Legend of Talon and Hero of Numbani: Doomfist and Orisa’s tank overhauls

Orisa looks cool, but can’t help but think that Orisa looks 0% like current Orisa.

I honestly wonder why they didn’t just make this a new hero and try to at least keep some semblance of Orisa’s current kit. Halt + Supercharger both seem like they could’ve had a place in OW2.


I always look for these little bits of info from the devs…

"Orisa underwent the opposite. The team noticed that she struggled with brawling and toe-to-toe engagements, so we had to adapt her into the future of the game."

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I expect her energy javelin work similar as sigma rock/roadhog’s hook while javelin spin working as cooler version of rein’s charge, without a pin, with a plus of breaking projectiles.

Otherwise would be really lame. Because most of her abilities are easily manageable with barriers or matrix or absorb or zarya bubble. Making her effectively weak against more than half of the tanks roster

not all heroes will have a new look xD

Echo is the only one we know that is confirmed NOT to be getting a re-design.

Just to manage some expectations here:

The new look for both Orisa and Doomfist are not quite ready to be shown in a gameplay reveal trailer like we normally do (you’ll see in beta that they, along with some other heroes, will still have what we call their 1.0 looks).


Oh that’s totally fine!! I’m more eager to see their kits in action than I am to see the new look. To me personally it’s just a skin so I’m not too fussed.


Is that not Doom’s new look in the post?

(I’m assuming it is, but it simply won’t be present in the beta)

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It’s a duration, and you’re able to move (albeit more slowly), when it’s active


Getting something ready for a static image like the asset in the blog is very different than getting it ready for a video :slight_smile:


The FG inspiration behind Doom is something that Geoff has stated as something he wanted to preserve as part of his kit. Glad to see that you’re picking up what we laid down with this


They did say the word parry in the post, which is a staple in fighting games, so there is that lol.

One of the most iconic fighting game moments is a player doing multiple impossible parries in a row after all.


I wish we could also see some video of how things work.

As for the changes:
-It is a very bad idea to allow bad teammates to feed Doom. It is just going to create more steamrolling as if it isn’t enough already.

-all this slowing down effects are only going to punish the enemy tanks who are already slow rather than the enemy dps.

-idk if orisa will even be able to survive without the shield.


I cannot wait to test these new reworks!

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garbage. they call doom a high mobility lethal hero and say they wanna keep the ‘fighting game character spirit’ while also completely changing how he plays. i hate this

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i disagree completely. literally removing the high-mobility lethal combo from his kit. he’s not a fighting game character because he gets to stand still. the power fantasy behind playing doom is essentially gutted. the only way you even get a ‘real’ rocket punch is by standing still? how does this build on doom’s existing playstyle at all? why even make him a tank if you’re altering how he plays this much. i don’t even need to see the gameplay, i’d rather have old doom. not to mention it’s a sigma type ability where you ENTIRELY RELY on the enemy team to give it to you, but sigma doesn’t need to charge his black hole to throw rocks at people. im so disappointed man

No. this is so wrong it makes me believe you’ve either never played fighting games or never played doomfist. doomfist is a fighting game character because of his ability to juggle enemies and DELIVER COMBOS. PARRYING IS NOT A COMBO. STANDING STILL IS NOT A COMBO YOU NEED PRECISE INPUTS FOR. not to mention you CAN’T JUGGLE ENEMIES ANYMORE. they have REMOVED ‘FIGHTING GAME CHARACTER’ FROM HIS KIT.

fighting games has been removed from his identity. ov2 he’s a punchbot. you are now forced to play doom like people who are bad at doom play doom in ov1. the fun has been removed. ‘power block’ is almost as bad as making echo a DPS instead of a support


The new defense ability for doomfist is something i was expecting him to have from the start when watching his cinematic and before he was out.
Im scared that i want to test out doom, im not supposed to want to play doom, its not part of my character. I might have to play some OW1 to remember why i hate him.

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Based on what we’ve seen in Alpha (and sharing my own anecdotal experience of playing him), he should have solid peel potential. With the reduction in damage, and increase in survivability, he’s able to focus more on displacement and making space for his team, including peeling for the backline when needed.

When you consider the increased CC on abilities like Seismic Slam, improved stun duration on a charged Rocket Punch (from the Power Block ability), and the rather large area slow on Meteor Strike, Doom’s potential to peel for his team is there.

Orisa is definitely a more aggressive tank with her rework, however abilities like Energy Javelin and Javelin Spin are great space making abilities, and can be used effectively both offensively and defensively.

Of course, all of this is based on Alpha and OWL feedback. We will continue to monitor and adjust as needed throughout the beta


AndyB, I have wanted to know for so long now… Will Genji have a skin or option to have his hoodie on like he is shown in the trailer? Could you tell me this please??? is it something i can look forward to?

Peeling is DPS responsibility now. Tanks need to be frontline only.