šŸŽ„ There WILL Be a New Cinematic Released Sometime Next Week

People laugh, but I would bet half my wallet that there will be a cinematic at Gamescom.

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All I know is that cyberpunk 2077 will be there, so Iā€™m hyped up regardless.
Anyways, yeah, more lore would definitely help.
More game modes outside of arcade would be nice too.


Biggie or smallie???

Which ever you desire :wink:

Imma hold you to that. Iā€™ll be bumping this post when they do :wink:

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This is my prediction from about a month ago, Lucio/Sym short seems more likely. Plus they just wasted the Busan map on Lucio ball >:[

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Well they have been hiring more writers in the past months, plus, there is this new girl that was hired to help writing the lore and she is expanding Shimada clanā€™s story right now as seen in her tweets.

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I went to her twitter and couldnā€™t see any of these tweets you mentioned, link?

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Theyā€™re a week+ older tweets i saw her tweets as pictures in OW channels videos.

Blizzcon isnā€™t next week.

I said ā€œIn Novemberā€ā€¦
Itā€™s even in the quote XD

Title? ā€œnext weekā€ nice bait

Go read the full main post, then come back.

GAMESCON will be next week. They said that in their 3rd sentence


I dont have time reading posts like this, waste of time.

Well Torb would be a primary character considering he was a one of the founding members of Overwatch.

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Yeah, because we definitively need more lore on those 2 while 80% of the rooster has a lore in one sentenceā€¦
They already had a short, if we get another ā€œlorebiteā€ about those 2 before some of the rooster get a second line of lore, Iā€™m gonna be hella disappointed

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then donā€™t open the thread, genius?

Dont think you understand this forum at all.