Looks like 1.27 is not going live today

Seeing as how the PTR has not closed yet, it looks like we may have to wait until next week to get 1.27. That’s a massive RIP.


What 1.27 contains? Lucio and Ana changes? What else?

I wasn’t really expecting it to launch today. That would have given it about a week of testing, Blizz is never that fast unless it is something critical.

Damn it Blizzard. Ugh.

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Would you rather they rush it and push it to live with a lot of bugs, or wait a bit and fix a few of them before pushing it to live with only an average amount of bugs?


Me wants NAO!

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I tihnk that 1.27 comes with Summer Games

Yes the support changes and Zarya i guess.


Nah, 2 weeks. It went onto the PTR during when 1.26 was also on the public test servers.

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Has the Dragon strike dmg boost nerf hit already or was that 1.27?

That makes me a Saaaaad Panda…

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Aww, that sucks.
I really want that Ana buff already.


Yeah i wasn’t expecting it this week. Next week is likely along with the summer event starting.

im sure they will be on PTR for the next month.

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I think he is talking about Rein’s situation.

We still have 3 hours?

The PTR would have probably went down by now if they were gonna push it live today.

They’re gonna have to half-nerf McCree from his buff, sadly. They just can’t seem to get him right.

What? McCree is fine…

You are correct. I was pretty much still asleep earlier haha!