I've Solved the Armor Problem

Armor is so frustrating and demoralizing to play against for much of the cast. Tracer, soldier, reaper are made useless against it. It doesn’t matter how well you aim, you do not do enough damage due to its high damage mitigation.

It does not feel like you can outplay the armor, and it requires you to swap heroes. A fun outplay mechanic would be treating armor like many other FPS games…


Headshots should avoid armor completely. This is a high-level outplay mechanic that rewards precise aim. It makes logical sense as armor covers the body not the face in many FPS games.


In terms of headshots, armor is not an issue for Reaper at all as an armored headshot will do 180 damage. He shoots twice a second, so even against an armored opponent Reaper can get 360 dps.


Another very needed change would be for armour to come before shields. So then you won’t have to dedicate a whole fight just to chip down Zarya’s or Zenyatta’s armour and hope Brig doesn’t get another ult before the next fight.


Interesting concept.

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I was all geared up for outright rejecting this idea, because my expectations were super low.

But yeah wow. I like this idea.

That said, are we talking all armor. Or Brig given-armor.


Where’d you get this, or how?

Saying you fixed a problem implies there was one to start with.


Armor was never a problem until Brig started breaking the game by giving a mechanic intended to be a balancing factor for tanks to everyone.

Armor was made so you could give tanks reasonable health pools and allow healers a better chance to sustain them. Imagine if Reinhardt had 700 hp, or D.va 800. Would be a nightmare to heal.


I’ve always wondered if the damage reduction takes place before or after the crit multiplier, anyone know?

I believe before, since crit is an external multiplier, while armor is not.

I’m not sure, though.

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Check out this thread:

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Sayonara, Winston, Reinhardt, and Bastion

Welcome back, Widow and Hanzo

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The headshot multiplier takes place before armor reduction penalty. However, head shots often turn the armor debuff from -50% to only -5 points of damage per projectile. The latter occurs when the damage is above 10 points of damage and the former when the instance of damage is less than 10.

In theory it would reward good aim, but in practice I think it would just make people who have obnoxious critboxes and high armor pools (literally any tank) die faster and I feel that would make soldier/tracer too potent against tanks.

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It won’t have a big impact. All the heroes you listed, the ones who are struggling, have high spread.
I have a better idea, just delete brig.

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I don’t understand the argument. Reaper is already in a tough spot in the DPS role and cutting his damage by 50% destroys him.

Edit: There’s a reason reaper isn’t meta into triple tank

It only does a 50% decrease to body shots, but for headshots it is only a 35% decrease.

He still keeps 360 dps

But do you not see that if a hero already struggles and has their damage cut by 35-50% they are a throw hero?

I’ll disagree, but as a Reaper main I’m bias like that.

What? twenty charsss