Just get rid of 2-2-2 already

Let’s face it. And I mean that seriously. Let’s, once and for all, face the truth here. The 2-2-2 lock was one of the most poorly-thought out, terrible, downright lazy changes to the game since its release, if not THE most poorly-thought out, terrible downright lazy change to the game since its release.

It’s been several months, and I have to say I’ve gotten used to the role lock. All the characters still feel the same (aside from Brigitte’s ridiculous shield nerf) and, in general, the gameplay experience is similar.

I played a few games of quick play classic recently, and I was amazed at how many times I was actually challenged by a team’s composition. Whether they were running a dive come, a bunker comp, being hyper aggressive, super defensive, it didn’t matter. That complete and utter shock I got when me and my mates had to think on the spot again? It reminded me what was so special about Overwatch: flexibility.

This is something I said the second 2-2-2 was announced. If you’re going to have a game where each and every character plays a different role, you CANNOT put restrictions on team comp. That fundamentally limits the amount of approaches people can take in their attempts to win the match. I’ve spoken to people, both in real life AND on official forums, that have literally said that the Overwatch league, and Overwatch in general, was literally more entertaining when GOATS was dominant. Yes, their team composition was overpowered, but at least they DISCOVERED a team composition, that wasn’t FORCED on them.

And while we’re talking about flexibility, let me just address something: 2-2-2 was not put into place to stop people from DPS-locking or DPS-stacking. You really think Blizzard cares about that? They implemented 2-2-2 so it would make the game easier to balance. Instead of heavily considering what each character’s role is, now they can just contorted and alter them so that they work within the 2-2-2 framework, and call it a day. But, while we’re on the subject, wanna know why so many people play DPS? It provides a much bigger range of strategies than healer or tank does. You’ve got your flankers, your skirmishers, your snipers and sharpshooters, got characters who can suppress, characters who can harass and cause chaos, characters who can provide air support, characters who can put down turrets and farm enemy shields for extra DPS, you have characters who can neutralise enemy abilities, and NOW we have a character that can STEAL them.

I’m not saying that the tank and healer characters don’t have different play-styles, but they all serve the same purpose, and it’s not really a purpose that can change depending on the playstyle. Tanks draw fire and soak up damage. Healers restore team-mate’s HP. There’s only so many variations you can design with those purposes in mind, where as the damage class is just there to put pressure on the enemy team, which is a far more general objective, really.

And I’m gonna be honest, and also get a tad personal. I understand that it’s a good idea to get used to a single character, and practise playing as them specifically so that you’re as good at them as you possibly can be. But, if you make that choice, you literally only have yourself to blame when your team-mates all go damage class and you’re dreading having to heal them or put a shield in front of them, because you didn’t think to try new things. I don’t buy the whole ‘maining’ culture when you pick two or three characters and call it a day. That’s not how Overwatch is built. I literally play like half the roster, and it’s fun as Hell. It’s really not that hard.

If you don’t like DPS-stacking, and you can’t be bothered to broaden your horizons, then find a group of friends who you can trust to avoid that. And, if you can’t, or won’t, there’s still no excuse for placing your own grievances over the rest of the community.

And I know what ninety percent of you are going to say. ‘Why not just play classic?’ You’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d like it if people stopped reminding you that it’s selfish and narcissistic to whine and moan about things until you get your way, even if, by getting your way, you destroy what made the thing you’re complaining about unique. Hey, who cares, as long as those pesky dps-stackers and people that mildly annoy you get what’s coming to them? Why should they be able to play the game they payed for how they want? It puts you in a bad mood! Let’s just forget about the rest of the community, who don’t go on the forums or read the patch notes, who don’t follow the politics behind the game, and don’t scroll through hours-worth of posts on the internet. They clearly don’t care about the game if they’re not willing to devote that much time to it, right? I bet they don’t even play competitive!

If you people had some foresight, and were capable of seeing the bigger picture, maybe quick play classic wouldn’t have to be in the arcade in the first place. Maybe you’d realise that the fact we can still play it ISN’T the point, and what we’re REALLY angry about is the fact that you bugged Blizzard into implementing a change that is detrimental to the game’s core, fundamental elements, and every time we bring it up, you merely cut your losses, shrug your shoulders and pretend that the benefits to it, which are really only of minor convenience to the majority of the community, somehow outweigh the immense harm the 2-2-2 lock has done, and what its implementation has taken away. What is the use in completely dividing your playerbase to satisfy one portion of it? How was limiting available strategies and therefore watering down flexibility a good idea AT ALL? In the end, I suppose it doesn’t matter. Like I said, who cares? Long as you get what you want…


Role Queue is way easier to play than Open Queue.
I can see why some people like it.

At the same time, its also extremely restrictive, queue times are dramatically bad. Every match is same variation of previous one. I can see why many (Including me) hate Role Queue so much.

I think most players care about their ranks too much. They cant carry games in Open Queue -> they start to cry that its everyone’s fault but not theirs. Even though teammates in Role Queue are not any better haha :smiley:


I’m not gonna be ‘that guy’ and say that the solution to that first one is ‘git gud’, but generally speaking? When I see people complaining about heroes being overpowered, or certain characters needing to be nerfed, and even way back when I saw people pushing for 2-2-2 in the first place? At the core of it, they were just complaining because they weren’t winning, which is another massive reason I hate the 2-2-2 lock. It appeased a bunch of babies that legitimately just were angry about losing so often.


May be.
And I know tons of players for years asked - Papa Jeff, Widow, for god sake, NERF HER. And it doesnt have to do anything with my (or others) winrate.

Its just not fun to play against. Doomfist is same category -> I think his winrate is not even that high. Probably its negative lol.
But god, how could you think such hero is healthy for game. All heroes should be playable, in theory. In practice, half OW rooster is unplayable because of certain heroes.

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Just make Open Queue Comp a main mode, dump hero pools, and good to go


And I know tons of players for years asked - Papa Jeff, Widow, for god sake, NERF HER. And it doesnt have to do anything with my (or others) winrate.

But it does have to do with you not having enough experience to deal with an obstacle, so instead of gaining that experience, you’d rather complain until the obstacle is removed.

Widowmaker is reliant on where she’s placed. She can hold down a choke-point like nobody’s business and, on maps with large, wide-open areas? That’s like a paradise for her. You either need to engage her up-close, since she sucks in close-quarters, or put enough pressure on her that she backs down, since she’s usually up high and isolated from the rest of her team. You can usually do this with characters like Tracer, Genji, Orisa, Soldier, quite a lot of characters, to be honest.

I’ll admit Doomfist is a bit more of a problem, because there’s not many anti-mobility characters in the game. Orisa’s good at preventing him from retreating so her team can take him out, a decent Roadhog can hook him and mess him up, and Mei is his worst enemy.

For T500 widow oneshot in 10 meters is not that hard, you see. If whoever went after her screws up, your entire team is done. And it also brings us to choice problem - many OW heroes are unplayable because of Widowmaker existence.

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( 20 char )


222’s great, my rank is the same as it was before 222 and I don’t care.

Most (not all) of the problems I was having in my games are gone, I can actually play DPS, without a constant whining from someone else about how I should do what they want, believe it or not.

It’s great, though i agree keep all 4 modes, let people play what they want.


222 is awesome and I am glad that I won’t have more than 2 DPS throwing my games per match.


No thanks, i think 2-2-2 has had more positive than negative feedback so its here to stay whether you hate it or not


Don’t even try it OP.

I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen. We are sick of the queues, so we decide to play other games. Overwatch keeps losing population until the game dies. It’s already dying.

2-2-2 is not gonna change. But don’t worry Blizz sure knows what the’re doing. Look at “Heroes of the Storm” for examp… Oh. Sorry.

Wanna know the future of OW? Take a look at HotS. They don’t know what they’re doing, and they’re about to kill another game.


Didn’t they open some competitive queue?

you will need to accept, that the player base is split into division between those that love RQ and those who despise RQ like yourself. i am just guessing here but perhaps you prefer to choose dps over other roles? hence the strong defensive stance you are against 2-2-2 after encountering OQC? well there was once a division of 4 groups in OW. tank, offense, defense and support. the reason why dps is having a really long queue is because of the high demand of players who as you mentioned believes they are more multi-faceted in choice. also, those they enjoy self-gratification and enjoy basking in the thought that that they contributed rather than supported in the match. is it not?

here as you state and i quote:

i should give you a scenario, put a comp mode between 12 DPS in a match. that match is not going to make it far and it will be endless “strategies” on how to one up the other DPS. but if you throw 3 tanks/3 supports that match is still highly playable. because they have the essentials of tanking and supports. DPS may be highly desired, but without tanks and supports, they can’t go far. also why i took time to elaborate is because for especially support mains are susceptible to DPS flanks and its multi-faceted manner to hunt them down first much less more than 2 DPS in a non 2-2-2 context.

i can’t speak for all support mains, surely some other support mains may object my reasoning but i believe there will be those who stand by me. and i speak up as someone who main in support and then some; that we aren’t fanciful in our kit to do much but those experienced support mains will always be one of the first to call out something first if the team fails to notice. because we generally are at the back of the team rather than front lines. we lend our healing abilities to extend the life of the team, not only to DPS but all team mates and we aren’t healing bots although that is our primary reason, but it isn’t our primary purpose. our purpose is to support, not just heal. surely, many strategies will have one healer stick to one DPS like Phamercy or others. but there are more than meets the eye for just support play style. same with tanking, because some DPS can’t put pressure and pick off opponents efficiently, they can be killed when other strategies leaves them vulnerable like Phamercy who only support one person the entire way. know this, not all support mains play just one style but there are more from where that came from.

TL;DR: cliff notes version: 2-2-2 are enabled because when it isn’t, singled out tank/support became the target of bullying. the exponential degree of neediness from other players showing their ugly side that they call them useless, incompetent etc. step into their shoes of them for a minute. are they truly not supporting/tanking you well? or are you just too privileged to realize how hard their roles are? that is one of the main reason why 2-2-2 have been put together. if you can convince that they won’t be bullied for their role, maybe you can shift the favor better. also, many throwers seems to be DPS playing players (even if they play support or tank) and often found throwing/leaving games. but since we all know toxicity is always at large in online game, it will be unlikely your reasoning for removal of 2-2-2 can be persuaded. this is my detail reasoning. also, you want something non 2-2-2; go ham with OQC!


Yes. It is amazing, it is basically the same as role queue but faster queue times with the occasional triple stacking.

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Honestly I wasn’t sold on it at first but it’s nice to be able to lock a DPS and not feel like an a$$ doing so.

It’s also nice to not have to deal with teams where the only tank is Hog and there aren’t 3 DPS so far scattered that nobody’s getting healed


Well then why doesn’t OP just play that? Sounds like a lot of fun.


It is… it has its issues though. The lower population kind of sucks. I ran into a 5 stack with some top 500 players whereas my team only had a 2 stack and obviously no top 500 players. Kind of annoying, we were spawn trapped like 80% of the offense and they rolled us on defense.

First of all (and as always this isn’t surprising), a lot of the problems listed here are nothing other than the usual myths, or problems with the game itself and not 2/2/2 role - lock.

Also, you’re not going to like his response, but as it has already been validly said hundreads of times already, Quick Play Classic and Competitive Open Queue are available at the Arcade 24/7 for people like you who don’t like 2/2/2 role - lock for… Reasons… Nobody is ““restricting you from playing the game that you paid for””.

Needless to say that 2/2/2 role - lock, for more than obvious reasons at this point, isn’t going anywhere, not even in Overwatch 2 at it has been already officially confirmed.

So really, please finally adapt to the system and and move on, because really to say that this situation has become ridiculous and tiring at this point would be an understatement… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


I think 2-2-2 was one of the best things they have ever added, no more joining a game to like 5dps on my team. Also, if you don’t like 2-2-2, there is always open queue or QP classic.