What if bastion was reworked into a tank hero?

But Bastion is already a Tank … When he use his Ultimate

Ok im sry this was a bad Joke i think i need to go to sleep

I know the joke has been done to death, but what is dead may never die!

You already have the power to rework Bastion into a tank, simply by pressing Triangle (Q for you PC players).

There’s only been like 12 of these, so it’s not over saturated just yet… just press Q.

This is a pretty fair rework, but I would like for them to reduce his spread as well… Take off more damage if you like, I just want him to be consistent and reliable. I like the “give teammates Ironclad” thing though, I wanted Hammond to be a tank that could do that, but when that didn’t happen, I thought it might go nicely with Bastion… Looking back on mine though, it wasn’t quite as elegant as this one. Mine gave Bastion a Lucio-like aura which would give teammates Ironclad, but that would probably be a bit too strong, I like your method better.

Nope. He’s supposed to be high damage not a tank.


360 dps isnt high DPS?
thats more than all 3 of syms turrets +her level 3 beam all fixed on one target

Bastions current niche is too niche to be balanced without being cheesy or useless at certain ranks. He can still be high damage if he trades a small chunk og that damage for surviveability

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I think Bastion should stay in the damage role, it’s clearly what a killer-turned-good robot was designed to be best at.

The problem he suffers from, imo is he is not very flexible for a transforming robot.

When his team protects him then he gets a lot of value in that particular role of providing suppressing fire but if his team are unable or unwilling to protect him then he simply gets less value than just being a different character.

If Bastion is to become a more legitimate pick outside of the ‘protect the robot’ mini-game then they need to provide him with more tools for outside of Sentry mode.

I actually think his Recon mode is pretty decent but when it comes down to it he has no mobility and his ultimate is sometimes just a loud noise that says ‘You are now safe to kill the Bastion - Block with one tank to win the fight and then never let Bastion setup ever again’

I’d like to see them rework Bastion, as well as Mei, into the tank category. It’d kill two birds with one stone as far as I’m concerned. Rework two of the heroes with the lowest pickrates, and fill out the tank category with more variety.

Why would they touch Mei? She’s pretty much perfect where she is. Her pickrate isn’t too high, but that’s fine because her kit is fun and works well (minus a few bugs). If they could get Bastion to the same spot as Mei, that would be ideal. They will have naturally lower pickrates because not many people like their kit, and that’s fine.

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so basically make him a tank and rename him orisa?

Reconmode does that with headshots (as in after headshots) and he can move. At the same ranges you would normally engage in sentry; recon will usually be able to hit full headshots, and it can move. So yeah, it’s not high relative dps.

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This would make Bastion an extremely dull and infuriating hero to be up against. That’s way too much raw tankiness attached to a hero like Bastion, especially when you’ve given them so little nerfs to compensate. By this, Bastion becomes extremely difficult to kill, especially if their team pockets them, while still maintaining the utility Basiton is played for.

This is a wild buff. Almost doubles Bastion’s health, Self-Repair becomes an extremely safe self-heal with Ironclad attached to it, and to boot, the pirate crew around Bastion is taking significantly less damage, all while a healer is pumping them with heals. In this particular suggestion, Self-Repair becomes extremely bloated of an ability, doing way too much at once.

I can already imagine a few too many situations where Bastions slide off ledges or scuttles behind a wall.

Goodbye shield play. Turret form is now a constant threat that Bastion rarely has to break out from, and enemy shields would never get a chance to stand around them. The reduction in damage would, at most, make it more difficult to kill the tanks Bastion was designed to take out, while encouraging spam play where Bastion locks down areas with a stream of consistent and still-heavy hitting damage.

With Bastion’s fundamentals in mind, I don’t think having them cross over into other roles is really for the best. They’re already sort of a DPS-tank hybrid, pushing them more into one direction puts the signature style of Bastion at risk. In particular, making Bastion tankier just makes them feel more difficult to face, and it would greatly encourage pirate ship comps, especially in this current meta.

Mm… The point of a tank is to make space for the team, and to mitiagte damage. None of these changes do any of that. Just makes for a DPS with tons of health

I won’t disagree with the “DPS with a ton of health” part too much though. This rework makes him kinda like Orisa, but with damage resistance instead of a shield, but he probably does a little too much damage for that with these numbers.

orisa is already similar to what bastion could have been if he was a tank.

I mained him as a DPS , i wouldn’t like for him to be reworked into a TANK

Also, didn’t Grant do a thread about the “Bastion does 450 DPS” myth?

One sec, lemme find it.

I know that I probably shouldn’t speak for Bastion players, so I will speak for myself.

I like the idea. Like, imagine if reckon mode would be used to create space and push through the chokepoint, then once you manage to do that, just sentrymode to fortify the position.

We lack tanks and supports, so that would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

I had an idea posted on different topic:

Not sure if bastion players would really like this much of a change in playstyle, but I guess it’s them who should answer me this question.

Bastion is literally a walking minigun. How can that be a tank?