Losing the motivation

In watching the first couple minutes of your Rien play on Anubis:

  • You’ve missed several fire-strikes or sent them into Zar bubble

  • You’re not communicating with your off-tank (who is actively shot calling and non-toxic).
    – You should be calling out cool downs (Zarya no friendly)
    – You should be shot calling targets (MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY) until he is dead…
    – You charge a couple of times when there was no reason, and honestly you should have just died on first point to buy more time. I understand why you didn’t though, but I think the ult charge they’d gain from you is honestly minimal compared to the most valuable resource (TIME).

  • @ 03:10: you’re aimlessly walking around looking for Widow which is NOT Rienhardts responsibility… You should be up front holding the line. You saw widow go on the flank, call it out in TC and let your DPS/Supports find them and destroy them.

#lying… You’re literally 6-stacking… :face_with_monocle: :roll_eyes:


So you auto-lock Rien on a map that’s much better suited for a bunker composition?? That’s definitely not Diamond level understanding of the game…

Yeah… Sure… You can run brawl on Junkertown (1st point), but why would you do this on a map with such large and open sight lines and multiple flank routes into your backline? Literally a Hanzo/Widow/Tracer/Ashe/Echo/Genji/Sombra dream opportunity…

Also you should be flagged for Abusive Chat (@ 15:15) but I’m not gonna split hairs ig…

  • @ 17:14: There’s no reason for you to drop here… If the enemy team was more coordinated/prepared they would have punished you for this and you’d have fed. The better option was just to rotate back from high ground.

  • Your shield management isn’t great (at least on this map). And again… This is part of the reason you probably shouldn’t be on Rien. They’re running a relatively spam heavy comp (with Winston who cleaves through shields anyways…). Do you really think you’re getting max value out of Rien here?

  • @ 18:38: The opposite of a Godlike charge… More like a Gold-like charge. You didn’t even try to line yourself up on Winston… You legit just “yolo” it…

  • @ 19:08: Do you understand the damage ramp-up effect of High-Noon? You do realize that just shield botting is a sure-fire way to get your team (and you) killed… (Diamond players know this). Cree will absolutely destroy your shield. And he does… :slight_smile:

You come out of spawn and directly feed your nuts off…? :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

They don’t have a reaper and your team has a Bapt and an Ana… Your DPS are struggling a bit to effectively deal with Widow. You should probably be on Monkey and trying to help them out…

Or you should be shot calling your D.Va to dive on Widow… Again… YOU should be leading your team… Or you shouldn’t be on tank and wondering why you’re not climbing…

  • @19:56 You use shatter on Cree and hog when the team fight is already won?? @20:14 you’re shield botting when you should be letting your shield regenerate?

  • @ 23:20 Why aren’t you calling out the location of the Torb turret so your DPS can focus it down!!! You’ve literally already lost over 100 HP because you and your team are not effectively dealing with the turret… :unamused: :unamused:

  • @26:29 I feel like you should seriously consider unbinding charge for a while… (I did it when I was learning Rien and I can think of at least 3 or 4 GM tank mains I’ve talked to who also have). For the last 3 minutes I’ve watched you use charge on cool down and honestly only get value out of it twice…
    – Once when you killed Roadhog
    – Once when you disengaged from a lost team fight…

  • After action report: You have more deaths than you do elims… Kinda yikes dude…
  • 30:12 - I hear the pain in this players voice when she’s telling you, you need to be more flexible… Its cool that you still think OTP’ing is the way to play Overwatch… I can assure you it only works for a select group. You’re not in it…

By far not the ugliest tank play I’ve ever seen, but definitely NOT Diamond level Rien play…