The ranking up question

I’m curious as to why you think this is the case. A) wouldn’t this suggest that there would be relatively little skill variance within ranks and B) that the number of matches that were fairly matched rather than blowouts would be smaller?

This doesn’t really make sense. Your MMR is tied, ultimately, to the quality of your decisions and your ability to execute on those decisions. Actions per minute may or may not correlate to win rate.

Players run Rein on Junkertown even at PRO level

Are you his alt btw?


Sure. At the pro level. You sure don’t look Pro to me.

Not unless he’s a T500 player. Which I know he is definitely not.


If he’s good enough to be run on JT at pro level then it’s absolutely fine to run it in Lower ranks considering that meta matters even less there


Who cares though. It is clearly viable and you clearly should not be pretending to be an authority on things you have no idea about…


Well I’ll make you a deal, once you actively out rank me on tank, I’ll “consider” listening to you :relieved:

I also never claim to be an expert/authority. Just better than you :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re not even ranked so I’ve already won that challenge…


So why is your peak lower than mine…?

According to Overbuff your last ranks:


Because they won’t suddenly get better, pretty easy to figure out.


Well, of course not, that would be a stupid conclusion. Obviously a reset would have no effect on player skill, so I’m not even sure why you’re mentioning that.

Again, if what you say is accurate, and most people would eventually wind up where they belong, you’re also implying that there’s no substantial skill gap within ranks, otherwise how could higher skill players and substantially worse players still be in the same rank?

You’re also implying that most people who create alt accounts (essentially an MMR reset for a single individual) mostly fall back down to the rank where they were before. What’s your evidence for this?

Well there is a skill curve and it is exponential. However, the steepest point of increase doesn’t hit until 4000 SR (or so GM players like to claim).

The difference between Diamond and Masters is noticeable.

The difference between platinum and Diamond is pretty obvious.

The difference between (the varying degrees of) platinum and gold can definitely be observed.

The difference between gold and silver is “noticeable,” and the difference between bronze and silver is noticeable.

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LOL they are doing a reset if you are referring to MMR/SR…

Maybe 80%, far from 100%.

I’d say about 50%; you got numbers to counter, show them. Generally, players who do alts see improvement after the first, but any more tend to be same rank unless they focus on a different role. This is no secret.

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I agree with everything you’ve said here, but he’s claiming that after a reset, basically nothing would change. There are several reasons why an MMR reset could have a drastic impact on the ladder, particularly below some cut off point (probably Masters). I also asked for him to provide evidence that players who purchase try-hard alts accounts (an MMR reset for an individual) mostly fall back down to where they were before. I would be inclined to agree if Overwatch matchmaking was completely random, but it isn’t.

How does this relate to my comment?


I don’t have to show numbers, you’re the one making the claim. And it seems like you’re speculating/guessing here. Do you have anything that would qualify as proof to back any of this up?

This right here tells you all you need to know. They can spew anything they want and we the players have NO WAY TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

No, there’s no spot taken up. The total number of players is not fixed, unless you’re talking about top 500, in which case you’re correct.


Well, think about the bottom 8%. Everytime someone from Gold or above creates an alt account and goes through placements, they are pushing the average skill level higher on a per-account level which means it becomes harder for players at the lower tier to rank up simply because the average skill of all ‘accounts’ seem to be increasing. You can’t play like an average player when the average becomes skewed ever upwards by the sheer number of higher-skill players that flood the ladder with alts.


Well sure, but why would they do this? They don’t care that much about deceiving you.

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Good points. My original reply was wrong. I see what you’re saying here. Your point is provable by an over-the-top thought experiment. If 10 million OWL players suddenly joined the ladder, it’d be much harder to get into Plat as they displaced everyone else downward and blocked efforts to climb up.

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This is why alt accounts can negatively affect players at the low ranks even if they don’t throw any games. It artificially modifies the definition of ‘average skill’.