It Hurts To Admit, But

Maybe the anti 2-2-2 crowd was right. At least when it comes to QP.

2-2-2 didn’t make QP better. Comp is probably less stressful. QP is terrible right now, though.

The matchmaker is worse, the games feel “empty” and boring, there’s nothing you can do in some scenarios if your DPS are terrible and you’re playing as Support for example.

The issue of “my team sucks and everybody is playing 5 DPS” changed to “my tanks are dumb and are running + Zarya in Defense.”

New versions of the same old problems. Nothing is essentially fixed.


I had someone making calls and shouting at my team for playing bad in QP when most of us literally go on QP to practice playing different heroes. Let’s just say, it feels a whole lot different.


I personally never felt 2-2-2 would fix any of the actual problems the game has. But I trust they’ll be working on balancing around RQ.

At least there is classic QP to go to (to play whatever hero you want to).


Hey, people wanted Quick Play to be Comp Lite.
They got their wishes.


Nah, comp is more stressful. Now if you queue for dps you have the knowledge that if you lose you have to wait 6-15 minutes (and that’s low rank) for the next game. Now if a role isn’t performing you just have to watch a slow loss. It sucks


For me QP feels many times better now and 2-2-2 is to blame for it. Competitive feels way better too. There amount of times I’ve felt annoyed by being locked into a role in both gamemodes is far less than the amount of times I’ve felt like the game is pointless due to not having 2-2-2.

At best I’ll admit they were right about queue times, but honestly they’re a lot better than I expected them to be.


Nah, qp has become much better. At least there people don’t enforce Double barrier + doom/mei/reaper/symmetra while still trying to win instead of memeing on 5 dps + mercy (if you’re lucky).


If your DPS are so bad that you couldn’t win by going Zen before role queue, it’s extremely unlikely that it has anything to do with role queue rather than your team just not being as good as the opposing one.


I mean i’ve had better games in qp since 222 came. So it pretty much did make the games better.

There’s still qp classic for those who’s against this great system they gave us.

Saying that ‘‘nOtHinG is fixed’’ kinda makes this thread worthless. No offense.


I hate to feel limited by anything. I used to feel “limited” by DPS instalockers. I felt like they basically dictated I couldn’t pick DPS.

Now I’m feeling limited by other things, like a Reaper shooting my face as Support without having at least one DPS in my team who knows how to deal with him.

It is the same feeling of being powerless, suffocated, with “your hands tied” etc. It sucks.


How though? It’s his opinion – he’s saying that 2-2-2 didn’t really solve any of the core issues with the game that many people originally thought it would. How is that worthless?


I like to play QP Classic and Role Queue.

Maybe it’s my MMR range being gold-ish and such, but I don’t really see anything out of the ordinary for QP Classic and Role Queue actually feels useful.

Like what do I see in QP Classic? Generally 3-2-1 (because I fill roles)… Any time that I actually get to play a DPS, it’s like a low chance I get to actually practice the character because the other team decided to be far more dysfunctional.

That’s just it. QP Classic is QP Classic… Which I think is just best summed up as… BS. Am I really warming up? Not really. Am I really learning anything? Not really. Are matches really challenging anything at all? Not really. It’s where I can go to quickly farm up lootboxes.

When I go play Role-Queue QP, at least it scratches the itch to actually practice and learn something.

I don’t think there are more or less tryhards in either mode… I still hear the same commentary of someone going “It’d be nice if Sombra actually did something” in either mode.


At least you can go back to the old quick play if you don’t like role queue.

Ive enjoyed qp so much more since 2/2/2. In the last 2 years before it came, I doubt i played more than 100 games. Easily done that many in the past 2 weeks. I do think tanks matter way too much right now. If the enemy picks double barriers, and you dont, its real hard to win. Tank balance really needs to be looked at. Dont think that is directly a 2/2/2 issue, more of a sigma being added and orisa only getting a small nerf so far.


just spent all day playing rq qp as support. had mostly good games. played moira a bit more than i would like but teams teamplayed and tried to win, voice chat also seems to be getting more use. and i got credits and lootboxes. pog.


Because it doesn’t match their opinion on the Oh So Great Role Queue update, of course.


It isn’t an opinion statement, it is a fact statement and the poster was just wrong.
Examples of opinion statements are “I like blue.” “I dislike role-queue.”
Fact statements would be something like “This font is blue.” “Role-queue is not live yet.”
You’ll notice you can’t disprove the opinion statements like you can the fact statements.

Anyway, to say that “nothing was fixed” is to pretend that the people flexing to roles they didn’t want to play in order to help with team comp didn’t exist. It also pretends that not being able to play your desired role wasn’t actually a problem. Those are two “fixes” that would be really hard to dispute.


Well, actually you are the one that is wrong here. It’s completely an opinion statement.

The clear fallacy in your argument is that there was something broken to begin with.

People flexing into different roles and not always playing what they originally intended was only an opinionated problem for some people. It wasn’t something clearly broken with the game.

If you don’t buy into the fact that nothing was broken to begin with, your argument completely falls apart.


Those are only fixes if people had a problem with it existing in the first place. That isn’t a fix to me, just a restriction, even if it is a fix for someone else. OP not thinking 222 fixed any of the core issues they had with how it was previously makes “it fixed nothing” perfectly fine.


Because it doesn’t fit his desire to dismiss opposing viewpoints, probably out of fear that they’ll take role queue away if people complain about it enough. Can only hope!