LGBT Profile Icon

At least give us the Pride OWL Icon :woman_shrugging:

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We do not need this.


We do not need this.

Isnā€™t that enough?

Anyhow imo i donā€™t think we need constant posts on this since well it violates CoC.
So likeā€¦ Blizz just add the icon :eyes:

No deal because I donā€™t need specific groups of people endorsed by my video games.

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We do not need this.


Why is a videogame NOT the place for it? If you have a neutral unbigotted stance (Iā€™m not assuming you do), then who does it hurt? Heck, if labor and resonances is the problem, Iā€™ll whip up a png for then in illustrator right now for free. Methinks some groups of people just donā€™t like gay people.


Do you mean to tell me that your stated desire for cheese farmer and vegan representation were made in bad faith as a method to deny people from having a rainbow icon? Shocking!


Thrillho, you are my spirit animal.


Thatā€™s like saying being black is controversial.
Its fully legal and given by nature, just like a skin color.

Again, being LGBT+ has nothing to do with politics.

That is not what happened, look at fortnite, they removed all police cars and MANY companies made statements.

That already shows you that overwatch supports lgbt, thus your ā€œcontroversial argumentā€ is useless.

Donā€™t you think thatā€™s crazy? To call us an enemy?


Iā€™m down


Good idea advertising your own ancient thread in another thread with a completely different topic. That will make people definitely look into your topic!


ā€¦ To be fairā€¦ you canā€™t really make this statement AND ask for an LGBT profile icon.

Everyone, EVERYONE, is going to know what it stands for. At this point the rainbow literally is the icon for the movement and group.

How would you feel if the company made the icon available but NOT in these countries due to the possibility of being banned?

For all itā€™s ease of implementations, making the icon is a stance and choosing to put it in the game is going to have financial and political repercussions for the company.


I want atheistic representation in game. I donā€™t choose to be an atheist. I have no choice given the ā€œevidenceā€ (lack thereof).

Not any more of a bad faith argument than ā€œWhy not have one if it doesnā€™t hurt you?ā€

Reaper is an atheist

No. Actually. Putting up hurdles you donā€™t believe in purely to be an obstacle is far more of a bad faith argument than that question, which is actually fair.

You need a pretty good argument as to why something shouldnā€™t be done when it has few downsides, has significant upsides, and costs little resources.


Is it popular? You know how many people are still religious? Several billion.

Religion Percent
Christianity 31.4%
Islam 23.2%
Hinduism 15.4%
Unaffiliated 14.1%
Buddhism 7.1%
Folk Religion 5.9%
Other (includes Judaism, BahĆ”ā€™Ć­, Sikhism, and Jainism) 1.0%

For reference, Unaffiliated is 1.1 bill.

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Theyā€™re still drinking the cultural kool-aid and giving it more importance than it should have.

This is a matter of opinion, though. I see it exactly the opposite way. I think the disconnect here is that there are those who believe a cause that they see as an absolute good should of course be supported by all. There a lots of things I believe in, too, but would never expect active support from others for even if I believe them to also be absolutely good.

Also, consider the in-game behavior you can expect internet randos to direct at anyone with an LGBT icon. People think toxicity is bad now? Blizzard would have to hire an entire team just to shift through reports for hate speech. Do you genuinely believe that icon would create more positive interactions than negative ones in a PvP game?