Is no one talking about Busan?

I really really like the new map. And that’s saying something, as KotH is my least favorite game mode in OW. They feel very accessible to a lot of heroes. I especially like the dynamic/timed cover in the Meka base. ^-^


I haven’t had a chance to play it yet but I’m super hyped! I called this a month ago

give me internet points


First control point is going to be heavens for Rein mains if they’re on red team side. Other than that love the three themes all together. City. Base. Sanctuary.

Hmm interesting.

I feel the same way about KotH too. I just don’t like the feeling of whoever loses first team fight, has a very tough time getting back and winning.

They wouldn’t be internet points if I didn’t give you OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

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Don’t have PTR but from the preview it looks like it has good variety - the three areas are a traditional temple, a populated part of the city and the Meka base right?

Yep. I think they’re called Sanctuary, Downtown, and I forget the other.

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It’s because people are more concerned with complaining than enjoying whats good in front of them. They rather post about the DVA short rather than the new map. This new map is gonna be awesome!! I’m super hyped for it. I think it’s their best one by far! Hopefully there are more to come.

Im sorry that people want to leave feedback on things that didn’t quite meet expectations.

as for busan they are good maps but there’s not much else to discuss about them.

Hopefully we get more karaoke lines from other heroes.


It looks sweet. When It started I had a huge meh reaction after we’ve seen enough asian themed maps with hanamura and lijiang, but the rest of the map with its more modern side looked like something fresh

The capture point is near an edge which is really great for whole hog to shine

Visually its beautiful and i can’t wait to explore it as Lucio and Hammond, but… I can’t help but worry that it looks very open from what I’ve seen. Sniper meta might be even stronger here.

Maybe sanctuary. Others seem harder for snipers to me

Mech bay has that huge, wide-open point surrounded on all sides by high ground. The city portion is similar, but not as drastic.

Leave gameplay aside dude, this new interaction feature is the best thing about this map

Its Rein exclusive currently tho, possibly a bug or they didn’t record for other heroes.

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I’m scared because the next map has to be 2CP and I can’t stand it

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People would rather complain about the new cinematic that they had asked for. Sometimes I wonder why Blizzard even tries lol.

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I’m happy because the net map has to be 2CP and I love it.

I’ll wait to play it. Not that I’m not exited but for me, and I’m sure many others, a map is the most exiting when experiencing it with your favorite char’s and how they interact with it.

For example Rialto, seeing it was meh but when I finally Skate the waterways with Lucio, Fly around as Junkrat, and Snipe from excellent cover as Ana did I realy appreciate it.