Is Overwatch Unfixable?!

Im asking can it be fixed. The answer is yes if the stop releasing heros for time and focus on what they do have. Yesit would be boring but at least the anount of complaining would dwindle? Buti understand these are opinions…

Boring and less and less player, because even if they stop adding new heroes, all the roster couldn’t be balanced or as much viable in the same time, so it would remain imperfect but boring on top of that

Personally… I don’t think anything is wrong. Its like any other PVP game. Needs constant tweaking and balancing. But nothing is broken about it. Some heroes perform better than others. Name a game that isn’t like this, you cant.

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Let’s take what is obvious as example.


META since almost forever. Poor healing, poor mobility, he only has his dps for him.

Some people want him to be nerfed. Ok. You nerf his damage output ? Zenyata won’t be seen again in game.

(And it would be indirect nerf to flankers who are best targets of his orb of harmony)

Then what? You wanted to balance supports, you create a lack of… if you up a bit his damage and his mobility with a new tool ? What would be the point to play lucio? So again, heroes kit interaction. And we are only taking 2 heroes into account…

Edit : not even talking about heroes who are in check thanks to zeny ! Dragongrave festival the day he is nerfed and disappear from team composition

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Yes. It would be boring. Take a look at TF2. Zero changes since launch. They cap at 40,000 players a week? Maybe? I get what you’re asking, and I get what you’re saying.

What i’m trying to highlight is you’re focusing too much on the negative. This entire community is so negative.

You paid $40 for a game and have gotten 100x more value out of it than any other game you’d spend the same on. Yes, push the devs for balance, but at the same time appreciate what we have as a community. Hell, they pay for us to have our own forums to complain on. What other service does that?

The biggest obstacle to balance is basically mirror matches. It’s almost impossible to tell the relative balance state of a hero when both sides just run the overpowered ones. They really need to bite the bullet and have a one hero per match limit on competitive. They’ll be able to balance things a lot better once they can see how a team without a Hanzo does versus a team with a Hanzo and so on.

I don’t know if smurf can be fixed but they will never be balanced hero.

Okay this bothers me because of course Blizzard can do something about it.

They have all the manpower, skills, talent, resources, and the time to do so. Even the loyalty of the fans is on their side.

So if any company is going to fix a game and properly balance a belived gamr it is this company and should be this game.

There is no excuse. There really is not.

Except it is not because you want something and have the capability do it on one shot that you can do it on this game, again, if you change one hero, could it be for the better or the worse, it will change the interaction he has with others, then you will have to change the others and you will finally come back to where you started…

Examples were given few posts above regarding zenyata…

Yes. We’ve been aware for over 2 years now that this game is going to be in a long time development cycle due to it being a competitive team-based multiplayer game with complex mechanics. If this comes to you as a new thing then I don’t know what to say

People thought the same thing about HotS, but they replaced the balance team’s lead and it’s actually a well done game. Sadly, said removed individual was place in charge of this game’s balance team. We need a change in leadership or this game dies at this point.

Overwatch is broken, please blizz buff this game

but seriously, uh… I kinda believe there could be a balance one day.

Like a total balance.

But with this community wanting nerfs and buffs, im not sure.

I would say the key problem is they constantly overbuff a hero (HANZO!) to a point where it is pointless to pick another hero so that is when mirror matches come into play.

So… what happened? Because the game was great, and now it’s terrible.

If the game wants some serious improvements then I’m sorry but we probably could do with a fresh team. I believe HotS had something similar at some point?

thats your opinion… saying that, theres been aload more bugs last few months… probably an adjustment peroid

The devs probably have a few months before the mass quitting starts.

You can FIX that with logic and maths but then the gaming will be INSANE BORING and LINEAL. example


1.- All tanks should have as EHP: 300 ARMOR - 300 HP

2.- Dva, Hammond, Zarya, Hog should have a barrier similar to WINSTON with 300 HP at least to be able protect their teams in addition with all the abilities they have!

3.- Tanks DPS should be between 70 to 100 as MAX

4.- All ultimates of the TANKS should be defensive ones. Adding ARMOR for their team, Putting a wall similar to Sym ult, Making invencible their team members for some seconds etc

With balances like this in all the classes, OW can be balanced but people will cry on the forums WHERE IS MY UNBALANCED GAME WAWAWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAA

There in lies the designing flaw.

As you stated “Zenyatta has dps.”

As a support…as a supp-Look do I need to point how ridiculous that is? I often times get ticked off knowing we have enough dps and need more healing. When the enemy has a proper tank and healer combo and we end up with one healer. Or one less.

So in this regards healers should be viable across the board and not chosen for a niche reason.

Yes they should be able to handle every situation differently but not being able to keep up with others in the same class? Zen isn’t even competeing for a healing class. He’s competeing for a dps one.

So when you say he’s a healer he really isn’t one. It was their choice to leave little zen with no other positives other than buffing and his healing needs a bit of a pick me up and his dps needs to go down.

The focus for this hero is to stay in his own category. This is why theres a desire to see one aspected nerfed only to see him buffed up and able to stand with the othet healers.

Because guess what? Ana gives one of the most frightening debuffs Mercy can dps too and Moira has to dps. So in regards to the ridiculous claim here for Zen he isn’t needed.

He needs changes to keep up with the CC heavy and mobile like support heros not more dps and he shouldn’t keep it.

Its ideas like those that frustrate mpre so than innovate.

It can be fixed. A simple number swap around and boom you have a healer once more

But for some sick and twisted reason it just never seems to happen. If anything Zen needed a rework more than Torb and Sym because he has less of a place in a smaller pool of heros because he’s pretending to be something else.