LFG failed because we’re hypocrites

Everyone gets mad when they have bad teammates, team comps or leavers.

So the Devs created LFG to solve that problem. You can have the perfect team comp, good teammates and no leavers. Does that fix the game? No.

Why? Because people actually just want to win. LFG doesn’t guarantee wins, in fact sometimes the games are harder. So no one uses it.

Here’s the sad reality: most people care more about winning than the actual quality of their games. They’d rather have toxic teammates and win than nice teammates and lose.


Looking to LFG groups for ranked i find only “Looking for derankers/smurfs” groups only since its announced. LFG is a good idea but poor execution. Same with endorsements.


It failed because the DEVs failed to acknowledge that there are systems in place that actively makes it more punishing to play in big groups because of their scewed view of what “fair” is which unfortunately is also shared by a part of the playerbase.

People think it’s unfair to play as solos vs. a full stack even though they are of the same ELO, why? Because they assume that the stack has this insane pro level coordination and teamwork. The game will also stack SR against stacks by either putting significantly better players on the enemy team or smurfs with insanely high winrates.

Stacking is the right way to play the game yet the DEVs keep finding ways to make counterproductive systems and features.



The reason why i think LFG failed is, people liked the idea of a good well formed team. But realized that they kept running up against other good well formed teams. So L’s became more often than you would encounter them in solo queue.

People wanting a good team =/= people wanting easy wins


Funny how they introduced edorsment to pump LFG, but you can’t endors ppl playing in group.


… it hasn’t done that for over a year.

The only thing the matchmaking does now is prioritize putting groups against eachother rather than solo queue players. There’s no added SR penalty or anything like that.


I’m not talking about losing and gaining more SR, I’m talking about playing against better players because being in a stack, the game thinks that you should win.

It failed because there are like 3 groups, one’s French, and they all want tanks to carry them.


Literally the only thing the matchmaking does is prioritize groups playing against other groups.

It doesn’t bump up the skill level of the teams or make you play against higher rated people.

The games are harder because both teams are coordinated. That’s it.


This is the problem with LFG. The LFG group isn’t really much more coordinated than a solo queue group. People will ask for mics and even same language, but still don’t really use them, and they expect simply ‘having the right people in the right roles’ is enough. It’s not even close.

You put that against even a fairly rubbish team who know each others’ strengths and weaknesses, and just how they play, and it’ll still be very hard work.

Maybe if it had always been this way, it could have worked, but people getting used to solo queue and throwing them up against premades of friends is a wake up call. I mean, even when I play with friends in premades, we find it much harder because we just don’t have that experience together. As friends though, we’d get used to it and work together; in LFG, you just press the reset button every time so it never improves.


This is too important. Overwatch is a video game. People take it way too seriously now and need to cut it out. Its ruining it.

A game is supposed to be enjoyable fun. If your idea of fun is a 100% wr, pissing on other players, and trying to dismantle other heroes because they dont fit your vision of a playable character then it becomes a stain on the game.


From looking at the list a few days ago, it was noticeable how a few were essentially “if I don’t like you, kick” “don’t even look at me, it’s upsetting” or “if I see you, you’re dead”. Seems like LFG became more of a power-tripping safe space for wounded or fragile egos.


It was executed exactly as intended.

It’s LFG, it does what’s in the name.

Just cause people didn’t like what it entitled doesn’t mean it’s a fail.

You want a 6-stack for more coordination? Great! But realize you are also going to go against another 6-stack with the same or maybe slightly better coordination


okay here’s how LFG actually works for me
i make a lobby titled: supp + tank duo! (roles not enforced) and put the mode on qp
i don’t care about winning i don’t care about the gameplay i want to talk to somebody during and between games
and i can tell you they have hardly ever left the group after a loss
for me it works really well


You are wrong that failed for this reason:

That take average 2 or 3 mins fill up a quick-play team then add another 3 mins on the queue is 6 minutes average to have a MATCH.

A quick-play round last around 5 to 7 minutes. The WAITING time do not WORTH it sadly 7 mins game vs 6 mins wait…


The problem with LFG is the dev are encouraging solo play more than team player. They want to design the game to have the community to play a specific way, but it completely rewards players playing the opposite way of what the dev intented.

If they want to encourage players to use LFG, they need to allow full stack face a team of solo queue players with or without smaller stacks, but gives LFG teams the option to face other full stack as priority if they choose to do so. Give some extra rewards for players playing full stack vs other full stack. If they play vs solo or smaller stacks, they get an slight advantages in winning for having players who do want to work together.

Well LFG don’t affect me since I don’t play comp nor do I play qp anymore.

It’s also just too much of a hassle. Why go through everywhere from 5-30 minutes to find a group with only a moderately higher chance of getting a decent team when you can jump in a queue and find a game within a couple of minutes, even though it’s a toss up?

Also, the bulk of the (casual) playerbase likely plays in short bursts. If I only have an hour or so to play, I’d like to play more than one match.


LFG is like a soft role queue and even then people are salty about a simple loss or hero picks. Players will be players no matter what system the devs implement. You hit the head on the nail OP.


What I find funny are those who think role-locking and forced 2-2-2 will magically make this not happen. If LFG doesn’t “work” in their opinion, a role-lock won’t either because at the end of the day, it’s a player problem. It’s their attitude towards the game.

The only thing that might work are clans or guilds. But even then, it doesn’t stop toxicity either.


Absolutely correct.
Every “problem” the players claim to have with current solo queue MMR can be solved with LFG.
Using the LFG doesnt automatically grant you 80% WR or make your group ultra coordinated or better than ANYONE who you are going to face … but yeah people cant handle it and leave.

Player’s mentality is 99% the problem here. Keep asking to fix player’s issues its pointless. You can’t fix behaviour, you can only give the tools to enable people to fix it and yet … they are not working :man_shrugging: