LGBT Profile Icon

Stop assuming things. Thanks.

Thatā€™s not an argument.

League of legends has it, too and toxicity did not increase + its an easy bann because homophobic slurs are against the CoC.

So this is the HUGE downside that makes all the pros invalide? Nice try.

But itā€™s a neutral rainbow icon.
And again, there are LGBT heroes, thus overwatch already supports lgbt

As I mentioned in my thread.

You are allowed to make your own thread if you want an atheist icon. There is no need to bring that up here.


You clearly came to a lgbt thread and said " i want atheistic representation." And also mentioned the lack of ā€œevidenceā€
So you where
A- saying lgbt doesnā€™t matter if religion doesnā€™t matter
B- bringing religion discussions that would end up in war in a lgbt thread
C- saying lgbt shouldnā€™t get things if religion doesnā€™t.

what ever the answer is. one thing is true.
Itā€™s that you clearly are not respecting the theme and objective of opā€™s post And bringing malevolent intent to it.


Except even if you donā€™t agree with something, seeing an icon of it doesnā€™t hurt you. There are not a lot of downsides, no matter how you slice it. And a lot of folks choose to disagree with bad faith arguments because they cannot actually articulate any real harm caused.


I legit donā€™t know what happened , i used to use rainbows a lot , and out of nowhere they are now lgbt symbols that canā€™t be in a game because human opinions.

like wtf itā€™s a rainbow, it can be used to represent lgbt , but in the end of the day itā€™s a rainbow.

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Yes, exactly.

This is a dumb comparison. LGBTQ+ is no where intense as those who are vegans.

Because a lot of people meet their friends on these games who identify the same way. You donā€™t have a group you associate yourself with?

OP Isnā€™t asking for really too much here.


Out of nowhere? How old are you? 80?


Rainbow aesthetics are really nostalgic to me

After growing up with Lisa Frank notebooks in the 90s in school :heart:


Tough for Blizzard I would imagineā€¦ they would have to make it regional, as some countries wouldnā€™t allow it.

On top of that, they have to worry about people being targeted for using it.

Thereā€™s no good reason you shouldnā€™t be able to express that if you can express the flag of your country in this game already, but this is the crap world we live in.

Itā€™s literally just an icon of a rainbow.


Love that there is still all this inane rage over people wanting to have a simple rainbow icon in a video game.

Seriously if OWL has one then OW should have one as well. Really should not be an issue to anyone at all.


I nominate this one

I think that would actually be a fairly decent icon for them to use, and it wouldnā€™t really cost them anything extra to design it. Just add it in the game.

So you know what use the OWL pride icon.

Pride month is over. Try again next year.

Omg calm down. Smite has a rainbow icon and theres no controversy so why canā€™t overwatch do it?


Lgbt people have all the rights as anyone , how tf are they oppressed ā€¦ , first world problems are something else


Fixed the sentence for you for you.


3 weeks ago, the right fo fire somebody due to being LGBT got removed in America.


ā€¦ When did they do this?

More like satanic/emo If you ask me lol

First of all, atheisms is a result of searching for answers and Itā€™s a decision you make by yourself when you ā€œbelieveā€ there is no maker. And your worlds donā€™t sound like worlds that would come from a real atheist because usually they are educated people and wonā€™t make such a stupide mistake by mixing between ideology and a case of biological diversity :man_facepalming:t2:

To OP: Iā€™m all for it

That law will only make it harder for them to be hired in the first place. You think of why companies rather not hire LGBT now.