Let's speculate the next animated short

Gonna start this off with a list of shorts animated by release dates
(TL;DR/Final Guesses at the bottom):

Recall: March 21, 2016
Alive: April 3, 2016
Dragons: May 16, 2016
Hero: May 22, 2016

The Last Bastion: August 18, 2016 (Thursday)
Infiltration: November 4, 2016 (Blizzcon)
Rise and Shine: August 23, 2017 (Wednesday)
Honor and Glory: November 3, 2017 (Blizzcon)

So the first half are ones that were released leading up to the game so we aren’t gonna look at those dates (they’ve also passed).

As we can see, shorts come around the end of August and start of November (Blizzcon). I feel like it’s safe to assume that the Blizzcon short we will be getting will tie-in to some kind of new release, Some people are speculating Junker Queen to be revealed at Blizzcon this year, which does seem pretty likely, so decent chance the Blizzcon short will relate to JQ and hopefully the Junkers. I could also see a short with Winston and Hammond breaking out of HLC, although the timing might be weird with that one, I imagine they would do it near Hammond’s reveal/release. So today or tomorrow, but that wouldn’t fit in with the release dates.

The Last Bastion did tie in to Eichenwalde’s release date (August 16th), so maybe in August we’ll get a map that relates to an existing character? I think it’d be pretty cool to get a map in Rio to tie in with a Lucio and Sym short. I imagine a map that’s half slums and half Vishkar re-visioned. I would also be extra down for a map in Korea with a D.va short. Would be cool to see Busan and maybe look at the MEKA base. I feel like it’d be cool to see something that actually ties D.va into to Overwatch, like maybe she’s filming a movie or something and Talon attacks and tries to steal a MEKA idk man.

TL;DR/Final Guesses

  • August 22 - Lucio/Sym + Rio map -or- D.va + Busan map
  • Blizzcon: November 2 - Junker Queen reveal + short

August 22nd was just a random guess for fun lol. Do my guesses make sense? Do you have your own speculations? LET US HECCING KNOW, K??


Hype everyone, hype☺️

Most likely Dva, but I’m also hoping for some big reveal as well👌

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