Lets go 4 for 4 on a Bastion Rework

Lots of attention going into Bastion right now and given that Torb rework is going to be hitting live soon I think eyes are going to be on Bastion for the next rework.

I want to unironically recommend a toned down version of his ultimate is put on E and he is given a new ultimate.

I understand that at this point ‘just put their ult on E’ is basically a meme but after a lot of consideration I actually think Bastion would legitimately benefit from it.

Currently his ult does not demand respect. Right now if you pop ult as Bastion then the enemy team can go “quick, get him while he’s weak and can’t burn our shield or melt our tank”.

If we moved his ult to E then he would be able to keep his ability to rocket jump to high locations, keep some ability to burst (obviously the damage would be more like Pharah rockets instead of instagib) and be a sneaky bastion while also getting a new ultimate that hopefully demands more respect.

I also think that a transforming robot should have lots of options so having the option of rockets,shield damage or ranged hitscan all on his base kit would help fill that fantasy.

This thread is mainly about me believing that Bastion needs some love and that putting Tank on E is a good way to do that(despite the meme potential) but I do have a recommendation for his ult if anyone is interested:

Ult Recommendation: Slow Firing Beam Sniper

I recommend that he gets a new transformation that keeps him in Recon form but gives him a slow firing beam weapon with no range limit and no damage falloff that can pierce enemy bodies and shields but not headshot.

Balance points:
The weapon should not exceed 1 shot per second
Maximum damage for the beam should be 130 otherwise nano boosting it would instantly kill full health opponents
He remains in recon form so he can still be headshot and not benefit from Ironclad as he is now very scary and threatening to anyone in his sights.
Ultimate should probably have a maximum of 5 or 6 shots. He must make them count.

Reasons I think this would be better for Bastion:
It makes it very risky to jump bastion during his ult even if your tanks dive him - Currently if you have a tank who intends to face tank two bastion rockets then Bastion doesn’t get a third rocket because the entire team jump him, especially if Ana nano boosts someone who is jumping in the way. Giving him a piercing beam would lower his damage to tanks but make it far riskier for other players to dive him. It also helps fill the shield piercing void Symmetra left but ties it to an ultimate so that it’s not a consistent pain or oppressive.
The slow fire rate provides opportunities for people to peak but the piercing nature means that players will be just as scared to dive this ult bastion as they are a Sentry bastion. (Which I believe is the biggest problem he currently has, his ult doesn’t demand the same level of respect that his basic ability demands)


was the said ironically?

as for the rest I like the unique idea but he’d feel more like a sniper and we have enough in this meta

There have been hundreds of versions of tank on E suggested already.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t still relevant

No I was just trying to emphasis that it wasn’t being said ironically.

In regards to the ‘we have enough snipers in the meta’, I think part of their problem is that they are constantly sniping all game and can instantly kill. My suggestion tries to avoid that and also gates it behind an ultimate so it’s only up once a minute or so.

but it’s fair enough feedback, It’s just what I personally would have liked to see :slight_smile:


I know, I would love to see Bastion get some love and propose buff ideas all the time.


Knowing Blizzard Tank on E is most definitely going to happen.

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Knowing Blizzard Tank is not going to be on E. Its going to become his Shift ability.

Blizzard will likely give up on trying to balance Bastion around being immobile. I expect them to merge his sentry gun into his tank mode, make his tank mode his shift ability, and then make his E ability allow him to swap between sentry gun and tank cannon.

Since he no longer loses mobility making himself able to use his sentry gun they would neuter its DPS. Cut its fire rate from 35 to something like 10, leave the spread alone and then buff the fire rate back up during the new ult which would likely be… some Overclocking ability that gives him some armor and puts his tank cannon and sentry gun at their original damage outputs for like 8 seconds.

Just like Torbjorn we are going to see Bastion’s entire playstyle get flipped on its head and he wont play anything like how he did in the past for anyone that enjoyed him.

When all he needed was not the Ironclad crap but a forward shield to give him some independence from Reinhardt and Orisa as well as his sentry gun and tank mode restored to its pre-rework state.

just checking sometimes people here are sarcastic about not being sarcastic

true but it’s not a bad idea I’m just concerned about it’s power and synergy. i love the originality tho

It’s possible that my suggestion would just not fit for whatever reason but I think it’s probably fairly easy for them to prototype if they are looking for ideas.

Obviously its much easier to balance once they get a test version up so providing it feels good they could always add more power or remove power.

I do think Bastions very nature is going to make his rework a difficult task and I honestly racked my head for a while trying to think of an ultimate that would let him still have a transformation ultimate while also keeping him scary to dive.

I think just like the other reworks no matter what they do some players are going to simply miss the way he used to function but it’s clear our robot friend needs some new tricks if he wants to be useful for more than Pirate ship and last minute gambit stalls.