Just get rid of 2-2-2 already

Just because you write something in bold doesn’t make it true.

While I think 2-2-2 is the most optimal comp, it does feel pretty limiting. And the queue times are excruciating.
I suggest we replace it with open queue with the limit that more than 3 of one role cannot happen. Limiting teams to 2-2-2 or 1-2-3, still allowing them to get creative and not have to deal with queue times all over again.


Deal :clap: with :clap: it :clap: .


Ok. You Are Acting Like Chipsa

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If I said it once, I said it a thousand times…Blizzard, starting with introduction of role lock and since that time, have been treating the playerbase as misbehaving children.

It would not surprise me at all if role lock and hero bans were heavily modified or even removed if/when OW2 is released…and it would also not surprise me if these forums don’t exist past OW2 launch, considering most of the “ideas” on these forums either are trash or, after implementation, turn out to be trash…role lock being Exhibit A.

Problem is, until the chicken littling (and thankfully slowly dwindling number) of role lock defenders and Blizzard defenders realize that role lock and most other ideas are dragging this game down, this game will continue to suck. Which only makes it more likely that these forums won’t exist past OW2 launch.

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Absolutely not. No, no, no, no no no. If they abolished 222 in comp, that would be my last day on overwatch. The number of absolute morons who just go dps is ridiculous. And playing comp open queue has reinforced this feeling. Almost every match is a disarrayed horrible dps team and it just feels awful.

I will admit 222 has brought a lot of issues to the game, but I will NEVER play again in a world where a 5-6 dps comp is possible. Absolutely not. I will ALSO say that 222 absolutely should be abolished in masters +. They have no need for it.

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i am just guessing here but perhaps you prefer to choose dps over other roles? hence the strong defensive stance you are against 2-2-2 after encountering OQC?

This is incorrect. I literally said in the post that I play quite a lot of characters

I don’t buy the whole ‘maining’ culture when you pick two or three characters and call it a day. That’s not how Overwatch is built. I literally play like half the roster, and it’s fun as Hell. It’s really not that hard.

I play Brigitte, Lucio and Mercy whenever my team needs a healer, and I play Orisa, Roadhog, D.Va or Reinhardt when we need a tank, with whoever I choose depending on the scenario (I’ll choose Brigitte or D.Va if we need more aggression, Mercy or Orisa if we need more staying-power, etc etc)

The fact you assumed I was just a filthy dps-locker is part of the problem with the pro-2-2-2 crowd. They paint everyone who disagrees with them with the same brush to try and dismiss their arguments.

i should give you a scenario, put a comp mode between 12 DPS in a match. that match is not going to make it far and it will be endless “strategies” on how to one up the other DPS. but if you throw 3 tanks/3 supports that match is still highly playable. because they have the essentials of tanking and supports. DPS may be highly desired, but without tanks and supports, they can’t go far.

Actually, it depends on the characters being played. You can absolutely make a game where everyone runs dps work. For example, just the other day I played a game where literally everyone dps-locked and it was one of the closest, tightest games I’ve played thus far because both teams were so unbelievably aggressive.

i can’t speak for all support mains, surely some other support mains may object my reasoning but i believe there will be those who stand by me. and i speak up as someone who main in support and then some; that we aren’t fanciful in our kit to do much but those experienced support mains will always be one of the first to call out something first if the team fails to notice. because we generally are at the back of the team rather than front lines. we lend our healing abilities to extend the life of the team, not only to DPS but all team mates and we aren’t healing bots although that is our primary reason, but it isn’t our primary purpose. our purpose is to support, not just heal. surely, many strategies will have one healer stick to one DPS like Phamercy or others. but there are more than meets the eye for just support play style. same with tanking, because some DPS can’t put pressure and pick off opponents efficiently, they can be killed when other strategies leaves them vulnerable like Phamercy who only support one person the entire way. know this, not all support mains play just one style but there are more from where that came from.

Yes, I know why people who main the support roles EXIST and WHY they choose to main them, I wasn’t criticising that. I was criticising their inability to try new things and attempt to learn new roles. I was making a point about their adaptability, not scrutinising how they play their specific roles.

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Blizzard, if you’re reading this and agree “in theory,” but don’t see any other way to deliver a consistent experience to players, here is the answer:

Player education on the value of consistency.

Go call up Day[9] or Artosis. Ask them about the phrase “when you’re ahead, get more ahead.” Ask yourself why Terran players wall rather than going 2-port Banshee every game. Watch a bunch of games by Stats.

After watching some Stats games, watch a random OW ladder game from above. There’s your problem.

This is against the grain, but the game will continue to be handicapped and hobbled until you confront the issue directly.

It is divisive at best, but probably slightly more supported than hated. Papa Jeff recently showed some weekly stats on how many players were doing what gamemode, and a little over half were doing 2-2-2 games, around 20% doing no role lock games, and the rest in other arcade modes.

Ah yes, “how do I solo heal and also tank at the same time”, I too love the on-the-spot OW challenges of old.

There was constant talk of switching and countering and teamcomps since before OW even came out. Hanzo main #349752099 doesn’t care.
As for those examples you mentioned, I don’t know the starcraft scene, but I do know it’s primarily a 1v1 game. OW is a team game, with a lot of emphasis on it too.

then there is the one simple reason they shouldn’t BALANCE. The game is easier to balance if they have 222 restrictions in place, fewer combinations they have to deal with. They don’t have to balance around the fact that people could shoot to potentially run 6 cc heroes and make the enemy team quit cause they can’t play the game. It’s arguable that we can do that now but you get the point. Less scenarios to worry about better balance.

I dont know of any valid data that supports the claim of a majority made in the quote above

Touchè meg

Yes, there was one part I forgot: emphasis on persistent teams.

It’s a shame because 1-3-2 could have worked. That experimental game mode was really fun, and just needed some tweaking.

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I wish you could actually do that and realize that 222 has made the game much better.

132 its not going to happen, the feedback was very negative and the amount of work that they would’ve to do to make it work it’s pointless by now. MAYBE in OW2 but even then I still don’t think it will happen, if they are going to change the system, 232 would be much better.

2-3-2 would require more work than 1-3-2, as you’d also have to buff healers, not just tanks. You could be right though that it would be preferred by the community, but I also don’t think 1-3-2 was completely hated. I liked it, and I play a lot with tanks.

I disagree, I think it would be the opposite because with 232 the only role that needs to change is DPS, on the other side in 132 both tanks and DPS need to be changed.

Completely no, but Jeff said the feedback was mostly negative and they are never going to do something that most people don’t enjoy.

222 needs to stay. For any kind of proof just boot up your game and play the 2 modes available where 222 isnt forced.


I understand and accept that this is how you truly feel, but it remains an opinion rather than a fact

For many of us, myself included, 222 was and still is a very bad change for this game; and made the game much worse

I have played both 222 and role-less

I vastly prefer role-less

Many others have stated the same across many 222-related threads on these forums

You talking about facts is rather ironic since all you do is spread lies through the forums.