Lets think - Reasonable ways to fix dps queue times

I dont think that’s the reason why most people play DPS at all. I think the majority of people out there are chasing that “one play” that will “make the POTG” and win the game and glory.
Most easily done with DPS style heroes imo.


How about queue time for tank and support count towards queueing for dps?

3 min queue, find game as support

3 min queue, find game as tank.

3 min queue, find game as support

3 min queue, find game as support

3 min queue, find game as tank.

Game: This player has a total queue time of 15 minutes without finding a game as dps even though they have the box checked. They are now top priority to be found a dps game.

I played an entire season last season queueing for all 3 roles simultaneously, didn’t even play a single placement game as dps…fun game.

I’ve also NEVER seen any evidence for this mass Exodus of tanks at any rank. People will mention a couple streamers, but never something that shows that something like 10% of tanks just left recently. Tank has ALWAYS been the role with the least players.

Better overall tanking experience.

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You can’t fix it. The queue times are an entirely player based issue. If you’ve played WoW, you’d know this is an unavoidable circumstance, and they deal with much larger pools of DPS per group no less (by design!), a disparity that only grows as the group size increases for different content like raids). You know what might make DPS queues go down? Broad nerfs to most of them, and increasing the team size to 8. Sounds absurd, I know, but thats really it, 2-2-4 lmao and I don’t imagine most DPS players would be happy with gutted potentials that can only be realized by collectively working together.

It wouldn’t fix the problem outright, but it would alleviate some frustration:

Give priority queue to players who had their comp match cancelled. That or pause the game and backfill if it hasn’t started yet.

I think they did that with 1-2-3
I, however usually play with 3 - 4 people as a static group.
I couldn’t believe what a MASSIVE change this was when they redefined what the “frontline” is and the tank is really the shot-caller and the team revolved around him.
We STOMPED through 3 enemy teams once we changed our play tactic.

Just instigate time limits on classes. Problem solved.

45 Minutes in a class, then you must play 45 minutes total in the other two combined before the role you just played unlocks for you.

Bang, now there is a bottleneck that dictates playtime, fair and reasonable.

Solo tanking was the very thing why a lot of us wanted role queue to begin with.

It sucks.

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Comp Classic

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Revert Role Queue. Then educate and enforce how the game was designed to be played. But that’s probably unrealistic.


So… just live with the long lines. There are shorter lines for Tank & Support… or other games to go play if DPS don’t like it.


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I love this but yeah, i can feel the “i paid for this game, I’ll play it how i want!” comments coming already xD

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Best way I’ve heard so far:

Make 4v4 TeamDM an official main game mode with comp and everything. Tanks are not permitted in this mode.

This gives the DPS deathmatchers exactly the game they want and keeps them out of the main mode.


bites tongue. :zipper_mouth_face:

Re-balance Tank & Supports, there is a reason so many like the DPS role so much. (Besides the players who just want this game to become CoD with abilites.) Re-balance the Tanks and Supports to be a more interesting and interactive style of game-play that will be of some interest to this player-base which has seemingly shown is majority DPS players.

They’re already wanting to Re-balance half of the tanks for 1 - 3 - 2 anyways. Just re-balance the Tanks and Support for 2 - 2 - 2 in order to attract some of the former Tank & Support players and hopefully attract some DPS players to at least give Tanking and Supporting a try.

How so?

I’d say the buffs the tanks got for 1 - 3 - 2, granted toned down a bit, would be a good start. I’m not a support player so I can’t give much of a comment on how on that end of the spectrum.

Need to get people in the right ranks first. Start with the banning of smurfs. They are in the wrong queues and taking up spots while leaving their real rank queues empty.
Start there and see what happens. Maybe people will start trying other roles because they know they won’t be fighting against people 1500SR above them.

While I’m not disagree-ing that Smurfing isn’t a problem. But I seriously doubt that :money_mouth_face: Activision Blizzard will ban players for purchasing extra accounts.

:neutral_face: Just saying… It’d be like banning a whale from a TCG and or mobile games, would be a loss of income on the Devs part unfortunately. :expressionless:

Manipulation of the SR system is a stated bannable offense, thats what smurfs are doing. Blizz can still make money off alt accounts, but soon as they turn into smurf accounts(by throwing) just drop the ban hammer. They don’t continually make money off a smurf account after its bought so there is no reason to let it stay open.

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I think that playing the less desired role (probably tank) should give any player a “bump” or “fast pass” for the queue.

This way, if a dps main plays 2 matches as a tank, then their que time for dps should be significantly shorter when they queue for dps on their 3rd match.

Maybe something like that could work?

I always see this idea suggested but it’s just never seemed viable to me. if it was put into the game it would feel like a must do for dps to play a few games of tank and I’m completely against the idea of forcing people to play what they don’t want to play (so long as its as big a change as this is) and it just feels like it would be a annoying cycle of steps players would need to go to, to play the game they want to play and if everyone is doing this step it just feels like the queue times wouldn’t end up changing

Could replace 1 tank slot with an off-tank/dps (not support) flex queue, where SR gain is diminished the less you play tank.
Should be worth trying on the experimental card at least.

A pure off-tank queue would drastically affect queue times for everyone, but if it’s a dps+off-tank hybrid, it could work.