Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

Her ult could literally do nothing and the majority of the entire playerbase wouldn’t complain because they simply don’t care about her unless she’s OP or has a frustrating ult.

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The most skillful part of her kit, Guardian Angel, has only received buffs. You only have yourself to blame for not being able to outplay people.

Being able to press Q at the right time to get a mass resurrection isn’t the only way to express skill as Mercy.

have you heard about the preemptive rez idea? i think that’d be a really high skill ceiling ability and it doesn’t require for them to change the beam at all

Pressing Q doesn’t increase the skill ceiling for almost any hero IMO.

i meant the preemptive solo rez on her E
and knowing when to press Q is a skill!

Well, my problem with Valkyrie is that it’s absolutely easy to outplay. A decent Widow will immediately shoot you down, so will a Bastion, if there’s a Bob, you’re dead, and I’ve been shot down by McCrees, Ashes, Soldiers, Hanzos, Orisas, even Reapers.

Currently, as healers, I find Moira and Brigitte way easier to play.

I don’t know. I used to be great. I don’t know if it’s all the changes or I just lost faith in my abilities and lost my nerve. But right now it feels like every time I pick Mercy I’m shot, sliced, broken with a hammer, zapped with a Tesla cannon, blown up, shot out of the sky, run over, get smashed into walls, get smashed into the ground and that’s the entirety of my experience with her.

In terms of healing, I can’t keep up with the damage the enemy team deals, if a Reaper focuses me down, GA doesn’t take me away fast enough before two shotgun shots of pellets bring me down. With Moira, I’m constantly healing the team with balls and the spray, with Brigitte, at least I can help out by jumping in front of injured teammates, stunning a Reaper if he sneaks up on us to hit Death Blossom, but with Mercy, I’m just letting the team down, watching everyone die one by one.

Oh and the cherry on top is the uncancelable resurrect. You look around, you judge the situation, you hit rez and a Soldier or Junkrat pops up around the corner and you know that you can’t move, can’t defend yourself, can’t do anything, just stare death in the eye. The frustration of being frozen by Mei, just waiting for her to look into your eyes as she shoots you in the face with an icicle? That’s what rez feels like. Resurrect, which is supposed to be the crowning move, the play that defines Mercy as a person, saving fallen teammates.

Playing her, for me, used to be the most joyful thing in Overwatch. Now it’s a stressing, frustrating experience. The team needs a healer and a tank, my mouse button hovers over Mercy and then I just pick the tank instead.

And that’s my rant, I dunno. It’s just that… I dunno.


Sounds like something that will just benefit tanks. You not going to preemptive rez a head shot on your squishy. But it would be good for a tank that is going death dive on the enemy team knowing the rez will save him

Not a skill that is going to affect your skill cap in a meaningful way

i play enough of mercy to know this is going to affect her skill cap in a meaningful way why don’t you trust me, eh?

Cause you think pressing Q is hard

i don’t think pressing Q is hard i think knowing when to press Q is hard!
trust me now?

Well good luck convincing the rest of the player base that I guess.

If the rework was made to remove the frustration people had when playing against her, it was a success.

For those that used to play her before it, though, yeah… Can’t say I’m happy about it.

I hope at least they give us single-beams in Valk. That ult only makes things easier.


While I agree there isn’t much to differentiate good from bad mercys and that she has a low skill ceiling, I personally like valk. I’m not opposed to a replacement though if something fun comes along. My problem is rez, it doesn’t really belong in the game to begin with. In addition, it’s so powerful that it needs a 30 sec cd and 2 sec cast time, it’s too clunky for a fast paced fps

EDIT: Though I like valk and find it fun, it is pretty weak; especially if you were to take away rez from the game, it would become useless.


It’s not only really powerful, but it also feels awful to use.

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You just described base Mercy to my eyes, determining exactly what the team needs most at any given time. Valkyrie just takes some of those decisions away from you.


I don’t see how Valkyrie takes decisions away, it only adds decisions and options for me.

I must be a better player than some people!


Chain beams, flight, infinite ammo and constant regen take away a lot.


Not really, but if you think so… well, then I guess you think so. :rofl: Good for you!

Edit: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::clown_face:


I think Mercy could use some smaller changes to make her feel better to play again and truly show a difference between a good and bad player :V

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Great point, flawless argument. The emotes really drive the point hard.