You and I both, but the community feels like 250 HP McCree is both “too strong” & “too weak”.

Personally, I hate his machine gun fire-rate and the fact that he pretty much eats bullets because his hitbox is so huge.

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Its funny because every sweaty excuse to not give her 250HP is because of her hitbox… Excuse me?


YEP. I used to buy into that too. My blinders are off.


I mean Yeah the hit-boxes are bigger Than we thought but it’s still skillfull/hard to do to hit headshots.

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Btw jeff nice hitboxes

Try oneshot ana after hook (dont shoot her before). She must be 200 hp before hook and try dont die (nade+move)

Like its hard on BOT (if you no miss timing). On real ana its INSANE HARD

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I would like to see an experimental card with optimized/reduce hitboxes

I want to know the difference


These are huge :open_mouth:

Perhaps this is something they should address rather than her healing. Pretty frustrating to fight her and know that any other hero her size would have died but you can’t just seem to get the hits on her.

Now I know why I often feel like I made it round a corner and broke LOS and still got hit - my big fat hitbox was still dangling round the corner behind me.

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This is also why Moira players have such an easy time with our “lock on” This is bassicly Moira eyesight.

I dont know if Im right about this but Id swear Genji’s dash acts funny with his hitbox

Would be great to get some other hitboxes like he showed with Genji’s deflect and junk’s trap:

Rein’s charge
Rein’s hammer swing
Moira’s right click at various ranges
Moira’s damage orb
Hog’s hook
Splash damage (junk, pharah, echo, zarya right click)
Ana heal
and so on

We know some are X meters but a visual to show this would be awesome.


Symmetra’s hitbox is an absolute joke.

What the heck, Blizzard? How is that fair?!


But probably projectiles also have a hitbox … :slight_smile:

Not all are on but some of yours are for example Hook which doesn’t really have a hitbox.

With this setup I could probably do some more like splash but I would need a new one for other things and I don’t think I will be motivated enough for that xD

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I especially want to see how absurdly large Rein’s charge hitbox is. Like, that needs a nerf most likely.

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Thoses combined with magic shot or lag server feel his arrow are imaginary giant wood shot from the bow.

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It’s odd because right clicking at her as hog at range or left clicking up close implies she has a tiny hitbox - hardly any pellets hit compared to other heroes of similar size. This is the same for Ana. It doesn’t feel like it matches with what is shown as her hitbox in the video.

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I checked hog… and wtf is this???

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