Is the report system broken?... no warnings

In cs-go you have some kind of system that I like where if you leave a competitive match then it sorta stacks, but also has a reset. So if your constantly leaving then its something like one day, a week, two weeks, month (etc). You also have a message that warns you about this / continuing to leave. Overall I liked that type of system.

In Overwatch, I have been muted for 60 days (without any warning) followed up a week after I got another 60 day mute (without any warnings). Partially feel its fair as I do get frustrated / mad often, but partially I think its false reports, and where was my warning?

How come I never saw a warning before this mute? Is the warning broken or not working? Is there not like a reset on the report system setting the amount of people to 0? Is it an endless amount of people just stacking up your reports that never resets leading to an automatic punishment just off # of people reporting regardless how many false reports?

Something is fishy to me about the report system that I dont like. Also I know many people false report on a daily bases so it makes me nervous. The Report System is an issue.

Sidenote about “player left match UI”

its annoying having a flashy red screen bottom left corner. Option to turn off?

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Overwatch has an obscene oppressive ruling. Sometimes you may get a warning and sometimes you don’t. They’re fast on the bans though and won’t upheld the appeal. This game only promotes more toxicity than they’re realizing. A lot of players here abuses the report system so bad that I think Overwatch game masters are lazy to review them all. They don’t even check the source if it’s truly accurate or false. Even when false they still accept it as a real report promoting the ban.


Yeah, I don’t know too much on how it works, but the report system makes me nervous and uneasy.

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This is a legit question and not trying to cause any controversy…

Do you know what you did to get the 60 day mute?

Honestly never been banned, muted or anything, but I see people on the forums all the time feeling like they weren’t justified in the “punishment” (for lack of a better term).

Just assume it has one and it doesn’t work.

In the mean time as a work around for it- be nice to your fellow players.

Keep in mind I think this was a few months back, but I am still confused about it when it came to getting no warning, & the 2nd mute.

I only type in chat, but I do get mad at people and do talk trash if people provoke a reaction for me or something is wrong with balance that tilts me… but I will say this.

I never did anything to major extent of being toxic. Only some basic anger / frustration that is acceptable IMO. Like, meaning I never made any death threats, or seriously severe toxic behavior. Also after I got unmuted, I was seriously confused to hell why I got a 2nd mut without warning, and within a week. That part threw me off hardcore.

The 1st one, I was like “ok I guess” the 2nd one I was like “why?..”

First of all, thank you for your honesty!

I definitely understand getting tilted at some people and I think a lot of people are trigger happy with the reporting. There are a lot of people I trash talk to and we both have walked away not mad at eachother! lol But most people can’t do that.

It sounds like the first one may have been “justified” according to Overwatch rules but yea, the second sounds fishy.

The only suggestion I can make is to do what I do:

I actually stream a lot of the time, but when I don’t, I am always in discord with a friend. I complain in there, or to my stream, to keep me from complaining in overwatch voice/chat. Maybe if you can find a way to vent it elsewhere and prevent the mutes…

expect for the ones where they apparently do it again for no reason. :woman_facepalming: I don’t have a suggestion for those lol

I think this is 100% true, and its so easy to be done in the UI.

and yeah, just some basic anger / frustration, but nothing to a severe extent IMO. I did get no warnings for both of em as well. So far havent gotten any punishment, but still skeptical about people, false reports, & the report system.

Some had 90 days, but it came to knowledge that even small banter words like cry baby can grant a silence on your account because you harassed a player. Most likely the player that does the reporting are usually emotional or exploiting the feature to see if it gets the job done a.k.a taking advantage of a faulty system.

Bans stacks up and game masters gets less impatience with their penalty user. They won’t talk to them, but rather have them stay quiet. Less hassle the better.

To have been subject to a silenced account and xp penalty I can tell you that sometimes the warning never pops up on the screen to tell you you’re close to getting punished.

Thats messed up.

I like “avoid player” better, but wish they were permantly out of your game if you avoided them. Otherwise they can still talk trash, but the idea of “avoid player” is more solid, and less broken than the report system. I like the idea of walking away better.

Reporting System should meet basic needs and very acceptable ones. Like a hacker, or death threats, or severe toxic players, not basic video game players who talk trash normally.

as youve already admitted your toxicity in game, you know when you are toxic and you choose to act accordingly. thats your warning.

No, thats just your excuse for trying to defend a poorly done report system

A fair warning, similar to a cop who sees you have no record not giving you a ticket telling you to just take it slow or how in other games give you warnings so you can get a hint is fair. I’ve seen examples of people with extremely punishable actions not get punished… and i’ve seen examples of people with no reason or minimal actions getting punished.

Its a video game, not Disney trying to tell you to cover your ears / eyes for your children.

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Old Blizzard never implemented silences as warning. That’s the new obscene policy. Old Blizzard tells you what you wrote without applying a ban / mute.

whats “Old Blizzard”

(I only played Overwatch from this company).

the report system is an automated joke, it works via highlighting certain keywords. If your reports are found not worthwhile continuously , your reports are essentially ignored.

So for example, if you get enough people reporting you with keywords strung together like “toxic” or “offensive” etc, you’re more likely to be muted or banned. So if you’re playing against people who know how to game the system, you’re more likely to be banned.

They’ve implemented a lazy fix to this, in that there’s certain keywords like “torbjorn” that will just automatically throw out your reports so to cut down on main shaming stuff, but it’s a really poorly done pile of crap.

In short, they don’t care if they actually do something to combat terrible players, they just want to look like they do, so we have no way of knowing whether your mute was warranted or not.


Old blizzard ruling before Overwatch came out you had reasonable game masters that will talk to you. They will uplift penalties because they know how crazy pvp games can get. Only WoW and Hots still carries the old torch of old blizzard policy under the new one that Overwatch worships.

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That sounds decent compared to my awful experience in OW.

Like during that time I went to contact some of the technical support people via web ticket, and I specifically asked them “Can you give me an example of how I was being toxic from my account” and they literally couldnt give me one. I contacted multiple times.

All they had to say was something along the lines of “our data shows you have right to be punished” blah blah blah.

Like I wanted the exact reasons for why, and they wouldnt show me my own accounts problems. They said if I contact them again about the issue it will be ignored basically… they marked it as resolved web ticket, when it wasnt.

Automated ban/silence systems are too easily abused, especially by groups of trolls.


Can I borrow your quote so Jeff and others know their system is not working. The game masters aren’t friendly.