Mei Wall vs Moira Orbs

Currently Moira ball passes through Mei Wall and does not bounce off like it should.

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This is intended but i agree that it should bounce off the walls instead

How is this intended? It’s literally the only projectile or hitscan in the game that goes through Mei Wall. Even Moira ult does not go through the wall.

Idk man they’ll probably change it as it is frustrating to feel safe behind an ice wall then to have an orb pass right through it and kill you

Been like this since November saw a thread post, they probably just ignoring it or don’t even realise it is happening. The point is it’s suppose to bounce off no go through and if you put up a wall to block the orb so your team members who have low hp won’t die, they will die because of this bug.

Even after last patch the orbs still go through the walls.

Played game where Orbs bounce off Symmetra Shield but not Mei Wall. Why?

Mei’s wall in this interaction between Wall vs Orb acts like a barrier when it is not a barrier, it is a wall. It prevents walking, blinking, and dashing through so it is a wall, not a barrier. Barriers do not prevent movement in any way therefore it should be fixed to block Moira orbs. Simple as that.

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Still not fixed and will still keep this thread alive until it’s either fixed or official answer that’s is somehow intentional which clearly does not seem like it should since it bounces off literally everything else.

It’s a known bug:
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Thanks, at least the know about it but I saw a thread back in November saying it was happening…

Still bugged, hopefully new patch for Mei comes out they fix this bug.