Known Issues List 2018/02/08

Patch 1.20 Known Bugs

Disclaimer: This is not a complete list of all currently tracked issues affecting this build of Overwatch, rather this is a targeted list of some known specific issues with this release.



  • It is possible for dropped flags to get stuck in walls and other collision
  • A first win reward Loot Box icon is not present on the Ayutthaya arcade card but you will still earn a box on your first win


  • Note: CTF Competitive uses the same grouping rules as normal competitive mode, and you must be within proper skill level to queue with other players
  • If you view the ranked friends leaderboard, then switch back to top 500, players top 3 heroes may not be displayed


  • If D.Va drops the flag via booster use, she receives the “Your team has dropped the flag” messaging

Nepal CTF Map

  • Several health packs on the map are slightly out of place



  • If you successfully sleep Mercy during her Valkyrie ultimate, and Mercy falls to her death, you receive an assist credit toast to that Mercy


  • Rocket Punching an enemy into a slanted wall might cause the slam damage not to be applied


  • With the Heroic Victory Pose equipped D.Va may be leaning against the wrong part of her mech on the Victory line-up screen


  • The golden weapon sheen VFX is not displaying correctly for several of Genji’s skins


  • If the Lifeguard or Mystery Man skins are equipped, his gun will grow in size during the Hero Select screen and Heroic Highlight Intro


  • When Biotic Grasp switches enemy targets, an attached damaging effect remains on the first target hit


  • Zarya has some clipping issues with several emotes and victory poses while her Xuan Wu skin is equipped


Assault/Escort Hybrid Maps

  • Kill Streak toasts do not appear while playing on Hybrid maps



  • While in the Video tab of the Options menu, pressing Enter will not open the chat window


  • If someone in your party is suspended or banned, the Group leader will not get a message letting them know why they cannot queue for competitive play
  • If you successfully rejoin a Competitive match and finish it, you will not be able to press the “stay as a team” button during end of round flow

Custom Game Browser

  • When making a custom Deathmatch game the “Mercy Resurrect Counteracts Kills” option does not function

FFA Deathmatch

  • Mei will slowly float up into the air while frozen in her Cryo-Freeze


  • If you attempt to change hero with zero seconds remaining on your respawn, you may still spawn in as your previous hero and need to re-swap

Main Menu

  • There is an unintentional black fade while Magistrate McCree spins his revolver

Patch 1.19 Reported Known Bugs



  • Large heroes can get stuck behind the lamp post directly outside the Heroes Arcade
  • On console versions of the game, there is a plant stuck inside the Ancient Curious checkout counter
  • Soldier: 76 Helix Rocket and Zarya’s Primary Fire do not damage or pop balloons in the park



  • The schedule of matches does not always load in all information when entering the screen, and can miss some data when refreshed
  • If you enter the Overwatch League menu and exit back out, the hero shown on the Main menu may display oddly


  • Player portraits are not appearing in highlights generated with Overwatch League skins equipped
  • ]Genji’s blade isn’t properly colored by his golden weapon with an OWL skin equipped
  • While team skins are equipped Mei’s golden weapon lacks the sheen VFX which flashes across the weapon
  • Reinhardt’s idle animation does not play in the skin preview window
  • Roadhog’s health canister does not have a skin preview
  • Symemtra does not have a skin preview for her shield generator
  • Widowmaker’s hair does not hang properly during the Hanging Around Highlight Intro if team skins are equipped
  • Widowmaker’s Venom Mine is using team colors
  • Team decal’s disappear from Winston’s suit while in Primal Rage



  • If Genji uses the Whirlwind emote with his Sparrow skin equipped, the small sword does not sheath properly as he puts it away


  • If you cancel a wall climb the moment it starts, you may not be able to start another wall climb until you jump and land once


  • Concussive Mine does not have falloff damage against barriers


  • The color of Lucio’s visor does not match his equipped skin during the Drop the beat Highlight Intro


  • If your gun is equipped when you use the Parasol emote, the staff will not be visible for the emote
  • If you are stunned while cancelling out of Guardian Angel, you can be flung farther away than intended
  • Valkyrie flight controls behave oddly while you are using Resurrect


  • Biotic Orb will pass through Mei’s Ice Wall


  • It is possible for the EMP VFX to not display if she is stunned right after it is cast


  • Torb’s turret cannot be upgraded to level 2 if Tracer has placed a pulse bomb on it just before it upgrades


  • While reloading Widowmaker’s ammo clip falls out the bottom of her gun instead of popping out the side


All Assault Maps, Junkertown, Route 66, Watchpoint: Gibraltar

  • After attackers take an objective, their first spawn room will still be active to heal and swap heroes


  • Some railings start in their destroyed state when a match begins


  • Near the objective point on Ruins, there is a very small hole which some hero projectiles can pass through



  • Players are unable to purchase the basic sprays with currency in Hero Gallery
  • Restore Defaults does not function properly in the Social section of Options

Custom Game Browser

  • Loading a saved custom game does not change any game settings in your game lobby


  • A black screen will display for the losing players instead of the Highlight Intro and Victory Pose screen
  • In team deathmatch it can take a few seconds for the Victory and Defeat Voicelines to play

Older Reported Known Issues



  • Heroes hit by Sleep Dart may have animation issues when hit by other abilities


  • Using Rocket Punch in the air with high latency can cause the camera to jerk backwards
  • Rocket Punch’s speed and distance are not affected by hero abilities that boost your movement speed
  • If enemies are Rocket Punched into a friendly Mei Cryo-Freeze they will not take the wall impact damage
  • Rocket Punch does not knock back’s mech as it is self-destructing
  • Using Rising Uppercut while the enemy is near collision can cause Doomfist to be knocked back
  • Using Rising Uppercut directly after a Seismic Slam can cause Doomfist and the enemy to be knocked away from each other
  • Meteor Strike does not go under barriers that have a gap available


  • D.Va’s mech does not animate when re-entering it
  • Using melee right as you begin Boosting will not cancel the boost


  • Concussion mine will disappear if thrown into an ice-blocked Mei


  • Aiming below a fallen teammate’s soul globe does not easily target the hero for resurrection
  • The Valkyrie Ultimate form does not benefit from movement increasing abilities
  • Swapping weapons during a quick melee can cause your weapon to disappear


  • Switching quickly between healing and damaging beams can cause the animation to play from the wrong hand
  • The healing spray can reach and heal teammates on the other side of an enemy barrier
  • Attacking barriers with Biotic Grasp will not damage them
  • Moira’s attacking Biotic Grasp beam can visually disappear while attached to enemy barriers
  • The attacking Biotic Grasp beam will attach to the base of Mei’s Cryo-Freeze iceblock instead of the center
  • Attacking Mei’s Icewall with Biotic Grasp does no damage to it unless there is an enemy standing directly behind it
  • Biotic Grasp can still briefly do damage after Moira is killed
  • Moira’s Biotic Orb will kill itself if it bounces too much in quick, rapid succession
  • Biotic Orb does not correctly bounce off of moving platforms
  • Biotic Orb passes directly through breakable objects
  • Mei’s Ice wall will consume Biotic Orb instead of letting it bounce off
  • Biotic Orb will travel directly through Mei’s Cryo-Freeze instead of bouncing off
  • Healing self-damage back to teammates does not deplete Biotic Orb’s total healing resource pool
  • Biotic Orb will continue attempting to heal D.Va’s mech when it reaches zero health and is animating being destroyed
  • Healing tendrils will attach directly to invisible heroes like stealthed Sombra and a recalling Tracer
  • Moira can take damage as she enters fade, causing her to die and appear invisible in the killcam


  • When using Symmetra in Elimination game modes you are able to use your ultimate to place a teleporter


  • Kill credit is not received when using Graviton Surge to pull players off a ledge to their death



  • On Hollywood Torbjorn can get stuck in the second defenders spawn room if he jumps between the wooden planks leaning against the wall


  • Reinhardt’s Earthshatter does not effect targets standing on the moving turbine blade near the final point



  • If a player is invited to a game that has all player and spectating slots full, they do not receive an error that they cannot join the game
  • The green arrows indicating you performed above you career average do not display correctly when performing better or worse than your average

Custom Game Browser

  • The Game Browser does not provide any indication that AI Bots will not function in Elimination and CTF game modes
  • Disabling Primary fire for D.Va turns off the mechs Fusion Cannons, and her Pistol
  • The ammo counter displayed on some hero weapons may not function correctly if the Ammunition Clip Size Scalar is modified
  • Ultimates will re-enable weapons that have their primary fire disabled for the duration of the Ultimate


  • If Symmetra is killed just as she places her Shield Generator, a Teleporter may be placed instead


  • When viewing recorded highlights using the in game video player, footage has current video settings applied over video settings at time of recording (causing footage to appear twice as dark or bright