Lets think - Reasonable ways to fix dps queue times

Now lets all try and keep this post away from bashing on 1-3-2 I know a lot of people hate it and a lot of people love it but its main goal was to fix dps queue times which I believe it has, however Jeff has said it most likely wont become live so lets try and help the devs come up with other ways to fix queue times in a reasonable way. (Lets face it they aren’t just gonna drop like 3 new tanks and 3 new healers on us (before overwatch 2 anyway)

If we as a community come together and think of effective ways and the devs notice (maybe a few youtubers to help build awareness for some of the better ideas) we can help have an impact on this game.


Throw roleQ out the window.

  • Nerf Mei.
  • Reduce CC.
  • Buff Orisa and Hog.

Remove 2-2-2, but make it so the more you stack a role, the more that roles stats diminish. More healers, less HPS, more tanks, less shields/DM, more damage characters, less DPS.

Take all the tank changes and put them into 2-2-2.
Delete Mei

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I’d like for 122 to crop up on the experimental card. Obviously it won’t offer as much relief to DPS queue times as 132 would, but maybe it’d be a good enough half-way house between lower queue times and pressure on tanks/supports.

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Re-define roles and rework pre-existing characters into other roles?

Eg. Change Symmetra’s turrets into little healing turrets, Sombra hacking small health packs now allows her to “carry” the health packs where her cooldown is how long it takes for the health pack to respawn. Make Mei into an off-tank.

The DPS slot is over-populated with not only heroes but player base


I believe the problem is that there’s not enough playable characters in the game.
They should increase it more every year, because right now DPS characters have 16 options while the others 8 and those 8 are the most nerfed ones since they rule the meta = many people quit playing those to play DPS, since a nerf to a Tank can be more impactful than a DPS nerf.

  • Remove role queue from quickplay only. If people want to play DPS but don’t want to wait in a long queue, they can play a couple quickplay games instead of comp.
  • Balance changes that make tanks and supports feel better to play. This could be a slippery slope though, have to be careful not to overpower/overtune anyone. Even just making most tanks viable so that there isn’t a firm meta could help draw more people in.
  • Better incentivize playing tank. 25 coins or a loot box aren’t incentive for people who play the game constantly or who have been playing the game forever. Maybe OWL tokens? Maybe a guaranteed epic skin? I don’t know. This opens up a lot of potential issues though, like people only playing for that without a care for how they’re playing.
  • Create a real FFA deathmatch competitive mode, rather than just the occasional arcade based one. Make the rewards good, make a leaderboard, all that. It’ll draw at least some of the DPS away from typical competitive and shorten those queues.

Ultimately, I think more tanks with different play styles to get people to want to play the category would be best, but that’s still awhile off until OW2.


get players that left the game back. you see every event, a big surge in players reduces queue times by half, so its quite simple what they should do, make good content.
But looks like for them thats not an option because we didnt get anything in 8 months


Quick play classic is already a thing. The 2-2-2 quick play exists to allow players to practice in a none completely serious environment. I don’t think removing 2-2-2 QP would change anything


1: Do what can be done to keep Tanks & Supports from abandoning their roles to play DPS.

2: Move Mei & Doom to Tank. And Sombra to Support.

3: Beyond those… who cares about DPS queues? Not this guy. Maybe DPS players pre-RQ should have made better choices to begin with so that 2/2/2 didn’t become necessary. I’m not a fan of 2/2/2, but I’m also not about to support rewarding the folks primarily responsible for it. :man_shrugging:t2:


How about just proper balancing? Pretty much all the tank players have quit the game because of how horribly the whole role has been handled. Everything was going fine in 2-2-2, but then Sigma was released in a more broken state than Brig 1.0 or Mercy 2.0 which pushed all the other tanks away from viable meta aside from Orisa, whose gameplay was now drastically different itself in a very negative way as she was hard stuck on barrier duty which apparently everyone finds boring. So for about half a year whenever a tank player who was queuing for high tier tank gameplay and didn’t like playing Sigma they were queuing for a miserable time because they were either basically throwing the game or forced on a chore that nobody really liked (I really like playing Orisa, but she was horrible to play in double shields). After that instead of simply tuning Sigma down a lot of the tanks got very unnecessary nerfs or changes to their kits which further more pushed tank players away from the game. Then they suddenly went overboard with Orisa and Sigma nerfs and now those players aren’t really queuing up

Personally I gave up main tanking almost entirely at this point because Rein is the most boring tank to play requiring the least mechanical skill to play. They should’ve just let D.va and Zarya alone and fine tuned Sigma and Orisa after they were already nerfed or nerf them properly before they got any considerable nerfs to their kits

Implement a Comp Classic mode.


let some DPS character be run with reworked tank and support stats and abilities.
so DPS players can queue for tank and play their main… mei is basically a dps already…

Basically since they have a smaller hitbox they should get more HP but not as much as a true tank… so maybe 350 if they have 250…

I would call it a Tankettes (after those stupid little armored vehicles the italians used because they couldn’t get proper tanks…,. basically mini tanks…)

the problem is the game was designed wrong and made dps way to fun which attracted the majority of the player base… and now we are stuck with to many dps players…

Adding more characters is way to slow a fix… so i think an option to play DPS chracter as tanked up versions would be the fastest solution… though this would mean essentially making balance changes for more character effectivly… as you would have DPS mei and tank Mei

and DPS soldier and Support soldier… that sort of thing…
but it’s faster then making entierly new characters…

Most players in the game aren’t high-ranked, so this means nothing for most people. Rein was still the best tank during double shield for basically everyone outside of GM.

It’ll partially get solved by having more characters. When a new player joins, if they randomly pick a character to play, it’s likely a DPS, just based on numbers. If you decide a set of characters you like to main and learn, it’ll likely be a DPS,again based on numbers. Add more tanks, higher odds more people will want to play tank. When OW2 comes out if there’s like 4 tanks, a lot of people will like at least one or two of them.

LOL How does this fix Q times?


Except he really wasn’t. Low tiers still rolled double shields a lot. Surely you could succesfully pull off Rein as main tank in low tier as anything and everything is viable there at any given time as meta doesn’t matter there (the only time it did was when Bronze GOATS was a thing) but this also warps the ranking system since ranks aren’t linear or reflect objectively upon your skills. Rank and MMR works according to normal distribution which means that the less there are for example great tank players in high tier the more those below them will rise. That’s why masses of tank players quitting the game at a rank higher will also effect the rank below them in terms of queue times

lol how to fix the DPS queue time…

(the really fast solution)