Is Overwatch Unfixable?!

I spose it could be fixed IF they stopped releasing heros and focused on who they already have. Until they do this i suppose there is no chance… tbey will never stop releasing heros so its an issue that will never be solved

smurfing is a “problem” for players.

as a business it is not an issue (as means they making more $)

kb on consoles…is not technically a real issue, except that it isnt supported natively. (so not everyone does it and feel at a disadvantage) if it was actually supported then wouldnt be an issue. (blizz has no way to stop it as its not a OW issue but console/user issue)

balancing heroes…this i cant defendas they seem to ignroe the root of issues and make stuff worse.

bugs…are bugs. they always happen. even in a game like WoW which has had decade+ they happen. i wouldnt trust a game w/o a bug in it tbh.

if they didnt release new heroes, maps, game modes… the game wouldnt stand a stand…

We need to talk about names my friend

Thé only way to have a balanced game is mirrored map same path symmetrical for team a and team b, only one weapon to use and one character model…

Boring huh?

exactly. So in reality they are only making it worse for themselves as time goes on.

again, making the game fresh!

Not worse, but a lot harder to content the whole player base (which will never be)

True. But this brings it back to in theory this game is great but in practice it doesnt work… well it ‘does’ but the more heolros they release the more work they make for themselves and thus break their own game

Welcome to the world of every moba ever

In a certain way, yes. They add unknown to an already full of it equation

If the devs don’t take steps backwards?

Who knows.

Some of the threads on here i just browsed

Symmetra rework is shambles
Bastion needs a rework
Rein bugged
Wheres Torba rework
brigitte is OP
Mercy has been ruined
hammond is too easy to kill

These are some of the problems that need sorting. Just some. Its crazy

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Possibly, with the current dev team from what I’ve seen. They’re radio silent most of the time, which already doesn’t help the fact that the game is in a pitiful state.

Keep in mind most of them are unable to step back a bit hence, overreacting…

What do you mean “is never going to work”?

So just scrap the whole thing? Make it so no one can play it ever again because you think it doesn’t work?

Check your hubris at the door.

I look and think i understand they need to release new content… but look at whats unfixed theres a lot. It feels they need a whole studio to fix things which have been left. But im guessing the’re finishing hero 35 or something like that or creating 5 new maps

It’s a $40 dollar game with no subscription. If you get more than 30 hours of game play out of it, you’re miles ahead of the competition. I don’t understand why everyone needs everything all the time. Seriously. They do this stuff for free. Be grateful.

You didnt read my other post. It would work if they just stopped and fixed which is broken. But they wont because we want new content. Its catch 22… it can be done… but wont be

But theoretically they dont need to release new heros… or content just fix the game. We all know why they do its £££ the income they get doesnt stop when u buy the game

Brigitte for example, was a strong request from community to deal with flankers.

Tadaaaa and (rein main I know it) she can be a living hell for tanks like me, but orisa say hello ! Fortify + shooting from far is, in a way, the goto tank