LGBT Profile Icon


LGBT is the only groups who frequently asks for representation. Honestly it is getting annoying. If every community is as needy as you folks, they be asking for characters of vegan (or other diet of choice) , Christian (or other religion) beliefs, Left (or right) handed, physically (or mentally) handicapped etc.

Hey, i ainā€™t effected by the new law in a negative way but the LGBT community is. Donā€™t u want best for them? The moral capable good doā€™er peoples living in Lala land really refuse to even consider consequences do they not?

Yes because it being illegal to fire me for being gay is negatively effecting my life. I love this whole it will be harder for us to be hired schlock youā€™re spewing though. Itā€™s adorable how dumb it is


First of you always where protected by law to not be fired for your sexual preferences. This law is on a different level.

Companies wont hire LGBT anymore because its near impossible to fire them without big consequences. So what will companies do now u ask? They will pretend to give them a fair shot during interviews and then reject them for reasons.

But by all means just wait and see. You reap what u sow.

Yes because you see people talk about their sexuality during interviews because you know itā€™s so legal to ask about thatā€¦ Waaait itā€™s actually not legal to do that how strange.

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But do go on and tell me about how it works as a straight person for us dumb gays.

No need for me to explain it. You will bare the consequence on mass soon enough.

All around the world you see once a work force is overprotected by law they tend not to get hired anymore. You shot your self in the foot with this law and time will show this so no need for me to explain it to a wall.

And you mad because? Give me one group thatā€™s been discriminated against and being harmed/killed in most of the countries around the world just for their biological differences. The top three cases are, racisms, sexisme, and homophobia. and all of these three are vocal about their problem. Mixing these groups with groups that fight for ideologies is what I call ā€œannoyingā€. These people fight for their natural human rights thatā€™s been taken from them.

+Poor you and your annoyed feeling being hurt by them trying to get their rights back, I hope you can sleep well.


Iā€™m living for this!

Thereā€™s only two sexes (Iā€™m being generous here).

Once again, gender has social aspects to it. suhĀ·saiĀ·uhĀ·tee. Thatā€™s why there can be multiple genders. Sex on the other hand isnā€™t as broad.

Poor souls.

Gender dysphoria isnā€™t a mental illness. :joy: What era are you living in bro?


Can you please leave this thread.

Nobody cares about your weird world view.

Nobody cares about your narrow mindedness.

Please stop diverging from the topic, thanks.

Spread your hate somewhere else.


Ask Russia or China how they feel about rainbow flags and Pride parades.

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I dont want politics or a gender war in my video game. No thx. This is NOT the place for that.

The Russians pretend they donā€™t exist and want to keep it that way. This has nothing to do with communism btw. Correlation does not imply causation.

China doesnā€™t care about LGBT. Alternatively, pride parades or just parades in general that advocate for civil rights would be a problem for them because that is perceived by them as going against the government. Once again, they donā€™t care. Maybe take the time to go to these communist evil countries rather than describing them in capitalist America? :upside_down_face:


Again, being LGBT is not political.
Being against any sexual phobias is not political.

And on top of that, overwatch is a game thatā€™s mainly about politics and INCLUSION AND they already support LGBT, say hey to tracer and soldier :wave:

Everyone can be misgendered. Straight people, too. Thatā€™s not lgbt exclusive.

Did you read my thread? If you want those profile icons, you are allowed to open up your own thread.

Again, being LGBT is not a political belief.
Being against sexual phobias is no political belief.

And they already are in games.
Say hey to LOL, smite and paladins :wave::wave:


Iā€™m saying that certain symptoms for depression are shared with gender dysphoria. For example, if someone is constantly upset.

Iā€™m saying itā€™s a problem that such simple symptoms are being automatically treated as gender dysphoria. Thereā€™s a lot of de-transitioners in the U.K. and this is the main reason why.

You canā€™t grow out of gender dysphoria lol. Gender dysphoria is permanent until you make efforts transition. If they ā€œgrow out of itā€ they never had it in the first place.

Iā€™m against it for different reasons. As a child youā€™re feeling all kinds of emotions. Itā€™s easy to confuse that for gender dysphoria. You, on the other hand, just donā€™t understand how gender dysphoria works.

Whatā€™s wrong with LGBT that a child canā€™t see it?

Coming from the guy saying this:

Your social justice needs to be checked.

LGBT already has representation in OW through characters. If they were to add some flag just for a minority weā€™re soon going to end up with an absurd amount of them that were added for no reason just because some people get upset if they arenā€™t represented enough in every single place.

The LGBT community also does not represent everyone who is gay etc, only the people active in the community.


I was never in to social media, legit only watched youtube, rarely touched anything else. tbh overwatch forums is the closest i have been to social media.

  • and iā€™m happy about it.

granted idk if itā€™s a social media problem

But i do feel like iā€™m 80, i gotta stretch more

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Are you dumb? You canā€™t be indoctrinated to suffer gender dysphoria. Unlike confusing gender dysphoria with depression because of the similar symptoms, indoctrination is something that can be seen a mile away. Especially in a child.

To reiterate, you cannot grow out of gender dysphoriaā€¦

This is because people who donā€™t have gender dysphoria are transitioning. :man_facepalming:

Put on your tinfoil hats! You sound utterly ridiculous.

I donā€™t have a victim complex, unlike you. :roll_eyes:

Sure thing snowflake. Thinking that a cosmetic is indoctrinating you is just sad. :yawning_face:

I live in the U.K.

Definitely! Iā€™m saying that thereā€™s a small handful thatā€™s also still very concerning.

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