Is the report system broken?... no warnings

I also think so , i got suspended and i have a good feeling it was cus i was playing alot of Symmetra. So i took alot of pictures where people where saying they reported me for playing Symmetra,i even sent in picture of people saying they hope i die or get killed.

And yea, those guys who said all these bad stuff. Still have not gotten a “thank you for the report”

this is the response i got from blizzard: Following a review of your case, we can confirm that the evidence presented was correct and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands and will not be overturned.


Sure, if the intention is to fix the report system for the basics of what it should do.

This has to be officially the spammed robot message they are forced to send.

I got that exact same message.

I specifically asked them to show me proof in instances I was being “toxic” and they couldn’t deliver, and spammed me with that stiff robot message. Contacted them a few times as well to make sure.

A good poster with good insights said this.



Why do the simple things in life that seem like common sense and some basic logic are overlooked and missed. Do the developers lack the sense with the reporting system, or are they just too busy with other projects they are unaware or purposefully skip the reporting system not caring.

They seem to point fingers at us saying we are toxic, when infact their reporting system, and their company just sucks and they are to blame.

They simply don’t care. You can get ban for a hero they created for this game because they support troll reports. If they truly care then responses would be another way, but they don’t. It’s a cash grab game for newcomers.

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I think that has happened to the modern day video game industry in general sense really.

Its become more about profit and self-intrest rather than good content and good ideas within a video game. I’ve been noticing a lot of video games back then had the spark, & the companies were invested in getting the game right to perfection.

Modern day video games turn into self-intrest and profit. Releasing broken games without a care for the community.

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Once the government / corporation puts their foot in. It’s only going to get worst and expect less in return. Indie games the only good ones left.

Yeah that sucks man.

PC master race my ***. You pay a lot to make the gaming PC setup, you go out of your way to buy the game, then the DLC or premium content, even further your giving free feedback, or modding the game working for the developers for free fixing their own broken half-finished game.

Its so stupid.

I think that the gaming industry had that momentum when it was starting out. People were getting their ideas right, and trying to really make some quality video games with a lot of depth to them. Now its more about stealing cash releasing half finished games only caring about the money, and not even giving care to the community.

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