Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

On defence, but on offence, with these extra defensive options, they could close the gap and brawl it out a lot easier.

The highly mobile characters are Dive characters, in order to cover the weaknesses you generally run a compatible secondary tank. The only other tank with a decent mobility ability that isnā€™t a dive character (right now) to gap close is Rein which you would run Zarya and Lucio anyway.

Unless you are running Sym which also has the negative side effect ofā€¦ running Sym.

Iā€™m still surprised anyone liked the Zarya change considering she actually fails even harder at maintaining high charge.

All characters are high mobility characters with an amped Lucio speed boost.

Fast enough to avoid getting one shot from potentially different directions?

D.Va and Winston work well because he has a barrier. They both also move vertically.


Iā€™m sorry, but like thisā€¦ no.

If this change is a thing, nerf her decay to 2.0.

This is a major buff to zarya, not a small one.

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Seems like a fair change to me

Itā€™s still not enough changes.

Maybe a 1.5s cool down between each bubble?

Or a Moira change just like what the person said above.

Having two ally bubbles is really broken if U think about it.

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Yeah it would be a pretty big buff (probably not as big as chiefwambam is saying, though).
That would be fine.

But really, I would only make this a thing if all the tanks got significant changes/buffs. Then it could be considered TBH. Zaryas mostly fine rn, just need projected barrier to not extend in front of rein shield.

To be fair tho, the projected barrier cooldown got increased to 10s, and youā€™d be left with no self bubble.

What sort of buffs would need to be equivalent to this buffed Zarya?

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50% beam reduction to her armor.

12 meter defense matrix + width buff

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But for right now, D.Va just needs 12 meter defense matrix

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But I just donā€™t really feel like making zarya a already must pick, a bigger must pickā€¦ lol

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m very scared about the bubble change.

How about, absorbing damage refills D.vaā€™s resource meter.


Thatā€™s broken.

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Itā€™s strong, but would it be stronger than this buffed version of Zarya?

I can confidently eat 12k damage per 10mins.

If that happened, i would probably have 2x of that averaging 22k per 10mins lol :skull::skull:

Yes lol

I dont think DM needs a buff, people already hate DM as it is, and it carries her in OWL.
Maybe they could reduce her movement penalty, spread, 3s boosters, critical hit reduction, any of these really.