If Bastion had an E, what would it be?

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I think it would be a self shield, similar to his alpha build. Maybe a Zarya style personal shield for 300 damage or so. Probably only in sentry mode since he’s usually pocketed in recon + he has ironclad

Tank cannons are well above grenade launchers. The artillery shell is a projectile , basically a bullet that’s 120 to 125 mm caliber (used to be 75 before World War 2), that doesn’t need to explode to damage on contact (though there are explosive versions). It’s kinetic energy alone that does the damage.

Grenade launchers, as implied, are explosive, like a grenade. It’s a special type of canister topping a projectile and fired like a bullet from the hand-held weapon. It doesn’t go as far as a tank cannon, but most of the damage is explosive and is just as dangerous. There are also variant explosives that can do other types of potentially lethal damage.

I would bind a magnetic matrix ability to E, for three seconds he can absorb incoming projectiles and use the metal to repair himself, reload his weapon, something like that. Only let him MM bullet type projectiles, stuff like Mei’s icicle or Moira’s orb, Zarya’s beam, etc cannot be gathered, as they are not magnetic. Maybe he can blast it at an enemy shotgun style? Bastion cannot deal damage while MM is active. It must be deployed for it’s entire duration, and cannot be cancelled at Bastion’s discretion. Bastion may use MM in either recon OR sentry mode. It’s cooldown is 13 seconds, creating a 10 second window where it’s safe to assume that now is the right time to go kill Bastion

Bastion’s ULT is changed, he now deploys in sentry form during his ult instead of Tank form. A temporarily mobile sentry Bastion would be a good ULT for him, currently it is completely useless due to shields and it’s insanely low DPS.

Ah, ain’t it from the Torbjorn School of Rework?

I was thinking about it recently, I’ve made some suggestions in the past but if we were to keep him the same but add an E then maybe he could use a Railgun.

I like the idea of Bastion being a bit of a swiss army knife of war and from a gameplay perspective he really lacks a reliable ranged finisher and lacks mobility.

I propose we give him a Railgun on a long cooldown (12 seconds?) with a small ‘charging’ animation. (delayed fire like Mei gun but with an audio cue for the enemies)

The railgun I propose fires through enemy barriers and hitboxes (allowing Railgun multikills) but does only a reasonable amount of damage (maybe 100?).

Lastly I propose a that the Railgun is so powerful that it launches Bastion backwards a massive distance (10 meters?) and stuns Bastion if he collides with a Wall but if he uses it in Sentry mode he is not knocked back and cannot be stunned by using it.

Turns into jeff and bans the entire enemy team from the game

Summon Reinhardt to stand in front of him

he gets wheels for the next 4 seconds

Summon Ganymede, it basically flies around the enemy team and shows ult charge for a certain player, then flies back.

Rocket fuel. Gives him a 2 second speed boost of 40% that can be used to quickly relocate / retreat / whatever.

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This is called gamesense and would make the worst abilities in the game beyond diamond.

BIRD FLYING. BIRD NYOOMS!!! nyooming bird deals damage and steals projectiles of enemies like moira orbs and dynamites >:3

shhhhhh, i just thought of something random lol

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Hear me out alright… I know this seems a little crazy but what if he turned into a tank?

He would dry my tears during his Cinematic Video ;-;

tracer blinks with right click

So for a duration, projectile damage heals him? As in anything but beam or spray weapons. (in whichever direction the ability effects). That sounds kind of cool but people would lose their minds about it.

Call the arty, missile Bastion !
Just E for JB-2 strike ! 16 seconds cooldows, these olds missiles lauchers need to shake again !

He has 3 seconds to “gather” projectiles in a pile in front of his reticule to reduce incoming damage. The more projectiles he collects, the greater the benefit, to a set MAX. So if he sucks up 785 DMG, he can only use say 200 of it max to reload his gun and self repair. Would help keep him alive under heavy pressure and create interesting counter play opportunities without directly rewarding Bastion.

He could soak up that Widow and buy himself enough time to re position properly. I know they buffed his config deployment time to be faster for this reason, but i’m telling you, in Beta he had a shield he could deploy and that was kinda the right idea, but he was too hard to kill. [He actually was, it was nuts lol]

I think this magnetic thing offers the right kind of counter play, without benefiting Bastion too much, and still allowing valid hard counters such as Mei and Zarya etc to be used.

It would make Bastion viable and it would also fix goats as simply peeling him off would have a different dyanmic, and giving him sentry mode in ULT tank config actually makes him a threat instead of the current meta:

“Bastion ULTed, quick, kill him while it’s easier than it would have been in sentry config lool”