Is Overwatch Unfixable?!

thats your opinion… saying that, theres been aload more bugs last few months… probably an adjustment peroid

The devs probably have a few months before the mass quitting starts.

You can FIX that with logic and maths but then the gaming will be INSANE BORING and LINEAL. example


1.- All tanks should have as EHP: 300 ARMOR - 300 HP

2.- Dva, Hammond, Zarya, Hog should have a barrier similar to WINSTON with 300 HP at least to be able protect their teams in addition with all the abilities they have!

3.- Tanks DPS should be between 70 to 100 as MAX

4.- All ultimates of the TANKS should be defensive ones. Adding ARMOR for their team, Putting a wall similar to Sym ult, Making invencible their team members for some seconds etc

With balances like this in all the classes, OW can be balanced but people will cry on the forums WHERE IS MY UNBALANCED GAME WAWAWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAA

There in lies the designing flaw.

As you stated “Zenyatta has dps.”

As a support…as a supp-Look do I need to point how ridiculous that is? I often times get ticked off knowing we have enough dps and need more healing. When the enemy has a proper tank and healer combo and we end up with one healer. Or one less.

So in this regards healers should be viable across the board and not chosen for a niche reason.

Yes they should be able to handle every situation differently but not being able to keep up with others in the same class? Zen isn’t even competeing for a healing class. He’s competeing for a dps one.

So when you say he’s a healer he really isn’t one. It was their choice to leave little zen with no other positives other than buffing and his healing needs a bit of a pick me up and his dps needs to go down.

The focus for this hero is to stay in his own category. This is why theres a desire to see one aspected nerfed only to see him buffed up and able to stand with the othet healers.

Because guess what? Ana gives one of the most frightening debuffs Mercy can dps too and Moira has to dps. So in regards to the ridiculous claim here for Zen he isn’t needed.

He needs changes to keep up with the CC heavy and mobile like support heros not more dps and he shouldn’t keep it.

Its ideas like those that frustrate mpre so than innovate.

It can be fixed. A simple number swap around and boom you have a healer once more

But for some sick and twisted reason it just never seems to happen. If anything Zen needed a rework more than Torb and Sym because he has less of a place in a smaller pool of heros because he’s pretending to be something else.

So, if I sum up, a SUPPORT should heal and that’s it ? A bit ridiculous isn’t it ?

Zen is a healer, no matter what you say, he is. His ultimate is the best burst heal in the game and his purpose is to SUPPORT via healing (even if low) his team’s flankers.

The fact he also has a good debuff and a good dps, is only on balance purpose due to the lack of sustain healing and mobility.

It is not a bad design and yet, he is balanced.

There is plenty of games where some supports can compete with dps (have you ever heard about Lux in League of Legend ? A support yes, but with a frightening dps)

Imagine how frustrating it could be to play healer if you were just fresh meat… it has already been said that this game relies too much on team coordination, if supports were nothing but healers, it would implies they would always need their teammates to deal with flankers, hence lack of players who would like to play this role (and no diversity in the roster due to mono task).

Edit : if you reduce damage output of every healer to increase healing one, even if they deliver it differently, there will always be one better than other because of how he delivers. The only way to bring diversity is to have different way of healing, mobility, and on balance purpose, dps output (a support who lacks healing output and mobility should have a better way to deal with opponents).

Last but not least, when I wrote my post regarding zenyata, it was nothing but my opinion on OP topic, not a an absolute truth, you have the right to disagree, it is why it is a discussion forum :slight_smile:

Have a nice day / good night wherever you could be.

I think this is how it’s going to be for the entirety of the game’s life. Seems that’s just how Blizzard do it - fail to balance and decide to dish out buffs/nerfs so that characters get ‘turns’ being meta. It was the same when I played Hearthstone.

I think the core idea for the game is highly flawed, and the design is more conducive to frustration rather than fun.

If it wasn’t for the high standard of finish (visuals, character design, animated shorts, marketing etc.) this game would have been a flop years ago.

They say you can’t polish a :poop:, but Blizzard has done a pretty good job of it, and fooled us all.

so you’d rather then be in the game and sit with the potrait doing nothing when you’ve hoped to play one of them? right ok… thats logicallly haha

I have literally no idea what it is you’re attempting to say to me.

im saying you would rather heroes be in the game and doing nothing, especially heroes you’d probably want to play because theres a few of them in a bad place and blizzard is only buffing and nerfing to cycle it around to make it fair on each hero…

i bet you’d moan if pharah/hanzo was killing you constantly and easily.

No, that’s not what I was saying at all, the opposite infact.

I’d like less discrepancy between hero viability, instead of buffing certain heroes for a period of time so they see play time.

I don’t like forced metas where I have to play specific characters or else I’m throwing.

ah right fair enough

they are probably trying to do that in all fairness, just harder then it looks i guess haha

The problem is, like already stated, that when there is a hero considered as weak, they try to fix that, but doing so, even a small number tweak can have major impacts (due to abilities interaction over the entire roster)

Remember when S76 came from 21 (IIRC) damages per bullet to 19 ?

He went from top tier to trollpick…

It is not as easy as it seems to be.

Hero balance and bugs are fixable.

Keyboard on consol maybe not.

Smurf accounts could only be fixed by increasing the level requirement for competitive. The higher it is the more you have played so it can already judge you skill level better.

Actually the more heroes there are the more balanced it gets because it provides more strategies and more ways to counter. And yes you’re right that overwatch is more strategy than shooting skill. I think the game is in a great state with the addition of Hammond and recent buffs / nerfs. But people need to understand that hero games are never perfectly balanced and certain heroes will always be too weak or too strong. At some point it might be a good idea for blizz to implement a hero ban system.

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It is just the boring and sh*t one shot abilities.
Here I am walking out of spawn and bang I’m dead.
Wow I definitely feel so outplayed- it’s not like they expected me or something.

It is ridiculous! Someone can just chill very far away and you cannot do anything about it but hide in corners away from line of site- which is hard to do in a team fight btw.
Not fun.

I do not care if we are winning- I just won a game and the enemy widow seemed to be killing us all of the time.
Fun? No
Balanced? No
Requires skill? Not always
By that I mean you can literally sometimes shoot at head height in a clusterf*ck and get a hs every so often.

People may say ‘oh pick genji or someone to counter them’ yeah as if it is that easy.
Try going into the back line trying to fight a widow- she is almost dead by hey ho a mercy comes to help them and I end up dead.
It is really hard to get the widow without playing dive as the rein and everybody else just chill on point or so whereas you- the only ‘dive’ dps has to go in solo to kill the widow.
It just gets boring dealing with the same bs.

Well this is weird because now we have a player confessing that Zen as a support role is chosen only as a snipe side dps or used only for his ultimate. To…counter other ultimates…yeah choosing a hero just for one ultimate and ignoring the rest of his kit for a situation is ludacrious.

Whereas the role he fulfills is of course a healer. I get it the debuff is nice but its not what he’ usually picked for in most matches and tram coordination is one of the few thinga focused in this game unless you have a pre set team. Which is quite sad for a debuff style support hero.

My point is if I choose Zenyatta I ahould have no issue going around playong my pick. But no. Someone bound to point out the flaws of where he falls short or to point out that I probably only choose gim for dps.

Why? Because other supports can do better. Still dish out dps with more mobility.

Zen is chosen for two thing only and meant to be played in two ways only. Thats…bad. isn’t that bad having only two style of a character?

A debuff sniper battery and then a glorified healing bell.

How else do you play him? You don’t which is why you see him less and less. At least eith Brigitte you CC shield others dps peel and heal while also providing armor. Which goes a much longer way than forcing everyone to ball up for healing.

Have to admit at this point that chasing evetyone around for a panic ultimate heal because of low healing output is dumb.

Real dumb. I know I sound bias maybe crazy but after Brigitte and Moira came out and opened the door to more aggressive styles of flexible support sen is…more meh then ever now.

Also the damage reduction or rework is needed. When you compare other supports kits they do it better and have a much better impact when played in the support role.

Zenyatta has to be considered even by pros who admit he is used for dps. Not for healing.

Which means Zenyatta’s discord is mainly used an opressive tool to snipe opponents. I don’t know about you but I’m prrtty sure the time to kill window is almost nonexistent here unless you’re a tank.

Which is another issue I should bring up. Coupled with many other ones shots CC heavy kits and Zenyatta is used on the board to two tap heros. Over his healing abilities.

That doesn’t sound like a support to me. That sounds lile a player who does 't wanna give his opposition any chance to play.

Which then makes playing against a zenyatta feel horrible because his support healing isn’t recognized.

I have no idea how else to say this. But zen most of the time isn’t played as a healer. He may be considered as one but his hraling falls short and his kit forces a player to learn how to eliminate others in a super short kill window because of a damage boost?

When one ability labels a hero that is bad.

The main problem with this arguement is players are acting like Blizzard shouldn’t try to fix this game as best as they can.

Thr fake positivity gived them little reason to react and improve said platform.

When in reality it is the normal procedure for a game such as this to evolve and grow in order to keep up with the times.

Yet we see little progression in any form whatsoever. Everything is built around hype and making players addiction to this game rather than building a good balance wholesome experience.

How do I know this? Bugs are still rampant. There is still F tier and preffered heros for every situation. Still no diminishing returns for CC. Which leads to CC trains in a fast paced shooter where one mistake can kill you. Dps hasn’t been balanced as majority of the roster can be shot to death via a couple of direct hits from 1/3 of the roster.

There is a lot wrong with this game. We just ask that some effort be shown and placed into fixing these issues rather than hyping players with Cinematic shorts of a cliffhanger or the next new hero statue.

Which both do nothing for gameplay experience.

I agree. This game has gone from a decently entertaining team-based FPS to a cycle of nerfs and BS hero launches, and anytime a balance is proposed, it gets sh*t for presenting a new perspective and suggesting that maybe the game isn’t that good

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Overwatch is not fixable, not if they keep going like this. Let me make a list of why I think the dev team are driving this game into the ground:

  • Balance changes such as the recent Ana nano buff take way to long to come out
  • The PTR is useless as no one ever plays it and larger changes are ONLY made once the changes go onto live and the actual serious players get to test it out for them selves. (ex. Mercy was on the PTR for 3 months or something crazy like that and only after she was on live people realized she was busted beyond all belief)
  • Blizzard’s goal of being “inclusive” results in low skill heroes with massive out put potential just so they can have heroes for the less skilled players, these heroes end up destroying the game on all levels and are too good for was too long. (ex. Brigette, a 1 second increase on shield bash won’t make her any less powerful or annoying)
  • They nerf the wrong things all the time. (ex. Tracer’s pulse bomb nerf a while back, something that wasn’t a problem)
  • The team thinks they can make something “work” so they stick with it and refuse to go back on anything, even after massive community backlash (ex. Mercy’s rez being an ability)
  • The team’s undeniable ignoring of certain heroes. (ex. Reaper and Bastion, 2 heroes that have always been very bad in almost all situations)
  • The team wants to add more heroes instead of balancing the game the already very unbalanced game they already have.
  • The introduction of systems that mean nothing and are often forgotten. (endorsements mean nothing b/c people randomly give them out and the LFG system rarely ever used, I never find more than 2 games in there)
  • The recent wave of silence they have been giving, other than them announcing new skins on Twitter, I haven’t seen any forum posts about upcoming balancing or any opinions the team has
  • Every rework has been a failure. Mercy is still broken, Sym is still unplayable and all her dedicated fans cant even find a piece of her left, Bastion is trash, and Hanzo went from a throw pick to super good over night, and the slow rate of nerfs wont solve anything
  • The dev team is S L O W

You game has a lot of issued Blizzard, you can fix them by taking action quickly and not waiting for months on end to fix it. Just start throwing stuff on the PTR and see what works.