LFG failed because we’re hypocrites

Yeah, that could work. Anything is better than what we have now.

The only flaw I see in that image is “standard select” is unnecessary.
If you choose your role to be a flex , which means you can choose any role, then standard select is unnecessary because you would go into a game as a flex which initially is the same thing as standard (unlocked) mode.

LFG failed because we wanted role que instead of waiting 10 minutes to find a group to finally que and lose to a 6 stack of friends


here’s my idea to improve LFG

Also, we asked for LFG, but we really wanted guilds. Overwatch is for 6 friends not 6 strangers. And LFG participants are still strangers.

The LFG was a step in the right direction.

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More like because people don’t like having to abide by other, same status (player-Player) people’s rules and wishes.
Overwatch basically has 3 levels of Enjoyment.

  • Low (to 0) : Solo Q- trying to win with 5 randoms who all just play for
    themselves while you try to fill and build a team
  • Medium : Solo Q - with either you not caring and also playing for yourself or the occasional teammate also caring
  • High : Good communication, Teamwork, Counterpicking. … ~ often found in propper 6 stack teams.

I think it was Cliff Terios who mentioned in his video that Overwatch can be the most frusttrating experience while also the best in a changing fashion.
You can find a propper team and have a great time, you can go through the helll that is playing solo and trying to build a propper team out of the randoms you are given… both coming with you being willing to compromise.
Or, like most people, you just sit in the mediocraty that is not caring about teamwork and communication unless you are the one in charge.

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Tbf, lfg doesn’t work cos the game gives you harder matches (uneven) when you stack 3 or more in a group.


LFG failed because the game systems, as designed, disincentivize teaming up.

Period, end of story, game over.


You got QP and arcade for that. I think people always say they shouldn’t take it seriously are those people who can’t climb anymore, and just use it as a defense mechanism for their lack of skill. It’s a game sure, but you’re playing on the ladder, the whole point is to compete and win as many games as possible.

I’m totally fine with losing if it was well fought and was outplayed, I can respect being beaten by better players. What’s annoying is people pulling out the, “its just a game” card, who can’t own up to bad play and have no ability or willingness to improve.

This game is, quite frankly, beautiful when 6 players are actually working together for the win. This isn’t like school/work where we need to be there, people chose to engage in a team orientated game and try to get the win. When you’re not trying to win, it just ruins the game for 11 other people. I’ve also met some pretty cool people in the process. But it’s people like you who ruin it.

I love how people make up excuses, like a group of 3 made from LFG is way different of a regular 3 stack made with friends.
“Oh we are going to put you against better people because we clearly made LFG to fail”

Yeah mate, its not an excuse at all :rofl:

MMR Systems only try to match you with same stacks on the enemy team. Period.
Stop making excuses and “magical” scenarios where the game puts you in disadvantage just because your group was made with the LFG. That doesn’t happen.

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In case you’re reffering to me; I meant any 3+ stack (lfg or regular) and I’m not using this as a salty “i can’t win” excuse because I never stack. I’ve probably stacked 3 nights out of 2 years playing, just prefer solo que even though it can be infuriating.

I can only speak for myself but anytime I’ve two stacked I feel like I played the easiest games I’ve ever had in ow and then anything more than 3 players feels like you get effed over and given harder games rather than “even” games.

Ow is the only fps game I’ve ever played where when solo queing I feel my team always (or at least 9/10 times) has the advantage as randoms vs a 6 stack. It feels like mm picks out heavy hitters who are searching against stacks.

I figure standard select keeps pepple from freaking out about losing “normal” queue, it also cuts down on DPSonly Tanks/Healers.

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Hmm, wait… doesn’t your description actually contradict your last point? Or were you saying that the idea of a good team doesn’t = the reality of easy wins?

In LFG, organized players started facing other organized players and risked losing. The feeling of being on a good team that they built wasn’t enough when they realized that they had a decent chance of being out-skilled by other well organized teams.

Ergo, people want a good team and they want an easy win.

In everyone’s mind, the choice they’d rather make is to solo-queue into a team and just have everyone listen to their views on proper team comp. Then proceed to stomp the enemy team that obviously must be filled with unorganized players and off-meta heroes. In there minds, they should be able to repeat this process and have it work at least 80% of the time so that they can climb out of their rank. When this doesn’t happen, everyone starts getting toxic despite having the tools to avoid it altogether.

In truth, it would probably be better to just build your team, work with them, lose against people better than you and beat the ones you guys are better than, until you reach your true rank (assuming everyone is doing their best on their chosen heroes).

The issue is that people like things easy and doing that would mean that people would have to admit that they’ve reached their limit and no one else is to blame and that is a hard thing to face for many…

True but this sounds more like a people issue. Many players like to leave the group after a loss because they want that easy win when in reality, they should learn how to coordinate together.

Above any other changes like 2/2/2 and etc, what I want to see is the Guild System they mentioned. Having a larger collection of friends/guild members that you can ping for a group would help a lot, I think.

Players could form LFG’s and start forming guild strategies/track each member’s strengths and post group up requests. This would help take out some of the guess-work and prayers when it comes to forming a group and may even make it easier to schedule practice runs/etc.

At a certain level, we all may be able to expect a certain “level of play” from a player on an individual hero (Comboing ults, blocking attacks, getting picks) but as we climb, team coordination only becomes more important. Solo Queue may allow us to dodge that a bit longer on the ladder but I think Blizz should give us the tools to start regularly practicing that with people, much earlier. :slight_smile:

That’s how I feel. I also want a “buff/rework” of the achievement and stat system. Instead of just private/public profiles, allow players to create “Guild Cards” displaying the stats they want to display. Let it be easy to tell what heroes a player enjoys playing and let it be visible in the Guild System. It would be like Free Companies in FFXIV, haha.

I don’t know what this is lol

Jeff said guilds aren’t coming.

this idea is cool.

We need a Player Directory :slight_smile:

LFG didn’t fail because people are hypocrites.

LFG failed because it didn’t launch and still doesn’t have the tools capable to craft groups the exact way people want to make groups. LFG isn’t 100% about winning, some people may use it that way thinking this is the best way for them to succeed yes, but for others it’s also just a way to play QP and other game modes to have fun in what they consider a cohesive / well fleshed out team as opposed to how random generated teams of a solo player experience ends up.

It’s called delivering a sub-standard product and dropping it’s support instead of completing it, you know like the endorsement system too.

OP, you make so many posts lately seemingly just trying to purposefully agitate the OW forums and to pitch blame in any direction that I have absolutely no idea what your intent is. At first I thought maybe you were a die hard fan trying to save the game but the more I see your posts the more I think you are either a grade A troll or can’t concentrate on one thing at a time for a discussion like you have ADHD or something. Which if you do, I’m sorry that you do but try to realize how many directions you post on any given week about nearly anything and everything about Overwatch.

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Nothing wrong with wanting to win… Obviously you shouldn’t be mean.

But I don’t find QP fun, not because there are no team comps. There’s no stakes, which I find boring. So I play comp with the sole goal of winning.

It’s like sports. Sure, I find tennis to be fun. But when I’m playing a match, I just want to win, regardless of what play style I need to use. Winning is the fun in a competitive setting. But not everyone feels that way, I know.

Really? Last I heard in the stream, Jeff said that they were working on a Guild System that would expand to multiple Blizzard IPs, but that it wasn’t coming out anytime soon because of how big of a job it was… I’d be surprised if they mentioned scrapping it altogether :anguished:

Oh and Free Companies are Guilds - just a way to have tons of people that you can chat with and easily invite to group up! Might even lead to some “Spectator buffs” since your guild could probably hop in and view/give you tips on your plays (probably outside of comp?)

yes, this is exactly what I heard too. In short, guilds will not be exclusively for OW and they aren’t coming soon…this means we’re not getting guilds, basically.

I think we should just be able to mass-whisper our friends…it would kinda be like a guild. You heard when Jeff said, “all blizz has to do to create guilds is implement /g chat.” lol

I expect the next Dev Update to be very informative :slight_smile:

LFG was never the answer. They made it to shut the community up. There have been group finding systems since the games conceptions for those who want to play with “good teammates” A clan system wont do anything either contrare to popular belief. If you really wanted to be on a team or in a clan youd be actively seeking it out through the many 3rd party sights that have it.

The truth is The OW community just looks for “miracle solutions” to help them win, and when they don’t, they claim its blizzards fault for not implementing it correctly, case and point:

Like he is blaming blizzard because its harder to win against organized teams rather than solo players.

Oh right that feature exists.

That’s why they need to incentiveise LFG so people will play it. Wouldn’t take much, just a small xp boost, they should also increase the boost for playing consecutive matches.

What’s said is that LFG was one of the best changes to the game in 2018.

It’s everything that we want. And not enough of us took advantage of it.