Losing the motivation

So by saying this you would agree that the game is fixed to give certain players the advantage while not giving it to other players? If he is in diamond rank and you, being the expert, says he doesn’t deserve to be there well then there must be something wrong behind the curtains.

This is precisely why lower ranked players have a hard time trying to climb because they see this THIS player in diamond and sit in wonderment is to how this happened.

I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t the first player I’ve seen in a rank where he doesn’t belong as you stated. I’ve actually seen hundreds of players diamond to GM play worst than this have a constant rank of diamond through GM. Not saying all players don’t belong there. There are some players who should belong in their rank.

This is the argument that players make that you higher ELos don’t seem to understand.

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yeah if I was actually in diamond which i am on another account then that would actually disprove their theories … ( I have been told I belong in gold). I am either boosted or not high enough and either way I do not “belong” at the rank lol…

No, saying someone is boosted is just a convenient excuse to say why someone shouldn’t belong where they need to be. If CALCULUS critiqued a hundred diamond through GM players and said 50 of them shouldn’t belong there, maybe 10% of that 50 would possibly be boosted and that is being generous. Hell I’ll even go 15%

So what accounts for the other 43 players? Oh they just got lucky?

We are talking from the gameplay we saw, you make a ton of mistakes and weird stuff that a Diamond player does not do. We are judging you from the gameplay on this account.

Also we don’t know wether your Secondary “Diamond” Account is either just imaginary or boosted.

Yes, it gives the “advantage” to better people, because they are more likely to win based of their performance.

This is a team game, Hulk has shown no communication to his team wether it is callouts or discussing strats. And then just proceeds to push alone and die. His mechanics are nowhere strong enough to be enough to carry him out of plat without relying on teamwork.

From the gameplay, looks like Hulk should be around Gold/plat, nothing over or under that.

Everybody has off days where they play like bots even here in Masters+.

I used to be a Low Gold player myself and was stuck there for a long time until I put the time to focus on improving myself and stop blaming teammates like you guys are doing.


I would honestly say if I had a gm account I could easily hold it there

it doesn’t matter how flawlessly I play I will still lose games because suddenly the game gives the enemy team advantages when is see how good I am and maybe it gets jealous

So you are Plat player then ? What is problem here :thinking: You can’t be happy where you are ?


Problem is that it takes a ridiculous amount of time each season to grind to my true rank

every single season people tell me that I do not belong in the next rank up and then eventually I get there anyway but it takes a ridiculous amount of time and I don’t actually play better at the end of the season than I do at the start so who knows what is going on to make me in one rank at the end of the season and I’m not at the start. It’s clear as day rigging for churn/grind

Welcome to the club.

I grew tired of waiting for Blizzard to fix the numerous issues with Competitive on console (such as keyboard & mouse users, smurfs, leavers, and non-compulsory voice chat, just to name a few). When they said not to expect anything until Overwatch 2 or later for a fix to the smurfing problem that was the last straw for me.

I’m now playing games that actually respect their players. The only time I return to Overwatch is for new cosmetics but once those are earned I’m off to play other games again.

The only time I’ll return on a regular basis is when they fix the issues with Comp.

Woah, I can’t even climb, because I disconnected a couple of times and now I’m suspended.

Ability to coach or have good analyzing skills isnt directly related to ingame rank and ability to carry diamond games.


Well show us and apply for SVB unlucky challenge and you will have the chance.

But i have no clue how you can even think that you would not struggle on gm account when you cant even climb from plat.

I can climb from plat when i try hard enough and thinking that i could keep up with people in gm is hilarious.



He is currently struggling to climb through platinum and thinks he’s a GM…

Nowhere do I claim to be an expert. The exact opposite claim is made actually. But high five bro… :slight_smile:

What? That he was lucky enough to get carried through his 5 placement games to hit 3000 SR? Anyone can create a brand new account and (if they win all 5 placement games on a role they) can touch 3000 SR. But if you can’t climb through 3000 to 3500 and you constantly hit 3000 and fall below, that doesn’t make you a 3000 level player…

I mean… You’re asking a question that would require a developer from Blizzard to answer. I don’t work for them (nor would I :joy:) but there are plenty of “rigged MM cultists” around here who are more than willing give you the confirmation bias you’re looking for.

Not gonna lie, I wonder as well…

I mean… If you play enough games, eventually you get to a point where you win simply because the enemy team is LESS qualified than you are. How many times over? :woman_shrugging:t2:

I wouldn’t even stretch to imagine you’re saying this tbh…

What argument is that exactly? I don’t see one anywhere…?

I am unqualified to review gameplay above 3650 SR as I have not climbed/scrimmed higher than that.

They likely don’t play enough games to drop back to where they belong. That said, I’d also say the data science which defines the ladder rungs isn’t as stable as it should be since people can play 5-10 games a season and call themselves Diamonds/Masters/Grand Masters.

When there was SR decay this was actually healthier for the game as it would require people to continually vie for their spot on the ladder. It did, however, make the game extremely tedious as people would be FORCED to play the game, which nobody wants.


Buy one and prove us wrong then…

I’m 100% certain you could not hold an account in Grand Masters.


I’ve seen no evidence that CALCULUS is qualified or capable of either of the two

but the statement he made was:

So… prove it?


You’re the one complaining about the ladder and competitive overwatch, the burden of proof is on you my guy…


I didn’t claim that I was better at Overwatch than you… you did… so… Prove. It.

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All the same, the fact that you’re continually on the forums complaining about competitive Overwatch and scuff at anyone who gives you constructive criticism is proof that you’re worse than me purely by the fact that you’re unable to remain objective and accept the fact that you COULD be doing something different…

Edit: Whereas I’ve endured plenty of coaching, I’ve sat through plenty of VOD reviews (when I was gold/plat) here on the forums as well as in scrims and always think to myself, what could “I” be doing different to enable my team? What makes

What makes me a better player is that I understand that I should be doing more to carry the team. Not blaming my team because I feed my nuts off, fail to manage my shield correctly, or (even better :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:) shield bot a high noon…


Enough chit chat. Are you going to prove it or not?

I already have



You didn’t prove that you are better than me at the game?

you just wrote an essay

passing the driving theory test doesn’t mean you can drive

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