LGBT Profile Icon

We want LGBT representation in game.

  • Adding a simple rainbow icon/all LGBT
    identity flags is simple to do and would
    make MANY people happy/spread a
    positive massage.

  • This icon would be neutral due
    to the fact that a rainbow can be
    Interpreted differently.

  • China/Russia are not an excuse. League
    of legends which is extremely popular in
    China has all LGBT identity flags

As you can see, there are zero reasons to not add this simple icon.

And btw.
Everyone that wants a straight profile icon, please make your own thread regarding your whish.

Let’s be proud :rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag:


You’re 5 days late

Jk I wouldnt mind seeing one in game


Do it Blizz. Do it!

I’m not even the gey and I think you should do it.

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It doesn’t spread a positive message to encourage people to make their sexual preferences into their identify. Say there was an icon and you choose that…that’s what you want people to know? That you are/support LBGT? Why is a video game the place for that? Why not open up icons for everything people want others to know about them? What if vegans want people to know they’re vegans? Put that icon in there, too. How about an Asian pride icon? Or a Cheese Farmers of America icon? Where does it stop? And, if it stops, does Blizzard not support the people who didn’t get an icon?


Jeez, someone got their panties in a twist
It’s a rainbow png, why are you so vehemently opposed to it?


(I would like this btw)


For the reasons I just wrote.


Those are not oppressed minoritiés.

Plus, a simple rainbow is neutral.

If you want those icons, you are allowed to open up your own thread. :slight_smile:


Using the term “Storm” is honestly undervalued considering how heated these threads get

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If they do, they going to get a lot of hate for it. So dont ask people to do it.

Also, reading your post, you could just say you want rainbow icon. And stop at this part if you would actualy want to make it happen not make another forum war.


If they can add a ramadan spray then they can add a rainbow icon. That’s how simple it is


Your reasons are invalid.

Why aren’t you saying this about any other icon in the game?
There’s two Ramadan sprays, yet you’re not saying “wHeRe DoEs It StOp” about that, are you?


knowing blizzard theyd probably put out a lgbt icon and tell you that you gotta pay money for it

“We want LGBT representation in game.”

You have that though.


We have numerous icons and sprays, as well as an entire event dedicated to eastern Asian culture. However, I will also support your entirely sincere desire for vegan and cheese farmer icons if you will agree to a rainbow icon.

Do we have a deal?


It would be cool for the lgbt community to have some representation, but I tell you right now, with the anomity of internet and, games in general, people will be harsh, and sadly the icon will just make room for more toxicity/homophobia than the one rn in the game.


It would be cool. But also isn’t it too controversial? Like quite a few people don’t agree with homosexuality.

I think gaming should stay away from things like this jjst as well as politics. Blm is an example of how gaming should stay impartial and we now know the consequences of not.

Its nice that tracer and soldier represent. But for the sake of arguments… just a neutral stance is needed

And so we meet again … my old nemesis :angry:

Well, you’re welcome to join the new group I just created. It’s called “LwhbdwLGBT” which stands for lesbians who have become disenfranchised with LGBT.

However, I’ve just been informed that I’ve been expelled from the group for not being a lesbian. I guess you’re the leader now.

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