Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

  1. There would be plenty of counters. I just listed 3 different compositions with counters. You just couldn’t run doublebarrier without it being a cheese comp.
  2. Philosophy doesn’t matter if their actual results have never gotten a multimeta, except for the brief period where a meta hasn’t been “solved” for.
  3. GM is probably going to need a ban system equivalent

Almost as if that’s the elephant in the room all the armchair designers in the forum are trying to ignore.

I mean, I’m an armchair designer, and I’m already on my 4th ban system design. :stuck_out_tongue:

Simplified Tank-Only Hero Bans

What counters would there be with your added changes? Your changes counter 4 out of 6 supports making Mercy and Zen the best picks (old dive characters), as far as tank options Hog, Zarya, Sigma are now countered by D.Va. Winston can go through Barriers making Rein vulnerable unless he has Zarya. Orisa doesn’t really have anyone to pair with that isn’t countered and Ball doesn’t offer as much as the newly buffed Dive characters.

Old dive would be the meta for diamond and up and Rein/Zarya would be the meta below Diamond.

How am I not surprised.

Which sounds a lot like saying “if all metas are useable besides doublebarrier, that means there’s only 1 meta choice”

Because apparently Brawl and DoubleOffTank aren’t close range comps.

They really would only exist if they can bypass the additional Dive buffs since you countered every support except two.

Why would a support determine if brawl can be used? (Actually I guess offensively there’s Lucio speed, but that’s not really affected here)

A 4sec defense matrix or 2x Zarya bubble could just as easily be a defensive option, as it could be an offensive option.

Can you clarify what this means “Winston bubble blocks all forms of Aura heals?” because auras already need LoS.

If a player affected by Inspire enters a Winston bubble, then they lose the lingering Inspire status effect.

Throw in, Repairpack can’t go through barriers. (Or at least can’t target teammates behind enemy barriers)

Then if a Winston dove a target and had DM. Which heals would work on the target?

Zenyatta and Mercy, if they had applied the heal ahead of time.

Also Moira Ult

Right. Except Moira loses lingering heals and orb.

Might be interesting if they just make it apply to all pre-applied healing.

Then the answer becomes “no outside healing besides Moira Ult”

Then why would you pick anything besides old Dive?

Because casting 2x Zarya bubbles on an Ana would make her pretty hard to Dive.

At the same time trying to heal someone requires you to run Mercy/Zen since so many things can be blocked or eaten, including Grav. So you would have to use your bubbles every Dive attempt.

In the case that Dive is unable to be run, Zarya is now the meta. Since you can’t really run barrierless play without getting burst down, you’ll need the tank with the best barrier.

So what you’re describing is a meta that could alternate between Brawl and Dive, depending on ELO and Map.

Basically Dive and Rein/Zarya like I said before.

And doubleofftank.

So pretty much everything, besides doublebarrier.

Double off tank is countered by burst damage, particularly hitscan.