LFG failed because we’re hypocrites

LFG failed because the vast supply of options created tons of tiny shards of population that don’t group up with other populations.

By definition that design creates bad queue times.

I think you are right, but i also think there is another point to it.

Content creators\higher ranks never used it from 2 main reasons - not enough ppl playing at that level, and 6 stacking on GM is consider almost as cheating.
When you never see someone use it on these platforms, it’s certainly lowering the number of potential players who would used it.

The other funny thing to me is that the whole “playing against harder competition” “issue” would also exist if they did a forced role queue system…but somehow it wouldn’t be a problem then

I kinda like the idea of optional role queue, because it would weed out those players who go 4-5DPS comps, and would throw otherwise.

Also people are scared of change.

But if it was a forced role queue, I’d lower the votes to unlock roles from 4 to 3.


LFG failed because their rollout was full of bugs and the interface was kludgy. It could have been a great tool but Blizzard screwed the pooch on it.

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I don’t know.

I hear this all the time.

but I have the opposite experience. I love the people I get grouped up with. I’ve only had two instances where people were toxic using LFG.

Otherwise, I find great people I like talking to, we stick together win or lose, and keep playing and having fun.


Reasons I stopped using LFG

Make group, made clear to everyone that I don’t want sniper, sym, torb and bastion pickers in my group. People went ahead and instapicked them anyway.
Group members actually tilting and throwing.
Our LFG 6 stack getting matched with 6 stacks that are actually comprised of 6 buddies who always play together and have way better coordination than 6 randoms who said “hey, let’s try this and see where it takes us”.
Members instaleaving after a loss while we had won the previous 4 matches.

All the reasons above can’t be fixed so unfortunately LFG will stay dead.
Pretty fun for QP though, too bad QP is absolute trash and isn’t worth the time.

LFG is a chore to use.
Takes to long to set up and takes to long to get a group together and takes to long to find a game.
After the first loss, every one in the team quits the group and it all starts up again.

A proper Role Q is way better.
Choose your role hit play, that’s it.
Lose or win, next game, you have your role chosen, hit play. Simple.

If you like your team you can always request to stay grouped.


Playing against a 5 or 6 stack is usually freelo.

Personally I’d rather be on the opposite team of a stack of 3 or more cause they always seem to be extremely toxic and throw blame.

And even if RoleQ takes the same amount of time, you don’t have to actively be present, bragging about your capabilities the whole time, to prevent a tempermental group lead from kicking you.

You can be in the other side of the room making yourself a snack, mad dash to the restroom, or on your phone doing reddit/Facebook/Netflix etc

LFG failed because forums doesn’t know the more the game holds our hand the worse it becomes

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No, LFG failed because it was poorly implemented and groups seem to be punished more than solo players.

Dot not blame us, the players, for the OW devs creating a system that seemingly actively punishes you for playing the way they want to play. It is their job alone to make LFG desirable for us to play, not the other way around.

I just don’t understand how a guild system is magically going to cure this problem.

The overall problem is people stopped using the LFG tool for competitive because they would just run into other groups of people that are coordinated at working together (maybe even a lil better).

So how would guilds cure that problem? You would still just run into full groups playing together with probably just as much coordination as you and your guildmates would.


you mean trying to play the game? why does everyone always want to leave communication out of the equation…like you take the extra step of preforming the group comp via the lfg tool…but then act like communication is no longer necessary…

fyi you could just be going against another team doing the exact same thing…im not sure why its always a 6 stack thats been playing for 2 years around here


More like LFG splinters the population, and relies on human nature to function.

What? I don’t get what you are trying to say.

A proper Role Q system would work the same way we look for a game now.
The way we look for a game now is if you want to play competitive you hit the competitive button and it automatically starts searching for game right?

A proper role q would work the same way.
Except initially it would have one more step. Choosing your role.
After you choose your roll, you hit play and the game searches for a game to put you in.

You get in the game, you play the heroes you want to play , the game ends, a new search begins ,easy.

If you want to create the whole team and stay grouped up with the same team all the time then lfg could still be an option.
Or just invite people to your group.
Some people want to have role q without staying with the same people all the time.

I’m not entirely sure where our argument is located.

To restate my question… Why do people think a Guild System is going to avoid the problems they believe the LFG function to have?

They go as a full 6 stack as a guild… They likely go against a 6 stack of another guild.

Maybe they decide to duo with a guildmate, they’re likely going to find another duo from the same clan.

Communication should always play a role in it all, and LFG or Guilds wouldn’t magically dismiss it… It would still be needed.

But yeah… How does a Guild system magically solve the errors of LFG?

Lol, I know what you mean, I just happen to have one extra step on top of that.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept


sorry i wasnt attacking “you” directly…i was actually trying to reinforce what you were saying…people keep citing the issues with the system whilst pointing to another system that would have the same issues

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The problem is that Blizzard actively discourages everything they try to promote, for a game that’s supposed to be about hero switching and team play it’s idiotic that the system punishes you for doing those very same things by costing you SR (and ultimate charge).

Match making needs an organic way of balancing teams that doesn’t require you to play against either a pre-made 6 stack or a group of individuals significantly better than you. Blaming the player base is never going to get Blizzard anywhere, and their half measures aren’t cutting it.

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