The Problem With Armor

Armor isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that it’s permanant armor. Make it decay after 10 seconds and increase the cap to 150 to compensate. That way it’s a proper defensive ult and not just a big AoE armor pack. 45 HP/second is a pretty worthless ult, especially for an off-support.

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good idea, but they would never implement it.

1 of 2 things needs to happen

A) the armor is capped at 75-90 armor

B) the armor decays like lucio sound barrier once you are out of the rally circle.

Brigs armor is the only ult that can be used and built at the same time, and that’s a big part of the issue

That’s a really interesting idea and it would definitely benefit the characters who currently struggle against armor, but it also might feel too weak against rapidfire hitscans with great critical acc.

It might be tough to balance so that it’s reasonably protective against great hitscans while not being overly oppressive against lower level players. Or maybe not. Maybe it could work perfectly. I’m honestly not sure.

My personal preference would be to either replace armor with health or simply change armor so that it affects all enemies’ weapons equally. But I sure wish your idea was something that could at least be tested in a custom match. I’m intrigued.

one second of continual fire, while rapid fire hitscan tend to do worse against armor they also tend to have much higher dps, Tracer can still deal 120 dps in a second which is enough to destroy brig armor granted it requires 100% so it’ll probably take a bit more than that I’d say about 2 clips if you have ~40% accuracy OR ask the second dps who might be playing a higher damage per shot to help remove the armor quickly

Hanzo’s Dragons, Wreckingballs minefield, Torbjorns molten core, and Ashe’s B.O.B. can all be built while still in use

I mean, even against armor, Tracer has huge burst potential. Yes her damage is halved but when her initial damage potential is 240-480 with a 100% accuracy on one clip, that doesn’t mean much. She still gets plenty of value. The only thing armor does is put her in line with what most dps have to deal with normally.

Armor has never stopped Tracer from any other tank heavy Meta, including triple tank when was heavily armored. If anything Tracers pulse bomb nerf is more of a hindrance to her this meta than armor is.

It’s actually not my idea. I just put the spin on it that it would only apply to Brig armor.

I've Solved the Armor Problem


45 HP/s is equivalent to a Lucio amp it up that lasts for 10 seconds and then provides a semi-permanent overheal cap of 125 HP. Still very strong in my opinion.

those also go away with time. brig armor stays indefinitely.

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assuming the enemy team doesn’t idk, shoot it.

you don’t have to shoot the other ones to make them go away. Meaning in a short time your value will be back no matter what. if brig and the enemy can play defensively until she gets ult again, your character never gets their value back on the field.

Sure you don’t but the other ones deal damage, Brigitte’s armor does nothing until people decide to shoot it

If you can’t remove Brigitte’s 100 ult armor in the amount of time it takes her to get another ult, while she’s playing defensively, I just have to say it, you don’t deserve to win, plain and simple

We’ve had this conversation before so I don’t want to argue. But I do want to assure you that no Tracer in the world ever shoots at 100% accuracy. It’s simply not a thing unless she’s unloading into a still Roadhog’s stomach at point blank. Even then it may well be impossible to achieve.

The armor that’s existed historically in this game is also very questionable in my opinion, though it’s much less oppressive since it doesn’t generate over 10 seconds or overheal. Rally reduces Tracer’s guns to typically 0 DPS for 10 seconds and then reduces her damage by 50% only after that 10 seconds—when the fight may already be lost.

What I simply want is for Rally to affect all characters equally.

And you would be lying to yourself. 100% accuracy in one clip is not 100% accuracy all game.

lol youre dodging the point. it removes heros from the game entirely because it stays. its literally one of the reason goats is so strong.

no other support ult has a permanent affect, why should brigs?

Yes, that’s my point. “This ultimate is equivalent to another hero’s regular ability”. It’s a massive nerf, even with the overheal. Lucio gives 750 overheal, except his is instant.

You misunderstood. I said it’s a equivalent to a Lucio amp it up lasting 10 seconds with a 125 HP overheal, which potentially provides more than 4 times the healing of amp it up.

Also, Sound Barrier isn’t that comparable as it requires skillful timing, degrades with time and doesn’t discriminate against specific enemy damage types.

I’m glad you brought up Lucio though because I love him and think his ult is a great example that others should follow.

But it’s still not significantly faster than amp it up, which is more important for an ult. And it absolutely is comparable, his would overheal for 6x as much as Brigitte’s while also being instant rather than having to build it up, and you don’t need to already be at full health to get the overheal. Again, the armor isn’t a problem, it just needs to not last forever.

The point that a team playing defensively managed to keep brigs armor at the cost of reduced ult charge gain yet was able to get an ultimate again before the old one was destroyed, that team was horrible, simple as that, its not brigs fault they’re bad.

You mean heroes like Reaper and Roadhog? Heroes who were trash long before she was introduced? That can still easily remove armor because even halved their dps is high.

And I’m not gonna deny that, Brigitte’s rally is one of the reasons GOATs is strong, but its far from the only reason

No other Support ult can make the character invulnerable why should Zen’s? Oh I know, because your comparing apples to oranges, they’re different ults with different effects and purposes

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zen doesn’t make you invincible. a headshot from hanzo or widow will killyou still.

as will a bastion rocket from his ult

as will a nano blade or nano deathblossom

so your comparison is actually whats apples to oranges.

Don’t play spread damage heroes. Boom counterplay.