I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

I actually think the upcoming patch on the PTR will be a big boon for Mercy.

She performs better with damage dealers rather than tanks, and several damage dealer are receiving some pretty big buffs while other supports are being lowered a bit.

I find her fun. I think there are skme design choices that I don’t necessarily agree with, but I also recognize she’s not going to be drastically changed in the near future, if ever again. I liked both old and current mercy.


So just because blizzard doesn’t agree means we have to pack up and go home? And realize I’m not talking specifically about Mass Rez coming back, JUST about her not being fun in her current state.

And I honestly don’t think people who think shes not fun are a small portion. I talk to people on the forums, on reddit, on twitter, and even in person and all the ones who play Mercy agree that its a chore to play her and would much rather play Ana or Moira these days. I guess we’ll never know for sure but in my experience a lot of people are unhappy, so I won’t just “shut up and go home”.


maybe it’s balanced, but it’s definitely badly designed

does not offer anything remarkable compared to other healers, the ress makes you a stationary target and does not work in a team fight


No one except Mercy Mains agree that she’s not fun. You mean only the people that consistently play her don’t find her fun?? Weird lol. Mercy mains are the most important by far in terms of saying shes not fun or not. Why should a Genji main dictate if shes fun or not for the mains?

Also that’s a lie, I talk to loads of DPS mains since I play DPS and they all say they hate playing Mercy.

I mean that’s not an only Mercy main thing though. Everyone has obsessive people about their Hero, Mercy just for some reason has had the most mains over the years.


This argument has to be ajoke by now. Subjective doesn’t mean it’s unreasonable. Saying Mercy is balanced when balance isn’t the problem is unreasonable. The Valkyrie feedback has been coming ever since the thing hit live and it was so powerful it broke the game. You wanna tell me “she’s balanced” is supposed to cover for that?

You know what else is subjective? Almost everything single darn thing about the game, because it’s a game not a math problem. If that’s your reasoning, stop complaining about nerfs, buffs, hero designs, skills, smurfing, throwing, the ladder, the OWL… After all, it’s subjective and shouldn’t be changed.

And also fork mass res. Valkyrie is busted on its own.


Well I personally have a bunch of complaints. I know this is subjective, kind of a rant and entirely just my experience, not the objective truth - This is my perspective if you’re interested, I gave an answer here:

Also subjective but here’s one of my ideas how to rework her again:

The key is, I would just like for her to be more enjoyable. Honestly, even if I got two, simple non-cancelable, non-casting time, instant resurrects as an ultimate, I would be okay with that. I know the three that I suggest sounds a lot at first, but the loss of chain healing also powers her down and in the face of Ana’s current ult and Baptiste, I think in this current environment it wouldn’t be overpowered.

A matter of subjective opinions, I guess.

Well, from me, that’s the gist of it. No angry ranting and biting your head off, please return the courtesy and don’t shout at me, it’s been a long and draining day.

leaves cookies on the table

If anyone else also had such a day, here. Don’t fight. Just take a cookie.

points towards fridge

There’s also beer in the fridge.

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Mercy’s issue is she has no individual impact or direct impact. All of her impact is enabling her team mates which means your rely fully on your team. She’s balanced when it comes to teams for scrims or pro play, but in ladder she is weak because let’s be honest, most of ladder is working with random people which isn’t the most organized. While I don’t think Mercy is in a horrible state, I think giving her more of an oomf factor would be much better for her. It would be much more rewarding to play, which in turn would make her more “fun”.


I am upset because she is still being indirectly nerfed without giving her anything back to help her.

What I mean is that it’s easier than ever to cancel her res now – oh boy I guess I can just forget E exists.
And the dmg amp change lowers her skill ceiling.
The valk thing is a bug and isn’t nearly enough to cancel out the boop thing.

Sorry guys my 50hps will not safe you but I also won’t res you cause that’s pointless too – great support btw. And pharah? Hi yeah I used to be able to heal you and dmg boost you but now you are just going to be only getting healed K? Yeah you are even more garbage because of me sorry.

I am not even upset about her kit anymore – I gave up the moment when my idea for her new E showed up on Baptiste. I am upset about how her balance is being handled. “sHE Is BaLanCed” – meanwhile getting another nerf even if not intention a nerf is a nerf.


Side note : People found mass rez more fun because it gave her some oomf and felt rewarding because you worked to get your ult vs getting valk which is not a bad ult but its nothing to blush about either. Ps not saying we need mass rez back but just using an example of what feels rewarding/fun.


Today I learned different people enjoy different things and what is enjoyable for one isnt necessarily enjoyable for others.

Cool stuff.


People still call her a bot and yet they still want her more than Moira. I get yelled at to switch off Moira a lot in my GM games. They rather have Lucio/Ana/Mercy than a Moira.

That is why I hoped they buff Moira and they did but they didn’t make Fade 5 seconds. Moira will still be bad in GM and at least Mercy has utility.


Yikes, the age old argument that makes no sense. Even when you people cried that she was broken we said we didn’t think she was fun. How do you explain that?

So she was broken with Rez Ult even back when she was considered a throw pick? K bud. Thats not how that works. Even when I got yelled at for playing Mercy I thought she was at least fun. That’s why I picked her despite being yelled at.

No other community has gone through what the Mercy community has though. I’m not saying most of the behavior is warranted but not every community has the same stuff happen to their hero. Its like saying “Look how good the Tracer community is! Why can’t Mercy players be more like them!” When Tracer has statistically been one of the best heroes throughout the entire life of Overwatch.


I find both free flight and resurrection to be pretty remarkable, myself.


Factually, Mercy is not required to be stationary while performing rez

The player piloting her can certainly choose for her to remain motionless, but under most circumstances, I wouldnt recommend it

There is a crowd of Symmetra mains in the lobby who say they wish to have a word with you…


Sym has gone through a lot, actually probably more than Mercy. I wasn’t trying to say they haven’t, just that every community has different experiences. My bad.


Because she was balanced with 60hps healing, but then they decided to nerf it to 50hps to enforce changes in the main support role which made her statistically one of the worst heroes in the history of OW and then they didn’t even come half way back on the nerf only reverting her Valkyrie’s healing back. Currently Mercy is only viable in lower tiers where players can’t play Ana up to her realistic potential or when Pharah is played (which is a rare niche) and in high tier gameplay Ana simply outheals Mercy so she’s plain underpowered right now.

When you take a balanced hero that didn’t need any changes and give them a rework that makes them totally OP and then nerf them into the ground into a much weaker and unfun hero, theres good reason why people complain.


This is not the reason the devs stated for the change when the change was released

Mercy is played successfully and impactfully at all tiers, including top 500; and she is also selected in meaningful pro matches.

As such, I think it is fairly apparent that she is viable in all tiers, including but not limited to the highest tiers of play

She isn’t fun but I have to play her so make her OP pleeeeez