestrikes and charges, but when I play main heroes like Ball, Sigma, Hog, I play them at Masters level.