I've Solved the Armor Problem

I said what I said.

I dont see problem, reaper can deal with reinhardt and hog easly even if they have armor, its for what he was added right? to kill tanks faster than they will kill him.

Reaper mains that are fine with armor? Maybe I’m crazy

this idea will just punish tanks for pretty much existing though

So torb handing out permanent Armor packs every few seconds didn’t matter? I get he wasn’t “meta” but he was there in many games.


In reality most tanks would have to take at least 70% of their HP in crits to have the body shots not soak up the armor. This is very unlikely and would seem well earned

That’s a huge nerf for tanks.

It’s actually interesting how Brig’s armor seems to have a way bigger impact in games than Torb’s ever had. I don’t really know why though. Maybe because Brig also does healing on top of it? Or because Torb didn’t really have it on demand (needed scrap + people had to pick it up themselves)?

is it really though? is it worth making tanks take a big net nerf to reward dps? especially since its something that is essentially punishing the tanks because they are tanks?

Honestly, I think the armor that heroes like tanks and Bastion have as part of their base health should be somehow different from armor that is given by Brig to heroes that aren’t normally armored.

An armored Tracer, for example, I’m OK with this idea because Tracer has no business having armor in the first place. But if it’s one more anti-tank mechanic then I’m dead set against it.


Everyones complaint though was that it stuck around. Which is weird… cause Torb was a crazy armor dispenser if you played him right, it wasn’t just an ult…

The first armor rework concept I won’t criticise.

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Yeah, I know, that’s the weird part about it. A good Torb could practically keep his whole team armored up. I’m also only talking out of personal experience that Torb’s armor was less of an annoyance than Brig’s armor is now (and that’s even in Mystery Heroes where old Torb was close to OP). Just so weird.

If armor goes before shields, Wrecking Ball’s armor would take damage before the shields generated by Adaptive Shields, and Sound Barrier wouldn’t protect Orisa until 50% of her HP is gone.

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There are 2 colors of armor: given armor (brig ult) and standard armor (tanks health pool) they could make it work like that, and it sounds cool


This post was made by the sniper gang

Snipers arent touched by armor that much. They lose 5 damage and that is nothing compaired to the 300 damage headshots do for snipers.
This is more of a chip damage problem for dps like soldier, tracer, reaper and everyone with their highest burst of damage below 10

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I’m just here to say that armor is a great mechanic and there’s nothing problematic in it

Let me guess, your main does burst damage?


Hanzo and Widow barely get affected by armor. It’s heroes with spread weapons that do.

I honestly think this is a good idea. Headshots should be rewarded.