Looks like 1.27 is not going live today

I need the mercy nerf ASAP… damn


i would rather them to put prt stuff on the live severs in qm no on plays the ptr at all no one wants to bug test there games for free

Having to wait 2 weeks for number changes l0l

Guess they are still partying in hot tubs filled with OWL money.


I am still waiting for them to put out the recent patch note on the announcement selection as they still haven’t done so yet.

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Lol it’s all good, I’m the same way in the mornings.

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The patches are monthly. The last patch was for June and the current patch will be for August, so it’ll almost certainly be rolled into the summer games patch along with the All-Star Weekend pre-patch.

There have been multiple patches in a month before.

Yeah, but Blizzard likes to bundle everything together. The hitscan changes didn’t hit live for 3 weeks until they came to live with Hammond. I’m guessing the same will happen here.

Don’t know why you were expecting it today tbh. It was clearly always scheduled to go live next week with Summer Games. Means less patches on blizzards end, shorter certification process on consoles as its all in 1 patch instead of being spread over 2. Not to mention the ptr client still being up and not taken down is a clear sign of when its preparing to hit live.

Its like when people ask what time an update will hit. It always releases the same time every time, 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 19:00 BST etc.

The Overwatch team are a creature of habit events/heroes/maps release the same time. The only times when they’ve released updates outside those times is when there is a reason. For example they patched an update to live on a Thursday instead once due to WOW (I believe) being patched on Tuesday and they didn’t want to make their players have to choose which game to play since they both had big updates. Chinese new year was changed to fit the fact that the holiday itself changes every year.

Hindsight it 20/20, dude.

Ofc it is not coming today. There hasn’t been any teasing nor item reveals.

I’m not talking about summer games…

Balance changes always comes with content patch if that is what you mean.

No they don’t. The two can be separate.

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I wasn’t aware people were waiting for a new patch, I thought summer games starts next week.

Can but they never do cuz they have to wait to launch it together with the console versions.
Also the current PTR patch probably already has the summer items but they are just made invisible.

There are no bugs with these changes.

At least not that we have found anyway.