How is D.Va suppose to protect in the "mid field" if D.Va can't even protect players past the shield

Realistically, devs did all those Matrix changes for GOATs and haven’t adjusted back since.

Additionally, why would you use, when Sigma does almost the same job, but has more utility and actually hurts things at range.


I don’t think Zarya aiming to get the grav around her counters is a bad thing. You could always just aim lower and still catch it after all. still needs a moderate/moderately small buff.


Now in 2-2-2, Zaya’s pretty much run around, with no threat of getting their ultimate eaten.

A lot of ultimates are now buggy because of the missing matrix range.

Yeah, a defense matrix range buff.

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Zarya’s always ran around with almost no threat of their ultimate getting eaten because there are so few ways to deal with it, and the ways to deal with it have always been not too hard to work around.

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That’s why we give them harder counter play, buffing matrix range :slight_smile:

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I’d rather they just made Zarya harder to play, she’s braindead easy to use. Her skill set amounts to aiming and cooldown management, so unique :roll_eyes:

Her gimmick of charge management might as well not exist since it’s so stupidly easy to maintain.


Yeah, I guess. But D.Va still needs some buffs.

Defense matrix range would be a great way to start.


It’s weird how they haven’t changed all the goats buffs and nerfs back tbh. Like…why not?


Because she might be ran in goats in open queue and we can’t have that

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Goats can’t be ran anymore.

Since brig can’t sustain that much.

It works in Masters

See 10 meters sounds like a lot but it’s practically point blank in a game like this especially with a character as big and slow as

Boosters can’t compensate for that imo. In fact I learn Hammond of all characters can outroll Boosters so idk I hope they improve something about her

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When actual melee characters like Brig & Rein have ranges of 5-6 meters, I’d say there’s no “practically” about it.


Open Queue is now effectively “That zany arcade mode from a bygone era”.

And the only reason it really exists currently, is because it’s an effective “heatsink” for excess DPS players.

For real.

Open que isn’t taken seriously, diamond is legit top 500 on there.

Please blizzard, bury your grudge against her, triple tanks and GOATS was never her fault. Treat her fair. Enough is enough now.

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Only because damage is so high. It never used to be this easy to hold charge back when barriers were strong and damage was lower.

That’s not true at all

Zarya has more charge because they made her lose charge 25% slower than she used to, not because damage has supposedly gone up or barriers got weaker. Why would barriers getting weaker give Zarya more charge overall?

Because that damage isn’t going mitigated by barriers, it is going directly into her bubble when popped.

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But what if Zarya just puts herself in front of the shield or the shield user just drops their shield? That’s always an option