No, you do NOT need shields

yes you don’t need shields if you don’t want to win


you are the type of rein I’d be happy to have always on my team

One thing I love the most are aggressive tanks

not just a little aggressive either… SUPER AGGRO


Yes, yes don’t even read or try to understand what is conveyed here.

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you don’t need a shield to win, there have been multiple meta in GM in the past that relied on no shield lol

Well good luck in OW2 then. Also keep aggroing your own team mates because they chose not to play whatever you demand, instead of actually trying to make the most out of a given situation, which might include going out of your comfort zone and getting creative… i.e. actually getting gud.


If blaming the boogie man was a competitive aspect of Overwatch, you be rank 1for all 3 roles….

Have fun :slight_smile:


Imagine playing Rien on junkertown.

Whoa there…I never ever asked someone to swap, I never demanded something. Few times I politely asked if we can get a main tank, that is all, so keep your accusation down, thank you.

Can´t get any better when I am healing my guts out and my team is melted down anyway…


This game has shields?!!?

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So why even keep tanks around then? If we’re just going to be hiding and peeking over cars and boxes all game, why even have a fatter dps to run ahead of everyone else?

It would be nice to have the option of playing around shields if you want to instead of being forced to play for cover all the time. Shields were a bit excessive in OW1 but making them non-existent in OW2 is going way too far in my opinion.

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My hope is ow2 will have maps with shorter sight lines and easier routes to reach snipers. Cause spending the majority of the game hiding behind walls waiting for widow to die is not fun.


Hey man we could also remove heal by this logic.
Because if you don’t get hit you never need heal and there all over the place health packs.


Geoff Goodman to his staff:


I remember when OW wasn’t a traditional FPS.


Had another one of those games just now. A good example. The usual “mimimi no shields” the whole game. In the end the PotG would show people just W into Junkrats nade spam, even though one can clearly see them, if a monitor is being utilized.

That’s exactly the point. It’s not a deathmatch. It’s not about kills or damage. It’s about an objective, tactics, strategy. You have to use some grey matter to accomplish your goals. That’s even more true when you don’t have your classic shield babysitter - you still have plenty tools, but you forgot how to use them.

I really do wonder what this shield cult is doing in OW2. Are they going to throw half their games because there is a fifty fifty chance of not getting that oh so crucial shield?

I don’t know if you misunderstood, but i meant that i want 2 tanks and shields in the game. I miss when the TTK wasn’t so low and when tanks weren’t so fragile. I miss when we had a more diverse abilities and more unique heroes kits.

I’m against the direction OW is going


You dont need shields if the other team cant hit anything. You want the shields if your team is being deleted by hitscan players otherwise


I can tell you what most will do:

  • stop playing Overwatch
  • playing only PvE Overwatch
  • or playing character that don’t need shield like Tracer, Genji, Widow…

Some on this forum don’t understand how much casual the actual gameplay is and how much ruin the skills of the players, specially for how much they relay on shields.

Hopefully Ow2 will make overwatch a competitive game with some changes, specially the shields/tanks changes.

Reducing the actual playersbase and get a new one will help to get people more used to a more competitive gameplay.

And how likely is that?

Even without hitscan players, there is still projectile spam.

Uh I’d say… if you’re in Silver probably don’t need shields, but Gold players have decent aim for their rank