Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

Glad we agree you have no argument. Moving on.


I wasn’t looking to argue, I don’t know why you’re so aggressive. I stated my opinion, which you chose to respond to with you own, and all I said was “Yes, you do think that.”

Move on, then, find someone who wants to battle your “wits” :rofl:

And I agreed with you. You didn’t argue at all.

So… who are you arguing with again, exactly? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Am I arguing? I thought we had settled that.

I would say it’s the beam and Resurrect.
Resurrect is the problematic aspect of Mercy, because any form of resurrection based ability in a game like Overwatch is extremely strong, hence why it always has a drawback.
In MOBAs rez abilities are usually self-targeted or single-target and are always ultimate abilities (with very long cooldowns).
In MMOs they can’t be used outside of combat and the ones that can be used in combat have extremely long cooldowns (and the ressed player usually cannot be ressed by a battle rez for a significant period of time), they also don’t resurrect you at full health.
In FPSs they take a long time to use and are usually interrupted by any form of damage.

At the moment Mercy has the best possible form of Resurrect without it being too strong, as a result her rate of healing is much lower than others to compensate for this strong ability, buffing Resurrect more warrants a lower rate of healing to compensate and a higher rate of healing warrants a weaker Resurrect to compensate.

We already know what happens when both aspects of her kit are not in balance, we had it for 6+months and she was a must-pick for the entire time she was in this state.

It seems to me like some people (you) like to argue by default. Good luck with that :+1:

Debates are a fantastic exercise.

It does take two to tango though.

Mercy doesn’t do well in tank comps she’s better suited in mobile or sniper comps. Dps comps in general


LOL Is that what you think you do here?

Okay! Yeah! :clown_face:

Now that’s debatable.

Then she will become MUCH better at supporting tanks, and the last good support for dps will be gone.

Then it’s all tank metas all the time.

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Putting Rez back as a single target ult would free up a lot of power in her kit which could be used on her hps right?

Single target res as ult is weaker than current Rez on e.


Nope because the question is how do you counter something that’s instant

If mass res were ever to come back (which it won’t) it would have the same restrictions that current res does

Could just make her ultimate single target instant resurrect, than give her a different ability on E.


No because that doesn’t have counterplay you might as well keep it as is

Angelic descent should likely be kept as well.

So, currently it has counter play but, if it took your ult it wouldn’t?

How the hell does that work?

Oh, instant Rez.


Think about it, if you make single-target rez an ultimate, that:
1: Opens up the possibility for healing buff
2: Leaves a slot free for a new skill, a chain-heal button, a cleanse ability, anything.
The way I see it the only way for Mercy players to really get something more is to nerf her heal or nerf Resurrect (and personally I think nerfing Resurrect opens up far more options for potential buffs or changes).
Already that’s a far more imaginative change than reworking Valkyrie into Mass Rez but with extra steps or anything else related to bringing back Mass Rez in some form or other.

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Oh I agree with you.

I think it really is the best way forward.

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