Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

Valkryie was neat at first, but its over stayed its welcome. Mercy is becoming a niche pick, and due to her nature any amount of skill won’t make a difference because she isn’t capable of out playing anyone considering her entire kit is hamstrung to not allow her to shine. There’s a reason people laugh about not being able to tell the difference between a good and a bad Mercy.

Mercy is not fine, Valkryie is not fine, take this trash useless ultimate back where it came from and allow me to make a difference in my games again. I’m so sick of not being able to do anything to help my team win. Stop telling me Mercy is in a good spot when she is literally incapable of outplaying anyone because she was designed in such a fashion that she has no room for skill expression.

Get rid of this god forsaken skill ceiling cap that was unfairly placed on her against her will, and allow those that play her to shine again. Stop telling me I’m not allowed to do well with her because I’m playing a low skill cap hero. You MADE her that way. I literally have no damn way of making an ounce of difference because Valkryie skycam spectator mode doesn’t let me make a difference.


Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


I agree with that mostly but would add Valk was never good. First it was brainless and OP, then eventually brainless and terrible :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be great if it got removed permanently. As well as rez on cooldown. Rez should be the ult. It’ll never happen but it’s a nice thought.


Honestly, it’s well past time to reassess Mercy’s role in the game. The rework failed… miserably at that. She lacks the raw healing to be a main healer most of the time and is the only healer that can’t heal and deal damage without swapping weapons. (which is STILL clunky at times)

Valk is terrible, rez on a cooldown is terrible.


OP expresses the interests of the majority of people who like and play mercy. Here come all the people sad their hit Q at the same time strategies failed because they were outplayed.


sweetie i also want a change but it’d be nice if you went into detail instead of just expressing your frustration
also incoming ad hominem attacks!


Mass resurrect isn’t coming back and Mercy is fine right now.


Mercy is statistically balanced. She has a healthy pickrate, an average winrate and her average healing is on par with the other main healers. Heck, it’s second highest.

And I doubt Blizzard, as a company, want to spend more resources and time to rework a hero who is already pretty balanced and is seeing playtime in OWL.


This type of feedback was coming even when the broken Valkyrie hit live. It’s not an issue strongly related with balance, it’s a design problem. Valkyrie needs a couple of tweaks to allow for more player expression.


OP said nothing about balance please read the post before typing “she’s balanced, fun is subjective!”


?? I still have a lot of fun playing mercy, and she feels totally fine and balanced. just put her with a healer like lucio, zen, brig, etc—if you try to solo heal with her, you’ll most likely fail, which is, you know, not fun.
she’s my 2nd most played hero this season sitting at a 76% winrate, no joke. :0

big ol long edit: also, a lot of ultimates are unfun. what i see a lot is players using valk after a strong ult like grav, earthshatter, etc, which your team will die to unlesss you have a sound barrier or trans. it works a little like rally—except you can pop it out to save your team from things like dragonblade—what with it being used to support a push or deter one, usually before the midst of one.
using the unfun argument for valk makes no sense. know what else is unfun? deadeye, stunning yourself for a few seconds with 0 guaranteed kills. blizzard, with an obnoxiously long cast time and maybe like 2 kills per game? transcendence, where you just…hover around your teammates. barrage isn’t even an ultimate at this point now. rally, you just press it and continue on with your day.
i don’t get it, really. i get that fun is subjective, but i’m not seeing as to why there are so many complaints about valkyrie being boring. and if it is, then so what?


but do you disagree that she has a low skill ceiling?


It may shock you, but she actually still does see play in higher tiers when people pull out DPS metas, especially sniper type metas.

She still has a VERY healthy winrate in all ranks, a healthy pickrate (even though GOATS is still pretty prominent amongst high tier ladder and non existent in lower tier play) and while I agree Valkyrie is boring, it is NOT a trash ult.

Timing and usage is key, and while I feel it lasts too long and can be boring, it can also be clutch or secure a fight with damage boost.

So sorry you’re not having fun, but she’s not changing anytime soon.

She is in a healthy spot right now, and avoiding the filter is just gonna get your post deleted instead of taken seriously.


But op did asked for a rework and the removal of Valkyrie.

How can I not take that as hero balancing?

I disagree with Op. I think Mercy IS fine and that her Valkyrie doesn’t needs to be removed.
Unfun? Yes. Easy to play? Heck yes. Unbalanced or broken? No.

And I doubt the developers want to give an already balanced hero an unnecessary rework.

I also want to say that the rework was a massive failure. I don’t think it wasn’t even that needed.

But she finally has hit the healthy spot and I don’t think they should risk losing that with a second rework which may or may not makes things worse.

Also, fun is a terrible reason to balance a hero.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

To whose fun should we balance Mercy?


if your reasoning behind it is that they shouldn’t change her because she’s balanced im going to remind you that the balance triangle exists they might be okay her the stats might say she’s okay but a good chunk of her player base are unhappy with her and before you say no they aren’t i can link you enough posts that’ll keep you busy for at least a week

give me a second to reply to everything!

i don’t, but she’s always had that, so.


I’m fully aware of that.

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle , shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 (with mass rez) fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted. (This could’ve been easily fixed with LOS checks though.)
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played, even though that tactic wasn’t used that often.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. Especially not after Ana’s release. She was even F-tier.

And how does Mercy 2.0 (the current Mercy) fits in the balance triangle?

  1. Players are divided about this. Some Mercy mains like her current kit and some don’t. One thing is for certain and that is that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t complain about Mercy’s ultimate anymore.
  2. The devs have stated that they are not going to revert and rework Mercy anymore. The amount of changes she has received proves that they are trying to make the current Mercy work. (But they could’ve done a better job at balancing her.) In interviews during the Blizzcon did multiple developers even stated that they are satisfied with the state of all support heroes.
  3. Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is still healthy. It seems it’s better in low and mid ranks than in high ranks, but this could be blamed on the fact that Mercy isn’t meta.

I think it’s a bit of everything why she got reworked.

Fun is a terrible reason to balance a hero.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

To whose fun should we balance Mercy?

Also, players who are dissatisfied about something are more likely to express their opinion than those who are satisfied about something.

  • Would a Mercy player who like the current Mercy makes threads about how happy he/she is with the current Mercy?
  • Would a Mercy player who doesn’t like the current Mercy makes threads about how unhappy he/she is with the current Mercy?

1- Are you Ok?
2- Not before they rework mccree ultimate i mean since the start of the game it is kill me button :frowning:

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Honestly I love valkryie
It has won me many team fights before

That being said Mercy does need more

IMO I feel like rez should be easier to pull off (preferably a quicker cast time)

I don’t want mass rez back, feels AWFUL to have an entire team come back, but I would be interested in hearing some new ideas for Mercy

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mercy has a lower than ever skill ceiling right now because there are not enough decisions to be made w/ Valkyrie
before Valkyrie: is a fight going to break out? are we going to push? then i’ll press Q
during Valkyrie: do they have a hitscan(or hanzo in some cases)? yes–> i have to position myself properly no–> i can do w/e i want!
things were different back in mercy 2.0 or mercy 1.0


I feel like I make impacts with Mercy… And tbh I don’t really see how her skill expression was changed? Mass Rez wasn’t all too hard to pull off if you were doing it correctly just like now except you can’t go in and get a last second Rez. If anything it’s harder to pull off a good Rez that does help your team overall vs. being killed over it…

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