Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

I understand where you are coming from. Personally I quit playing Mercy. I want to play her but I just can’t anymore. I feel completely impotent during midfights. Soon as I hear any and I do mean any of the enemys ult lines I know I and my team are seconds away from being dead so I just stopped. Just rose 400 sr playing Sym and Zarya. I hope all other mercy mains stop playing her. It’s really our fault, we love the character so much that no matter how much they keep punching her, we make her pick rate still look good so I am done with her. I am leaving mercy in my past for her own good


there are 2 sides to Valkyrie the defensive side and the offensive side but there are better ultimates for both of those jobs wouldn’t you rather initiate a fight with nano? and wouldn’t you rather defend with trans or beat?

yes and die to widow/soldier/mccree while you’re at it!

nano is a much much better offensive ult!

As someone who plays a decent amount of both Mercy and Moira, I think they both have a lot of problems in common. Both of these heroes are doomed to forever have a low skill floor and ceiling.

communication isn’t the thing that makes games fun! it’s your performance and seeing the outcome and being like “you see that? i did that!” and definitely not “you see that? i told them to do that and they were able to do it and i kept them alive and gave them power!”


lol i was waiting for a huge number and then i saw

keep GA and the beam the way they are and you can change literally everything else!

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Great but the training wheels are still on.

The main thing limiting her skill cap IS the beam

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mercy is OP get better at the gaaaaaaaaaame

playing mercy requires good positioning and awareness why not add abilities that require being good at those things

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So does every hero…

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not as much as mercy because other heroes have defensive tools ana has sleep and nade lucio has boop zen has his right click brig has the shield moira has her orbs i can go through the list with every other hero but i think we’re talking about supports here

Mercy is the easiest hero to do this with.

You don’t even have to look at your target you can just listen to know when you done healing.

So you can watch everywhere while you play. That is the training wheels

that’s the thing that gives her awareness you can heal and you can check and see if someone is flanking

And everyone needs to protect themselves without the ability to watch in every directions or the ability to just GA away every few seconds.

If you guys want the skill capped raised but don’t want to change the beam at all…your going to be waiting a really really long time.

Cause the god tier skill doesn’t come from hold M1 an using GA to fly away when trouble is coming

Eh, the game has them. Someone has to fit the description.

Her ult could literally do nothing and the majority of the entire playerbase wouldn’t complain because they simply don’t care about her unless she’s OP or has a frustrating ult.

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The most skillful part of her kit, Guardian Angel, has only received buffs. You only have yourself to blame for not being able to outplay people.

Being able to press Q at the right time to get a mass resurrection isn’t the only way to express skill as Mercy.

have you heard about the preemptive rez idea? i think that’d be a really high skill ceiling ability and it doesn’t require for them to change the beam at all