Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

The flipside of that is you get two bubbles to defend with.

Now imagine if they applied a similar principle to other offtanks.

Then you’d basically need offtanks to counter offtanks.

Your idea of forcing a status quo is just as foolish as the idea of maintaining the current one is

Why force players to play a certain way? They already do that enough as is with role queue

Only if you have the assumption that you’d lose more players who are upset about having even less “objective capture influence”, than you would to bad queue times, bad matchmaker, and bleeding out bored tank players making the whole problem worse over time.

Objectively, DPS players already care a lot less about that, or else they wouldn’t be playing DPS.

You know… I’ve been thinking about how you said this.
Then I remembered… aren’t you the same person who called zarya braindead?

who are you to say what the hero needs? rofl

Who are you to say what they need? You think this change isn’t a big deal

I never said that, I said it’s not as big as you think.

And what do you think zarya needs? I’m interested, since you think zarya is braindead :unamused:

(Aren’t you the same person who agreed with me on a thread that people who call heroes braindead are buffoons?)

I don’t think Zarya needs anything! She does just fine as is!

And no, I did not

Also, the change is exactly as big as I think, it was part of a patch made explicitly to make characters completely silly(like Hammond or Sigma) or exceptionally strong in silly ways(like Winston or Ana). It’s a big deal as it was intended to be.

The only thing in that patch that wasn’t that big of a deal from a silly or power standpoint was Symmetra’s change.

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That would be busted lol

I don’t follow the logic. You are saying to take the best tank overall, the best tank at getting kills in general and then making it so she is stronger and gets more kills to attract more people? She is already the best tank for getting kills so more kills is just going to make her stupid OP. Sure that might attract more people to play her, but what is the point of that?

To set a further status quo where Tanks are more desirable than they are currently.

Rather than just shuffling around which 2-3 Tanks get used.

But making 1 tank even more powerful and far ahead of all the others will put off current tank players. I already think Zarya is part of the problem getting people to play tanks other than Zarya. In the tank roster, Zarya counters Zarya already. Making her more powerful without buffing the other tanks will result in less tank players, not more.

Not if you also buff the other offtanks to meet that new level, and figure out how to buff other Barrier Tanks without causing Double Barrier.

Especially because it will be much more worthwhile to have an offtank, and DoubleOffTank will be less detrimental.

Heck, if Off Tanks enable more aggressive Dives and close range fights, but also defend against Dives and close range. It becomes more mandatory to have an offtank.
(I.e. Less beneficial to have doublebarrier)

Its surprising how many people don’t recognize this obvious fact. I still say too - one day will come where you get to customize your kit for PVP… not all abilities, but perhaps a slot with a subset from the PVE set of abilities for that character.

As long as you have a system where you need to defend a point, large burst damage and the ability to block said burst damage, people will always go for the option of stacking defense when defending when possible.

And what if DoubleZaryaBubble, or 4sec matrix, or more frequently hog hooks makes it harder to defend at close range with 2 barrier tanks?

Unless you also have an offtank on your team?

You either load up on CC or Heals so that you can survive as a defender.

The maps and game modes don’t really offer a ton of freedom when it comes to defending a point.

What if they make it so that defense matrix blocks repairpack, and all ranged CC?

And Winston bubble blocks all forms of Aura heals?

Then you force a single meta which people eventually hate after a period of time.

Last I checked, Brawl and Dive are two metas. Add in DoubleOffTank.

Also GM always turns into a single meta anyways after a patch is figured out at the Pro level.

Except it’s minor character changes due to no new character releases now and they generally haven’t been to blatant to add multiple hard counters to push a meta. Not only is that unnatural but goes against their philosophy.

Now if it was OWL only, not many would care.