Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

I don’t think DM to 12m is even a buff… it’s more of a QoL change.

Couldn’t they just lower the conversion rate of damage-to-meter, until it’s balanced?

it’s just buffing DM like that is a bad idea, as ive said. like no one likes dm.
probably buff something else that would appeal DPS players more, holding right click all game would be boring.

Defense matrix is never going to be balanced with OWL and the devs have never figured out how to balance it as it is.

That’s why they chopped DM to 10m

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I’m not really trying to balance the current situation.

I’m trying to anticipate what devs might do to increase Tank usage by about 20-50%.

I mean, you can still damage D.Va

well, that wouldn’t increase tank usage.
TBH i found 4s dm really boring.

that was probably a hyperbole on my part tbh.

Yeah but damage to resource is more like Zarya bubbles.

If the enemy controls their fire, it gives a lot less

Which would be extra true for OWL players

So make defense matrix worse? No thanks

its great for when boostio steals the bubble that was meant for a dying teammate further off

More like make all offtanks substantially better at peeling than they are now.

Defense matrix shouldn’t get a damage cap like zarya bubble. Have you seen the burst damage?

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yeah thats what makes matrix unique.
(especially against cheese comps)

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Exactly. Makes D.Va worse in dive too

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I’m not talking damage caps, I’m saying if you had a bastion shooting at you with unlimited ammo, you’d have unlimited matrix.

That’s a cool idea on paper, but it invalidates bunker and would make the comp unplayable on its self.

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well, still, that wouldn’t encourage dps players to play tank. they wanna pew pew not hold matrix all game.

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Nobody really liked tanking anyways.

I would literally solo dva back when she had 4s dm.

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Its not that tanks aren’t boring…

It’s that u have a important job to do.